26.3160, Jobs: Portuguese; Psycholinguistics: Assistant Professor, University of Campinas, Brazil

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Jul 6 18:44:54 UTC 2015

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-3160. Mon Jul 06 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 26.3160, Jobs: Portuguese; Psycholinguistics: Assistant Professor, University of Campinas, Brazil

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Date: Mon, 06 Jul 2015 14:44:46
From: Juanito Avelar [juanitoavelar at uol.com.br]
Subject: Portuguese; Psycholinguistics: Assistant Professor, University of Campinas, Brazil, Campinas, Brazil

University or Organization: University of Campinas, Brazil 
Department: Department of Linguistics
Job Location: Campinas, Brazil 
Web Address: http://www.iel.unicamp.br/destaques/nota422.php
Job Title: Psycholinguistics Assistant Professor
Job Rank: Assistant Professor

Specialty Areas: Psycholinguistics 

Required Language(s): Portuguese (por)


The applicant must bear a PhD title and be prepared to teach introductory courses on Psycholinguistics at the undergraduate level as well as advanced ones at the graduate program on Linguistics. 

She/he should also be prepared to supervise research projects on Master and PhD levels. 
It is a tenure track position.

Applicants must know Portuguese at some level of proficiency. 

All the required steps to apply for the job, as well as further information about the position, can be found at the application website below, under "PsicolinguĂ­stica".

Application Deadline: 13-Aug-2015 
Web Address for Applications: http://www.iel.unicamp.br/destaques/nota422.php 
Contact Information:
	Department of Linguistics Chair Juanito Avelar 
	Email: juanitoavelar at uol.com.br 
	Phone: +55 19 3521-1500 

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-3160	

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