26.2375, Calls: Language Acquisition/UK
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Wed May 6 19:34:35 UTC 2015
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-2375. Wed May 06 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.2375, Calls: Language Acquisition/UK
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Date: Wed, 06 May 2015 15:34:28
From: Norbert Vanek [norbert.vanek at york.ac.uk]
Subject: Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2
Full Title: Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2
Short Title: TAML2
Date: 20-Jun-2016 - 21-Jun-2016
Location: York, United Kingdom
Contact Person: Norbert Vanek
Meeting Email: TAML2 at york.ac.uk
Web Site: http://www.york.ac.uk/education/taml2
Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition
Call Deadline: 31-Oct-2015
Meeting Description:
We are pleased to announce the 2nd Conference on Tense, Aspect and Modality in L2 (TAML2).
The Conference will start on the morning of 20 June 2016 and close on the following afternoon. All paper and poster presentations will be held at The King’s Manor (University of York), one of historic York's most attractive and unusual venues.
Plenary Speakers:
Andrea Tyler, Georgetown University
Christiane von Stutterheim, Universität Heidelberg
Ianthi Maria Tsimpli, University of Reading
Yasuhiro Shirai, University of Pittsburgh
Key Dates:
31 October 2015: Abstract Submission Deadline
January 2016: Notification of Acceptance
January 2016: Registration Starts
May 2016: Registration Closes
20-21 June 2016: Conference
Conference Organisers:
Kevin McManus (York)
Leah Roberts (York)
Norbert Vanek (York)
Pascale Leclercq (Montpellier-III)
Scientific Committee:
Dalila Ayoun (Arizona), Kathleen Bardovi-Harlig (Indiana), Emanuel Bylund (Stockholm), Laura Collins (Concordia), Llorenç Comajoan (Barcelona), Laura Dominguez (Southampton), Amanda Edmonds (Pau), Alison Gabriele (Kansas), Silvia Gennari (York), Aarnes Gudmestad (Virginia), Alex Housen (Brussels), Martin Howard (Cork), Maria Kihlstedt (Paris-Ouest), Pascale Leclercq (Montpellier III), Sarah Liszka (Greenwich), Monique Flecken (MPI, Niemegen),Kevin McManus (York), Nadia Mifka-Profozic (York), Leah Roberts (York), Inès Saddour (Toulouse Le Mirail), Rafael Salaberry (Rice), Roumyana Slabakova (Southampton), Anita Thomas (Lund), Nicole Tracy-Ventura (South Florida), Norbert Vanek (York), Alexandra Vraciu (Barcelona)
Call for Papers:
You are invited to submit abstracts for papers and posters on any domain and subdomain of temporality in SLA research. Whilst all submissions on the topic will be considered, particularly welcome are contributions with an emphasis on:
- Futurity and modality in L2
- Pedagogical applications of TAML2 research findings
- L2-modulated reorganisation of temporal concepts
- Theory building.
Abstract Submission Policy:
Paper and poster proposals should not have been previously published. More than one abstract per author can be submitted. All submissions will be reviewed anonymously by the scientific committee and evaluated in terms of rigour, clarity and significance of the contribution, as well as its relevance to research on L2 temporality. Abstracts should not exceed 300 words (excluding title and optional references).
Individual Papers and Posters:
Papers will be allocated 20 minutes for presentation plus 10 minutes for discussion. The poster session will last 90 minutes. In order to foster interaction, the poster session will not overlap with paper presentations.
Publication of Papers:
The organisers envisage a selection of papers presented at TAML2 to be published in the journal International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL) as a special issue. The call for publication will follow shortly after the conference.
To submit an abstract, please visit: http://www.york.ac.uk/education/taml2/submissions/
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-2375
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