27.1634, Review: Applied Ling; Lang Acq; Phonetics: Derwing, Munro (2015)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-1634. Thu Apr 07 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.1634, Review: Applied Ling; Lang Acq; Phonetics: Derwing, Munro (2015)
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Date: Thu, 07 Apr 2016 13:36:58
From: Martin Gitterman [mgitterman at gc.cuny.edu]
Subject: Pronunciation Fundamentals
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Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/26/26-3622.html
AUTHOR: Tracey M. Derwing
AUTHOR: Murray J. Munro
TITLE: Pronunciation Fundamentals
SUBTITLE: Evidence-based perspectives for L2 teaching and research
SERIES TITLE: Language Learning & Language Teaching 42
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
YEAR: 2015
REVIEWER: Martin R. Gitterman, City University of New York
Reviews Editor: Helen Aristar-Dry
This volume, consisting of ten chapters on a wide range of issues related to
second language (L2) pronunciation, is aimed at a broad readership, namely all
those with an interest in the topic. Within that target audience, the authors
recognize the particular interest the book should have for L2 teachers and
researchers. The authors note that the chapters need not be read in a fixed
order, although it is recommended that the initial chapter (dealing with
terminology) be read first. The book also contains a useful glossary (pp.
Chapter 1, “Key Concepts,” clarifies the definitions of a number of relevant
terms, thus ensuring greater comprehension of the material covered in the
chapters to follow. A useful table is included listing a number of terms along
with their definitions and synonyms. The relationship between terms is
addressed, as needed. Thus, one finds a table illustrating degrees (high or
low) of intelligibility along with degrees (high or low) of comprehensibility.
The results of the four possible combinations (high-high high-low. low-low,
low-high) are spelled out. The same method is used to explain how
intelligibility and accent are intertwined. The chapter also addresses issues
related to the goals of L2 teaching, including mention of the need to focus on
both production and perception.
Chapter 2, “Historical Overview of Pronunciation,” points out that there is
not a long-standing history of research applying phonetics to pronunciation
instruction. The chapter contains a section outlining some aspects of
phonetics and the system of sounds of English, including mention of
orthography. Driven by the historical context of the chapter, phenomena such
as the Great Vowel Shift are incorporated in the discussion. A treatment of
language varieties, including speech with a foreign accent, Is also contained
here. Another section on materials used in teaching focuses on both textbooks
and technology. The chapter also treats the growing research on production and
perception. It is noted, for example, that, “Promising experimental research
indicates that, through strategic manipulation of perceptual input,
improvement in production can be effected” (p. 24). Critically, the chapter
emphasizes the need for additional research on pedagogical aspects of
In Chapter 3, “A Pedagogical Perspective on L2 Phonetic Acquisition,” it is
correctly pointed out, “L2 phonetic acquisition is a diverse area of study
arising from the work of applied and theoretical linguists, experimental
phoneticians, psychologists, pedagogical specialists, and speech-language
pathologists” (p. 29). It is emphasized that while advances have been made in
our understanding of pronunciation acquisition among L2 learners, many
questions remain largely unanswered (see list of questions, p. 30). One area
of general agreement, however, is that adult L2 learners tend to find the
acquisition of pronunciation somewhat more challenging. A detailed analysis
of the biologically-based concept of a critical period is presented,
highlighting existing differences of opinion. A number of variables that have
been addressed in the literature (e.g., motivation, aptitude) enter into the
discussion. Of note, the authors argue that there is somewhat of a disconnect
between much of the research on L2 pronunciation (which tends to focus on the
degree of foreign accent present) and applications to teaching (where
intelligibility is seen as the desired outcome of instruction).
Chapter 4, “Pronunciation Errors and Error Gravity,” addresses L2
pronunciation errors from multiple perspectives. The treatment of the
classification of errors includes, but goes beyond, both segment-based errors
and those rooted in prosody. The explanations are very thorough (see, for
example, the table outlining segmental error-types, p. 58). Also addressed in
the chapter are various models/proposals that have been suggested over the
years to explain L2 pronunciation errors. More specifically, Contrastive
Analysis, Error Analysis, The Perceptual Assimilation Model (linked to Best),
and The Speech Learning Model (linked to Flege) are described, assessed and
contrasted. Teachers are cautioned that it would be unwise to make hasty
judgments about the application of theoretical proposals to pedagogical
practices. It is also noted that not all errors affect speech communication
equally. This matter (i.e., error gravity) is addressed in some detail.
