26.4118, Confs: Chinese, Discourse Analysis, General Ling, Pragmatics, Semantics, Typology/Germany
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Fri Sep 18 02:02:39 UTC 2015
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-4118. Thu Sep 17 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.4118, Confs: Chinese, Discourse Analysis, General Ling, Pragmatics, Semantics, Typology/Germany
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2015 22:00:24
From: Daniel Hole [eaclnine at gmail.com]
Subject: 9th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics
9th International Conference of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics
Short Title: EACL-9
Date: 24-Sep-2015 - 25-Sep-2015
Location: Stuttgart, Germany
Contact: Daniel Hole
Contact Email: EACLnine at gmail.com
Meeting URL: http://www.ilg.uni-stuttgart.de/EACL9
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics; Pragmatics; Semantics; Typology
Subject Language(s): Chinese, Mandarin (cmn)
Meeting Description:
Department of Linguistics
University of Stuttgart/Germany
Website: http://www.ilg.uni-stuttgart.de/EACL9
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Kai von Fintel (MIT Cambridge, MA)
Niina Ning Zhang (NCCU Chia-Yi)
Barbara Meisterernst (HU Berlin)
There will be a special theme session on argument alternations embedded in the conference. A call for papers for this special session will be issued separately.
Registration fees: 35 EUR for students, 70 EUR for non-students
All presenters must be members of the European Association of Chinese Linguistics (cf. The membership information on the EACL website; on-site registration will be possible at the conference).
Please direct any inquiries to: EACLnine at gmail.com
Organizers: EACL & Daniel Hole (local organization)
(It is possible to attend EACL-9 without a talk. If you wish to join us, please contact the local organizors.)
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
15:00-18:00 Preregistration & Drinks
Thursday, September 24, 2015
08:30-09:00 Registration
Session 1
Room 17.17
09:00-09:15 Welcome
09:15-10:15 Niina Ning Zhang (CCU Chia-Yi): Decomposing A-movement
10:15-10:45 Coffee & Tea break
Session 2
Room 17.17
Syntax & Semantics
10:45-11:15 Xiaoqian Zhang: Verbal reduplication and event pluractionality in Mandarin Chinese
11:15-11:45 Su, Jing: Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Predicative Structures [you+XP] in Pre-Qin Chinese
11:45-12:15 Cheung, Lawrence and Lam, Margaret: Surprise Ascription of Cantonese Mirative Adverbs
Room 17.12
Syntax & Semantics
10:45-11:15 Chen, Yuan-Lu: Syntactic Movement of Null Exclamation Operator in Mandarin Chinese
11:15-11:45 He, Yuyin: Possessive Clitic de and Separable Verbs in Mandarin
11:45-12:15 Yu, Xinyue: On causative Gei, permissive Gei and purposive Gei in Mandarin Chinese
Room 17.11
Phonology, Morphology, Historical & Experimental linguistics
10:45-11:15 Myers, James: What makes a good Chinese word? A novel test of morphological productivity
11:15-11:45 Wu, Sheng-Shiung and Chiang, Chia-Lu: Tonal Behavior of Chinese Characters as reflected in Cháoxiānguǎn yìyǔ and Ānnánguó yìyǔ
11:45-12:15 Li, Yuan: The Creation of a TenreiBanshōMeigi Database and its Textual Study
12:15-14:00 Lunch break
Session 3
Room 17.17
Syntax & Semantics
14:00-14:30 Donazzan, Marta: Distributive numerals in Mandarin Chinese and the scope of pluractionality
14:30-15:00 Iljic, Robert: HABITUALNESS AND MODALITY
15:00-15:30 Li, Nan: Davidsonian States, Kimian States, and Negation in Mandarin
15:30-16:00 Lee, Chui Yi: Matzai in Cantonese: Negative Genericity and Slack Indication
Room 17.12
Syntax & Semantics
14:00-14:30 Lam, Chit Yu: On the shaping of Chinese negation systems – interaction between Croft’s negative-existential cycle and BE/HAVE evolution
14:30-15:00 Aldridge, Edith: Nominalization and Object Relativization
15:00-15:30 Zhong, Qiuyue: Verb Copying and Beyond
Room 17.11
14:00-14:30 Basciano, Bianca and Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco: On –化 −huà derived verbs in Mandarin Chinese
14:30-15:00 Mazo, Olga: New type of word formation: semi-suffix 体
16:00-16:30 Coffee & Tea break
Session 4
Room 17.17
Syntax & Semantics
16:30-17:00 Xiang, Yimei : Mandarin 'Dou' as a Pre-Exhaustification Operator: Quantification and Free Choice
17:00-17:30 Lim, Sojeong: Aspect of politeness embodiment in Mandarin Chinese -From syntactic and pragmatic perspectives
17:30-18:00 Wang, Xuan-Xiang: Exploring the Discourse Familiarity in Chinese Topic: A case of ziji in a topic position
Room 17.12
Syntax & Semantics
16:30-17:00 Liu, Hsiuhsueh: Variation and change of low vowels in Putian dialect
17:00-17:30 Bartos, Huba: The versatility of dou
17:30-18:00 Wang, Chyan-An Arthur and Wu, Hsiao-Hung Iris: Inner Aspect and Object Displacement:Telicity in Taiwanese Southern Min
Room 17.11
Morphology & Experimental linguistics
16:30-17:00 Bogushevskaya, Victoria: On the consistency of Maevskij’s synchronic theory on written morphemes in Modern Standard Mandarin
17:00-17:30 Hsieh, Fu-Tsai: The Interpretation of Chinese Null and Overt Pronominal Objects by L1-Koreanspeaking learners
Friday, September 25, 2015
Session 1
Room 17.17
Syntax & Semantics
09:00-09:30 Cheng, Yihsin and Ting, Jen: On the Right Node Raising Construction in Mandarin Chinese
09:30-10:00 Erlewine, Michael Yoshitaka: The semantics of the Mandarin focus marker shì
10:00-10:30 Sparvoli, Carlotta: Actuality entailment in the necessity domain: a case for Chinese
Room 17.12
Syntax, Semantics & Experimental linguistics
09:00-09:30 Djamouri, Redouane and Paul, Waltraud: The mixed origin of postpositions in Chinese
09:30-10:00 Tang, Marc: A Connectionist Approach to Numeral Classifiers Semanticity: Is it meaningful enough to be slow in understanding?
