26.4673, Calls: General Ling, Historical Ling, Lang Documentation, Socioling/Italy

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Wed Oct 21 15:08:43 UTC 2015

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-4673. Wed Oct 21 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 26.4673, Calls: General Ling, Historical Ling, Lang Documentation, Socioling/Italy

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 21 Oct 2015 11:08:35
From: Diana Forker [diana.forker at uni-bamberg.de]
Subject: Language Contact in the Territory of the Former Soviet Union

Full Title: Language Contact in the Territory of the Former Soviet Union 

Date: 31-Aug-2016 - 03-Sep-2016
Location: Naples, Italy 
Contact Person: Diana Forker
Meeting Email: diana.forker at uni-bamberg.de

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Language Documentation; Sociolinguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-Nov-2015 

Meeting Description:

Language contact in the territory of the former Soviet Union

Workshop proposal for the 49th SLE meeting,
Naples, August 31 – September 3, 2016

Workshop Organizers:

Diana Forker, University of Bamberg
Lenore A. Grenoble, University of Chicago

Aim and Background:

This workshop aims to bring together researchers working on languages that are in contact with Russian in a variety of different sociolinguistic contexts.

Russian is one of the largest languages that vastly influences other languages. Contact between Russian and other languages is long-standing and extensive, with Russian speakers expanding across Eurasia to the Pacific coast in the east and to the Baltic Sea in the northwest. The vast geographic and political spread of Russian has meant that its speakers have been in contact with speakers of languages that differ not only typologically and genealogically but also demographically, with some being the so-called small-numbered languages and others major regional languages. This provides fertile ground for the investigation of contact-induced change.

Contact with Russian has provided important data for the study of code switching (e.g. Rusakov 2004), mixed languages, such as Copper Island Aleut (e.g. Golovko & Vakhtin 1990), the interaction between code-mixing and mixed languages (such as Golovko 2003, Pakendorf 2009) and Russian pidgins (e.g. Perexval’skaja 2008), to name just a few.

In this workshop we investigate the linguistic and sociolinguistic interactions between:

- Russian and the so-called small-numbered languages, Russian and languages in the territory of the Russian Federation, or Russian and other languages
-  differing sociolinguistic settings and the role of these differences, with special attention to the question of whether different contact situations lead to different outcomes

Topics and Issues Covered:

We are broadly interested in a wide range of topics, both linguistic and sociolinguistic, involving contact with Russian in the areas of the Baltics, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the North (including Siberia and the Far East).  
These include:

- Language ecologies / contact situations including language attitudes, use
- Consequences for all parts of the grammar (linguistic features): phonetics and phonology, lexicon, morphology, syntax, and semantics
- Code-switching
- Mixed languages
- Language shift
- Language contact without shift
- Language change 
- The relevance of social factors in language shift versus vitality (education, gender, age, mobility, marriage patterns, etc.)


Golovko, Evgenij V. 2003. Language contact and group identity: The role of “folk” linguistic engineering. In Yaron Matras & Peter Bakker (eds.), The mixed language debate. Theoretical and empirical advances, 177-207. Berlin - New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Golovko, Evgenij V. & Nikolai B. Vakhtin. 1990. Aleut in contact: The CIA enigma. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 22: 97-125.
Pakendorf, Brigitte. 2009. Intensive contact and the copying of paradigms: An Ėven dialect in contact with Sakha (Yakut). Journal of Language Contact 2: 85-110. 
Perexval’skaja, Elena. 2008. Russkie pidzhiny. [Russian pidgins] St. Petersburg: Aleteja.
Rusakov, Aleksandr. 2004. Interferencija i perekljuchenie kodov (severnorusskij dialect cyganskogo jazyka v kontaktologicheskoj perspektive). [Interference and code-switching (Northern Russian Romany in a contact perspective]. Doctoral dissertation. Saint Petersburg: ILI RAN

Call for Papers:


Please send preliminary abstracts of no more than 300 words by November 15 to Diana Forker at: diana.forker at uni-bamberg.de

Abstracts will be evaluated by the organizers, and selected abstracts will accompany the workshop proposal. We will notify you of inclusion in the workshop proposal when we submit it on November 25. 

Note that if your abstract is included in the workshop and the workshop is accepted, you will also need to submit a full abstract of up to 500 words to be reviewed by the SLE scientific committee. The deadline for the submission of full abstracts is January 15, 2016.

For further information, please refer to the SLE meeting webpage at http://sle2016.eu/call-for-papers.

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