Chapter 5, “Pronunciation Instruction Research,” notes that a review of time
devoted to teaching L2 pronunciation in programs around the world reveals
great differences (teaching described here as “somewhat hit and miss,” p.
78), with research also suggesting that many instructors lack appropriate
training in methods of teaching L2 pronunciation. On another matter of
interest, the advisability of having non-native speakers teaching L2
pronunciation, the authors are fully supportive of the practice (see more on
this point in the EVALUATION section of this review below). A major portion
of the chapter is devoted to describing numerous studies on the teaching of
pronunciation, about which it is said, “Although the research is still
somewhat limited, it seems clear that pronunciation-specific instruction can
be effective” (p. 92). The chapter concludes with a number of useful
curriculum-related matters.
In Chapter 6, “Assessment of L2 Pronunciation,” it is made clear that the
assessment of pronunciation is an important component of any plan aimed at
improving the communication skills of L2 students. The discussion focuses on
describing three types of assessment (needs, formative and summative). Needs
assessment is done initially, formative during the course of instruction and
summative at the conclusion of a period of instruction. Materials to be used
in pronunciation assessment are discussed, with reference made to some
currently available published material. The notions of reliability and
validity are also addressed. The chapter touches on the use of technology in
the assessment of spoken language, cautioning, however, that more work is
needed before one can feel confident about endorsing this practice.
Chapter 7, “Technology in L2 Pronunciation Instruction,” makes the case for a
very balanced and objective assessment of the usefulness of technology in the
classroom. On the one hand, educators should not reject the use of technology
as it clearly can play a very constructive role in achieving educational
goals. On the other hand, it is argued, one should not be too hasty in using
technology that has not been sufficiently studied regarding its viability as a
teaching instrument. It is stated, “….. language teaching specialists need to
critically consider the merits and drawbacks of new products” (p. 122). The
chapter provides examples of appropriate uses of technology as well as areas
where its use is problematic (see, for example, the section on representing
speech visually).
In Chapter 8, “Social Aspects of Accent,” numerous examples are provided to
illustrate that a full understanding of the study of accent requires one to
look beyond the purely linguistic dimension. That is, it is instructive to
look at the human dimension encompassing the emotions/feelings of individuals
about accent, a complex social phenomenon. It is reported, for example, that
some research reveals judgments being made about individuals’ personal
characteristics (e.g.,“unfriendly/friendly, lazy/hardworking,” p. 133)
based only on their accents. The chapter also addresses the personal feelings
of second language learners, with reference to both identity factors and
context. Beyond that, it is argued that “willingness to communicate” (see pp.
147-148) is a major factor in fostering the development of oral communication
skills. The relevance of the material presented in the chapter to teachers
rounds out the chapter.
Chapter 9, “The Ethics of Second Language Accent Reduction,” notes that there
are those who argue that any attempt to change a person’s speech is an
unethical endeavor, as such a change may have a negative impact on a learner’s
sense of identity. The authors, who advocate effective pronunciation
instruction, are not in agreement. They assert (aptly, I would emphatically
add), “It is our view….that if an individual is unable to communicate in the
L2 in a way that interlocutors can understand, the expression of personal
identity is threatened far more than by any changes pronunciation instruction
may bring about” (p. 153). The chapter then raises concerns related to
modifying accents in three contexts. The most serious concerns (and harshest
criticisms) are leveled at businesses established to reduce accents. For
example, some of these businesses, it is asserted, make absurd promises and,
moreover, are not qualified to engage in such work. Suggestions for
improvement in two other contexts (clinical and educational) are also
Chapter 10, “Future Directions,” although quite brief, lays out a rather
detailed agenda to help guide future investigations and initiatives. Items
specified fall within a range of areas (e.g., research, instruction,
technology). The chapter, designed as a natural outgrowth of the preceding
chapters (and containing numerous references to earlier chapters), serves as
a very effective conclusion to the volume.