10:00-10:30 Lee, Thomas Hun-Tak and Lei, Margaret Ka-Yan: An experimental study on an ongoing syntactic change in Hong Kong Cantonese: Nominalizer insertion in sortal-classifier contexts
Room 17.11
Phonology, Morphology & Experimental linguistics
09:00-09:30 Lamarre, Christine: Verbs of body movement and event quantification: a corpus investigation on patterns yi-V, yi-V-yi-V, V-le (ji) V and V-le yi/ji xia
09:30-10:00 Santos, Miguel: On Caijia suprasegmental morphophonology: tone sandhi vs. verb paradigm
10:00-10:30 Sah, Wenhui: An investigation of narrative discourse of Chinese-speaking children with autism spectrum disorder: Relating narrative events
10:30-11:00 Coffee & Tea break
Session 2
Room 17.17
Syntax & Semantics
11:00-11:30 Takekoshi, Minako: Final Interrogative Particles NE and A in Cantonese Primer: A Study of Early Cantonese Grammar
11:30-12:00 Sun, Hongyuan: On Mandarin futurates
Room 17.12
11:00-11:30 Basciano, Bianca and Melloni, Chiara: On the status of the reduplicant in Mandarin reduplicated verbs
11:30-12:00 Wang, Chyan-An Arthur: Non-episodic V-qilai Constructions in Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Southern Min
Room 17.11
Morphology & Historical linguistics
11:00-11:30 Wang, Shichang, Huang, Chu-Ren, Yao, Yao, Chan, Angel and Xiong, Jiajuan: Crowdsourced Manual Chinese Word Segmentation Dataset WordSegCHC and the Measurement of Word Intuition
11:30-12:00 Mu, Yezi: Tense and Aspect in Early Chinese Buddhist Translations: A comparative study on the Liudu jijing 六度集经
12:00-14:00 Lunch break
Session 3
Room 17.17
14:15-15:15 Kai von Fintel (MIT Cambridge, MA): How to do conditional things with words
15:15-15:45 Coffee & Tea break
Room 17.17
15:45-17:45 General assembly
19:00-21:00 Conference dinner
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Session 1
Room 17.17
09:00-10:00 Barbara Meisterernst (HU Berlin): Possibility modals and their subjects in Late Archaic and Early Medieval Chinese: a syntactic approach
10:00-10:30 Coffee & Tea break
Session 2
Room 17.17
Syntax & Semantics
10:30-11:00 Qiu, Yiqin and Zhang, Xiaoqian: The dichotomy of post-verbal durative phrases
11:00-11:30 Yu, Jia-Chi and Lin, Tzong-Hong: Dissecting the Ability Readings of the Mandarin Modal Hui
Room 17.12
Syntax, Phonology & Experimental linguistics
10:30-11:00 Arcodia, Giorgio Francesco: Towards a typology of relative clauses in Sinitic
11:00-11:30 Yeh, Margaret and Naigles, Letitia: From one verb to two verbs: The acquisition of serial verb constructions in Mandarin Chinese
11:30-12:00 Huang, Chu-Fang: Synchronic regional variations in Hailu Hakka of Taiwan (In Chinese)
Room 17.11
“Argument alternations in Chinese”
Chair: Daniel Hole
10:30-11:00 Xiong, Jiajuan and Huang, Chu-Ren: De-middles and De-unaccusatives in Chinese
11:00-11:30 Huang, Nana: A User-Based Approach to English-Speaking L2 Acquisition of Chinese Low Applicative
11:30-12:00 Yang, Yu’An and Lee, Thomas Hun-Tak: Acquisition of verb argument structure in Mandarin: against the verb island hypothesis
Lunch & Outings
(More details at http://www.ilg.uni-stuttgart.de/EACL9)
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