26.1653, TOC: Journal of Semitic Studies 60/1 (2015)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-26-1653. Fri Mar 27 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.1653, TOC: Journal of Semitic Studies 60/1 (2015)
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Andrew Lamont <alamont at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 2015 16:49:54
From: Carolyn Napolitano [Carolyn.Napolitano at oup.com]
Subject: Journal of Semitic Studies Vol. 60, No. 1 (2015)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Journal Title: Journal of Semitic Studies
Volume Number: 60
Issue Number: 1
Issue Date: 2015
Main Text:
Journal of Semitic Studies
Read Volume 60 Issue 1 online now at http://www.oxfordjournals.org/page/6392/1
The Meaning of Paʽam in the Context of Furniture
by Raanan Eichler
The Oath and the Name in 1 Enoch 69
by Jonathan Ben-Dov and Eshbal Ratzon
On Origen's Transcriptions as Preserved in the Works of the Church Fathers
by Alexey Eliyahu Yuditsky
Sumatar Revisited: The Long Inscription of 165 CE
by Andrew Palmer
Meanings and Functions of the Arabic Article al- ‘the’ with Reference to the
Concept of Definiteness
by Amira D. Kashgary
Genealogy and Politics: Muḥammad's Family Links with the Khazraj
by Michael Lecker
An Instrumental-Phonetic Justification for Sībawayh's Classification of ṭā',
qāf and hamza as majhūr Consonants
by Barry Heselwood and Reem Maghrabi
Early Translations of English Fiction into Arabic: The Pilgrim's Progress and
Robinson Crusoe
by Peter Hill
Breaking the Rays of Light: Uniqueness and Innovation in the Works of the
Palestinian Writer Amānī al-Junaydī
by Dorit Gottesfeld
Oswald Loretz, Hippologia Ugaritica. Das Pferd in Kultur, Wirtschaft,
Kriegführung und Hippiatrie Ugarits – Pferd, Esel und Kamel in biblischen
Texten – Mit einem Beitrag von M. Stol über Pferde, Pferdekrankheiten und
Pferdemedizin in altbabylonischer Zeit
Reviewed by K. Martin Heide
Doris Prechel and Helmut Freydank, Mittelassyrische Rechtsurkunden und
Reviewed by Salvatore Gaspa
Pirjo Lapinkivi, The Neo-Assyrian Myth Ištar's Descent and Resurrection. Amar
Annus and Alan Lenzi, Ludlul bēl nēmeqi: The Standard Babylonian Poem of the
Righteous Sufferer
Reviewed by Salvatore Gaspa
Irmtraud Fischer and Mercedes Navarro Puerto with Andrea Taschl-Erber (eds),
Reviewed by J. Cheryl Exum
Robyn Vern, Dating Archaic Biblical Hebrew Poetry: A Critique of the
Linguistic Arguments
Reviewed by Tania Notarius
R.B. Salters, Lamentations
Reviewed by G.M. Knight
Sun Myung Lyu, Righteousness in the Book of Proverbs
Reviewed by Zoltán Schwáb
Mark R. Sneed, The Politics of Pessimism in Ecclesiastes: A Social-Science
Reviewed by Katharine J. Dell
Todd R. Hanneken, The Subversion of the Apocalypses in the Book of Jubilees
Reviewed by David Hamidovic
Gregor Geiger, Das hebräische Partizip in den Texten aus der judäischen Wüste
Reviewed by Ken M. Penner
Shizuka Uemura, Land or Earth? A Terminological Study of Hebrew ’ereṣ and
Aramaic ’araʽ in the Graeco-Roman Period
Reviewed by Siam Bhayro
Aaron Demsky, These Are The Names: Studies in Jewish Onomastics Volume 5
Reviewed by Judith Rosenhouse
John S. Kloppenborg and Judith H. Newman (eds), Editing the Bible: Assessing
the Task Past and Present
Reviewed by Larry W. Hurtado
Jonathan Owens (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Arabic Linguistics
Reviewed by Alexander Magidow
Benham Sadeghi, The Logic of Law Making in Islam: Women and Prayer in the
Legal Tradition
Reviewed by M. Izzidien
Joseph E. Lowry (Editor and translator), Al-Shāfiʽī: The Epistle on Legal
Reviewed by M. Izzidien
Dionisius A. Agius (ed.), Georgio Scala and the Moorish Slaves. The
Inquisition – Malta 1598
Reviewed by G. Rex Smith
Short Notices:
Susan Gillingham (ed.), Jewish and Christian Approaches to the Psalms:
Conflict and Convergence
by Maria Cioată
Preston M. Sprinkle (foreword by Stephen Westerholm), Paul & Judaism
Revisited: A Study of Divine and Human Agency in Salvation
by James Prothro
James C. Vanderkam, The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Bible
by Jarod Jacobs
Domenyk Eades (ed.), Grammaticalization in Semitic
by G. Rex Smith
Read now at http://www.oxfordjournals.org/page/6392/1
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)
Geez (gez)
Greek, Modern (ell)
Hebrew (heb)
Language Family(ies): Semitic
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-1653
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