This book will undoubtedly be appreciated by its readers, especially those
interested (or engaged) in teaching and/or research. The authors have, without
question, been successful in achieving their goal. Those who read this book,
regardless of their current knowledge of the topic, will gain a fuller
understanding of the field, encompassing what has already been done and
touching on what remains to be done in the years ahead. The extensive
reference to previous research throughout the book in the context of the
assertions and arguments contained therein heightens the appeal of the book.
There are numerous aspects of the book worthy of praise.
Among the issues clarified in the book is the distinction between accent and
intelligibility. Accent is a reference to “a particular pattern of
pronunciation that is perceived to distinguish members of different speech
communities” (Table 1.1, p. 5). Intelligibility, on the other hand is “the
degree of match between a speaker’s intended message and the listener’s
comprehension” (Table 1.1, p. 5). This distinction serving, in some measure,
as a running theme throughout the book, is linked to the critical point that
accented speech should not be equated with failed communication. By
extension, it is argued, correctly, I believe, that instruction should be
aimed at improving intelligibility, not at producing speech that parallels
that of native speakers. This message, when heeded by instructors, will be of
immeasurable benefit to students. It is also commendable that the concept of
intelligibility is discussed in a broad context, touching, for example, on
vocal factors (such as volume) and gestures.
The belief that L2 instructors of pronunciation should be native speakers of
the language being taught is justifiably rejected. The viewpoint of the
authors, while undoubtedly consistent with the thinking of the overwhelming
majority of linguists today, needs to be more widely understood, particularly
among educators and educational administrators . This volume helps meet that
need and does so with supporting evidence from the research. Any attempt to
limit the exposure of students to only a single language variety is illogical.
As already noted, intelligibility is not restricted to speech produced by
native speakers. It is also the case that an attempt to expose students to a
single variety is not even achievable (more on this point below).
Among the many helpful recommendations made in this volume is the one
suggesting that instructors should discuss the overall topic of pronunciation
with students. It is asserted, “Distinctions among terms such as
‘intelligibility’ and ‘accent’ should be discussed, as well as matters such as
accent discrimination, and the roles and expectations of interlocutors in
conversations” (p. 100). The authors of this book recognize that it is
important not only for instructors to have an understanding of the concept of
accent as a linguistic and social phenomenon, but also to understand that
their students should be so informed if one hopes to maximize the benefits of
classroom instruction. This book highlights the importance of the feelings
(i.e., mindset) of students as an important factor in effective instruction.
The treatment of this topic should be of great interest and practical value to
Additional features that add to the appeal of this book include the wide range
of topics covered, the extensive reference to research, the analytical and
insightful manner in which issues are examined, and the lucid style in which
the book is written.
As with any work, even exceptional ones such as the book being reviewed here,
suggestions come to mind. In this work, it might have been helpful to provide
additional details on and discussion of dialect diversity, including examples
of both regional and social dialect differences in pronunciation. By so doing,
it would have been made clear that native speaker pronunciation and speech
with a foreign accent are in one sense linguistically similar, namely, both
are abstract concepts incorporating a range of varieties. An understanding of
this reality would likely help strengthen the rationale behind establishing
intelligibility, and not native-like speech, as the goal of L2 pronunciation
instruction. There is no linguistically sound basis for establishing
native-like speech as the goal. Put simply, a dialogue with two native
speakers and another with one native speaker and one speaker with a foreign
accent are both likely to have a speaker engaged in a conversation with a
speaker of another variety. Of course, and on a somewhat independent point,
most linguists agree (including the authors of this book) that
intelligibility, unlike native-like speech, is a more realistic goal,
particularly with adult learners.
It might have been instructive to include more detail (although not
necessarily a complete lesson plan) of a sample suggested lesson aimed at
pronunciation improvement. While the goal of the book was not to prescribe a
particular methodology, some additional information on classroom methodology
would not have been inconsistent with the overall aim of the authors.
In sum, this book should be read by aspiring and practicing L2 teachers as
well as other interested individuals (e.g., applied linguists). It has much to
offer. It is well researched, well written and conveys an important message.
Martin R. Gitterman is Professor Emeritus at Lehman College and The Graduate
Center, The City University of New York. He served for six years (2003-2009)
as Executive Officer of the Ph.D. Program in Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences
at The Graduate Center. His areas of specialization include applied
linguistics, neurolinguistics, second language acquisition and bilingualism.
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