26.4127, FYI: EMCL 7 Presentations Available for Viewing
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Fri Sep 18 14:16:57 UTC 2015
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-4127. Fri Sep 18 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.4127, FYI: EMCL 7 Presentations Available for Viewing
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Ashley Parker <ashley at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 2015 10:16:24
From: Monica Gonzalez-Marquez [mg246 at cornell.edu]
Subject: EMCL 7 Presentations Available for Viewing
Hello Everyone,
Presentations for the work done during the Empirical Methods in Cognitive Linguistics workshop in Joao Pessoa, Brazil 2015, are available for viewing.
As you may know, during an EMCL workshop, mini-labs composed of two lab-leaders and several students go through the process of conceptualizing, executing and presenting a project, all within the course of one week. This is the fruit of the participants' very hard work.
Projects available for viewing now are as follows:
On the effect of previous experience in title-framing
Benjamin Bergen University of California, San Diego
Maity Siqueira Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Yusuke Sugaya
Rodrigo Lazaresko Madrid
Suren Naicker
Guilherme Mäder
José Costa Filho
Liliane Felix Cavalcante
Jordan Benko
Putting Force Dynamics of English Modal Verbs to the Test
Daniël Lakens Eindhoven University of Technology
Diogo Pinheiro Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
George Christodoulides
Danielly Lima
Dawn Lucovich
Mábia Toscano
Sakol Suethanapornkul
Perfective and imperfective cues in ‘real world’ and ‘dream’ narratives in Brazilian Portuguese
Raymond Becker RWTH Aachen University
Lilian Ferrari Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Adriana Riess Karnal
Agustina Gimbatti
André Lisboa
Flávia Mayer
Francisco Sousa
Hayat Passos
Juliana Ángel-Osorno
Maria Lúcia Leitão
World without end: Telic and Atelic conceptualization of situations in narratives
Michele Feist University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Maria Luisa Silva National Council for Scientific and Technical Investigations, Argentina
Rodrigo Becerra
Luciana Parnaiba
Beatriz Graça
Ludivine Glas
Sarah Ribeiro
Josie Siman
Solange Gonçalves
Teófilo Silva
Remember, save the date! EMCL 8 - Moscow, October 24-29, 2016
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science
Subject Language(s): Portuguese (por)
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-4127
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