26.1322, Calls: Computational Linguistics/Argentina
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LINGUIST List: Vol-26-1322. Mon Mar 09 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.1322, Calls: Computational Linguistics/Argentina
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Erin Arnold <earnold at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 09 Mar 2015 17:19:19
From: Senja Pollak [senja.pollak at ijs.si]
Subject: Workshop on Replicability and Reusability in Natural Language Processing (at IJCAI 2015)
Full Title: Workshop on Replicability and Reusability in Natural Language Processing (at IJCAI 2015)
Short Title: RRNLP 2015
Date: 25-Jul-2015 - 27-Jul-2015
Location: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Contact Person: Tomaz Erjavec
Meeting Email: tomaz.erjavec at ijs.si
Web Site: http://nl.ijs.si/rrnlp2015/
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics
Call Deadline: 27-Apr-2015
Meeting Description:
RRNLP 2015 – Workshop on Replicability and Reusability in Natural Language Processing: from Data to Software Sharing at IJCAI 2015
Workshop Description:
Even experiments reported in the best journals often present results that cannot be reproduced, either because the original data or software is not available, or because re-running the presented programs leads to different results. Moreover, slight changes in the implementations often (e.g., different parameter settings, dataset size or representation) often lead to significantly different results. At the same time, a number of repositories, web services or processing pipelines for natural language processing (NLP) are being developed, but, so far, without a focus on experiment replicability and comparability. Therefore there is an urgent need to provide repositories of stable NLP datasets, as well as mechanisms and platforms for running experiments that would enable easy comparison of results. Such platforms, enabling the sharing of workflows, could provide major benefits for the entire community: for replicability of experiments it should be enough for the authors to provide the d
atasets, the URL of the developed workflow and the parameters used.
2nd Call for Papers:
Important Dates:
April 27, 2015: Paper submission deadline
May 20, 2015: Notification of acceptance
May 30, 2015: Camera-ready deadline
July (between 25 and 27, one day): RRNLP at IJCAI 2015
Workshop Topics:
We welcome submissions of long and short papers and demonstrations, relating to any aspect of replicability and reusability in Natural Language Processing, including but not limited to:
- Replicability and comparability studies for NLP experiments
- Methodologies for publishing and versioning experimental datasets
- Platforms to enable comparison and evaluation of NLP tools
- Design and implementation of NLP pipelines, workflows and web services
- Platforms for NLP workflow construction and execution
- Collaborative developments of NLP workflows
- Community sharing of NLP web services, pipelines and workflows
- Data standardization and process interoperability, including guidelines for inputs and output format for recomposing new NLP workflows
Submission Details:
The papers should report original and unpublished research on topics of interest for the workshop. The maximum length is eight (8) pages of content for long papers or four (4) pages of content for short papers and demonstrations, plus up to two (2) pages of references. The papers should be formatted according to the IJCAI guidelines, c.f. http://ijcai-15.org/index.php/call-for-papers/ijcai-call-for-papers.
The papers will be published on-line in the Workshop proceedings. We are also making arrangements to have selected papers from the workshop published in a special edition of a journal.
Submission Deadline: April 27th, 2015, 23:59 GMT.
Submission Site: please submit your paper in PDF format via EasyChair: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=rrnlp2015
Workshop Chair:
Tomaz Erjavec (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
Organising Committee:
Tomaz Erjavec, tomaz.erjavec at ijs.si (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Nada Lavrac (Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana)
Sien Moens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Senja Pollak, senja.pollak at ijs.si (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Programme Committee (TBC):
Nuria Bel (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Steven Bethard (University of Alabama at Birmingham)
Claudia Borg (University of Malta)
Walter Daelemans (University of Antwerp)
Thierry Declerck (DFKI)
Tomaz Erjavec (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Marieke van Erp (VU University Amsterdam)
Antske Fokkens (VU University Amsterdam)
Johannes Fürnkranz (TU Darmstadt)
Ulrich Heid (University of Hildesheim)
Nancy Ide (Vassar College, New York)
Nada Lavrac (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Sien Moens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven)
Preslav Nakov (Qatar Computing Research Institute)
Ted Pedersen (University of Minnesota)
Vid Podpecan (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Senja Pollak (Jozef Stefan Institute)
Laurent Romary (INRIA)
Dan Tufis (Romanian Academy of Sciences)
Andreas Witt (Institute for German Language)
Peter Wittenburg (Max Planck Institute)
Supported by Muse
The RRNLP 2015 Workshop is supported by the EU FET project FP7-296703
MUSE ''Machine Understanding for interactive StorytElling'',
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-1322
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