26.3937, Calls: Ling & Literature, Sociolinguistics, Translation/Italy

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Sun Sep 6 07:17:25 UTC 2015

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-3937. Sun Sep 06 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 26.3937, Calls: Ling & Literature, Sociolinguistics, Translation/Italy

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Erin Arnold <earnold at linguistlist.org>

Date: Sun, 06 Sep 2015 03:17:12
From: Emilia Di Martino [emiliadimartino at gmail.com]
Subject: Translated/ing (wo)men. Migrant writing in English and Italian

Full Title: Translated/ing (wo)men. Migrant writing in English and Italian 

Date: 23-Jun-2016 - 25-Jun-2016
Location: Dusseldorf, Italy 
Contact Person: Emilia Di Martino
Meeting Email: emiliadimartino at gmail.com

Linguistic Field(s): Ling & Literature; Sociolinguistics; Translation 

Call Deadline: 11-Sep-2015 

Meeting Description:

Other Europes: Migrations, Translations, Transformations
MLA International Symposia: Translating the Humanities
Düsseldorf, Germany, 23–25 June 2016
Target rubric: Community, nation, migration, mobility, roots

Invitation to participate in the panel:
Translated/ing (wo)men. Migrant writing in English and Italian

Please send submissions to emiliadimartino at gmail.com and elena.digiovanni at unimc.it. All submissions must be received by 11 September 2015. Notification of inclusion into the panel proposal by 15 September. Notification of the outcome of the panel selection process by MLA by 15 October 2015.

Call for Papers:

Translated/ing (wo)men. Migrant writing in English and Italian

Experiences of migrancy and exile have more often than not produced high quality works, both in literary terms and as far reflection on human issues and invitation to social renovation are concerned. The use of certain languages over others, and the writers’ own languages are a precious source of information, as they bear traces of identity formation, destruction, definition and redefinition. Languages express displacement and relocation, they give shape to the fluid subjectivities of border crossers.

This panel will attempt to explore the microcosms of first generation migrant (wo)men writers, whose connection with the homeland is compelling and makes up the substance of narration. These human universes will be looked into through the analysis of their narrative voices and an investigation into their use of language as tools for literary expression with the aim of viewing how the concept of home/land (imaginary or real) is elaborated and trying to comprehend what direction and what shapes the newness implicit in the hybridity that is the necessary constituent of such a writing is taking. This in response to and in order to address one of the questions identified as central to the conference theme:“what processes of rethinking are taking place that are not turned away from the rest of the world but cognizant of the worlds within Europe?”

We, therefore, encourage contributions focusing on 1) the role of language(s) in shaping cultural and linguistic identities, in recounting migrancy and its many implications, but also 2) on (wo)men writers’ voices as reflected in their literary creations. The focus will be ideally narrowed down to works written in Italian or English, but contributions on migrant writing in other languages where narrative samples are accompanied by translation into either of these languages are welcome.

Please send submissions to emiliadimartino at gmail.com and elena.digiovanni at unimc.it. All submissions must be received by 11 September 2015. Notification of inclusion into the panel proposal by 15 September. Notification of the outcome of the panel selection process by MLA by 15 October 2015.

LINGUIST List: Vol-26-3937	

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