26.4161, Confs: Pragmatics/Austria
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Mon Sep 21 15:44:57 UTC 2015
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-4161. Mon Sep 21 2015. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 26.4161, Confs: Pragmatics/Austria
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Anna White <awhite at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2015 11:44:38
From: Gabriella Mazzon [Gabriella.Mazzon at uibk.ac.at]
Subject: Analysis of Fictional Dialogue in Film and TV Series: Between Narratology and Pragmatics
Analysis of Fictional Dialogue in Film and TV Series: Between Narratology and Pragmatics
Date: 26-Nov-2015 - 28-Nov-2015
Location: Innsbruck, Austria
Contact: Gabriella Mazzon
Contact Email: Gabriella.Mazzon at uibk.ac.at
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics
Meeting Description:
To address the ever-increasing interest in the study of film and television series, the Department of English and the Department of American Studies will co-host a conference mainly addressed to students and young researchers. The conference will explore narrative film and TV series from two vantage points: the perspective of pragmatics and the perspective of narratology.
Sessions will be devoted to student- and young researcher-paper presentations (PhD and, MA, relevant seminars to be offered in both departments), as well as external contributors.
Please note that there is no conference fee for this event.
Keynote Speakers:
Prof. Jonathan Culpeper, Lancaster University
Prof. Julia Leyda, Sophia University, Tokyo
Opening and Greetings
Plenary Talk I
“Activity Types and Fictional TV Dialogue: A Contribution to Pragmatic Stylistics”
Jonathan Culpeper (University of Lancaster)
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
Panel I:
Yan Huang (University of Auckland)
“A Fictional Dialogue in Seinfeld: Speech Acts, Neo-Gricean Conversational Implicatures, and Impoliteness”
Tobias Auböck (University of Innsbruck)
“’I Prefer ‘Mr. Soprano’: Terms of Address and Power Relations in The Sopranos”
Narine Vlasyan (Chelyabinsk State University, Russia)
“Role and Functions of Discourse Markers in TV Series Dialogues”
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
Panel II:
Raffaele Zago (University of Pavia)
“A Multi-Dimensional Analysis of Film Dialogue: Colloquialisation and beyond”
András Hlavacska–Márton Petykó (Eötvös Lorand University)
“A Cognitive Semiotic and Pragmatic Analysis of the ‘Mind Is a House’ Conceptual
Metaphor in Two Contemporary Horror Films”
Seminar Paper Session: Linguistics
19:30 Social dinner (Stiftskeller)
Friday, 27 November 2015
Plenary Talk II
“Breaking Bad: A Recessionary Western”
Julia Leyda (Free University of Berlin)
10:30-11:00 Coffee break
Panel III:
Roberta Hofer (University of Innsbruck)
“Lars von Trier’s TV-Series Riget as Auteur Filmmaking”
Christian Stenico (University of Innsbruck)
“Diagnosis: Narrator – The Use of Voice-Over Narration in Scrubs”
12:00-13:30 Lunch break
Panel IV:
Monika Bednarek (University of Sydney)
“A Corpus Linguistic Analysis of Fictional Dialogue in Contemporary US TV Series”
Elisabeth Senft (University of Innsbruck)
“Conversational Aspects of Deontic Modality in Downton Abbey”
Roberta Goss (University of Innsbruck)
“Narrative Complexity in How I Met Your Mother: A Love Story Reversed”
15:00-15:30 Coffee break
Panel V:
Julia Möseneder (University of Innsbruck)
''Skinning the Cat: More than One Way of Telling the Story''
Stefan Rabitsch (University of Klagenfurt)
“The Myth of the British Golden Age of Sail in Star Trek”
Seminar Paper Session: Literature
Conference Closing – Summary and Outlook
LINGUIST List: Vol-26-4161
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