26.1226, Calls: Dutch, Historical Ling, Lexicography, Pragmatics, Socioling/Belgium
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LINGUIST List: Vol-26-1226. Wed Mar 04 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.1226, Calls: Dutch, Historical Ling, Lexicography, Pragmatics, Socioling/Belgium
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 04 Mar 2015 17:27:34
From: Eline Zenner [eline.zenner at arts.kuleuven.be]
Subject: aal & Tongval Colloquium 2015. Borrowing: Pragmatic and Variational Linguistic Approaches
Full Title: Taal & Tongval Colloquium 2015. Borrowing: Pragmatic and Variational Linguistic Approaches
Date: 27-Nov-2015 - 27-Nov-2015
Location: Ghent, Belgium
Contact Person: Eline Zenner
Meeting Email: eline.zenner at arts.kuleuven.be
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics; Lexicography; Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics
Subject Language(s): Dutch (nld)
Call Deadline: 19-Apr-2015
Meeting Description:
Taal & Tongval: Language Variation in the Low Countries is a peer-reviewed journal primarily devoted to the study of language variation in the Dutch language area, which organizes an annual one-day colloquium on a current topic in variational linguistics (cf. http://www.taalentongval.eu). The theme of the 2015 edition is: ‘Borrowing: pragmatic and variational linguistic approaches’. It will take place at the Royal Academy for Dutch Language and Literature (KANTL) in Ghent on 27 November 2015.
Being one of the most visible forms of contact-induced variation and change, lexical borrowing has received ample attention in linguistics since the early twentieth century. Studies on the topic have long been conducted from a structuralist, system-oriented perspective, identifying types of loanwords according to their degree of morpho-phonological nativization, charting borrowability of parts of speech and providing lexicographical inventories for loanwords found in corpora (but see Poplack et al. 1988 as early exception).
Recently, new perspectives have been introduced from various angles, studying the pragmatic and social value of loanwords in society and discourse. The overarching question addressed is why language users choose what type of foreign material in which contexts to achieve which social or pragmatic effect.
Amongst others, research along these new lines:
- Patterns sociolinguistic variation in the use of loanwords (Zenner et al. 2014), explores the link between globalization, glocalization and borrowing (Sifianou 2010)
- Studies the borrowability of items beyond the single word level: (1) paying attention to borrowed phraseology and borrowed constructions (see Backus 1999; Furiassi et al. 2012); (2) looking into pragmatic, discursive and gestural borrowing (Andersen 2014; Peterson & Vaattovaara 2014)
- Charts receptor language users’ creativity in molding and altering source language material, amongst others in the form of: (1) bilingual punning (Stefanowitsch 2002; Knöpfe forthcoming); (2) pseudo loanwords (Furiassi & Gottlieb 2015); (3) constructional change (Doğruöz & Backus 2009; Van de Velde & Zenner 2009)
- Verifies the pragmatic necessity of loans, contrasts the use and function of source language material with (e.g. French merci ‘dank je wel’ in Dutch) and without (e.g. English Laptop in German) receptor language alternatives (Onysko & Winter-Froemel 2011; Zenner et al. 2012)
- Describes the pragmatic processes that trigger and explain variation in the morpho-phonological adaptation of loanwords (Winter-Froemel 2013)
- Measures how the use of foreign language material impacts speaker attitudes in applied genres (e.g. advertising; Van Meurs 2010) or specialized groups (e.g. youth language; Androutsopoulos 2005)
- Looks for methodological innovations to study these different issues, e.g. by means of (1) inferential statistics (Onysko & Calude 2013), (2) experimental techniques (Van Meurs et al. 2013), or (3) automatic data extraction (Andersen 2005, Alex 2008)
These and other topics, which can equally be applied to issues relating to grammatical borrowing, will be discussed during the colloquium. Additionally, there is room for regular 20-minute conference presentations.
Eline Zenner (KU Leuven)
Reinhild Vandekerckhove (University of Antwerp)
Invited Speakers:
Gisle Andersen (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)
Esme Winter-Froemel (Trier University)
Frank van Meurs (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Call for Papers:
We invite proposals for regular 20-minute conference presentations focusing on one or more of the issues listed above or dealing with any other pragmatic, sociolinguistic, variational linguistic or methodological aspect of borrowing. We especially welcome papers on contact-induced variation and change where Dutch, dialects and varieties of Dutch, or closely related languages (Frisian, Afrikaans, varieties of Low German/Central German) are source and/or receptor language in the contact setting under scrutiny. Papers focusing on other contact situations are not excluded, provided they raise issues of general theoretical or methodological interest.
If you are interested in contributing to the colloquium, please submit an anonymized abstract (max. 500 words) to eline.zenner[at]arts.kuleuven.be by 20 April 2015. You will hear back from us by 1 May. Name and affiliation of author(s) should be included in the body of the message. Abstracts and presentations may be in English or Dutch.
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