27.1864, FYI: Call for Chapter Proposals: When ''Home'' Means More Than One Country
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Apr 22 14:07:33 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-1864. Fri Apr 22 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.1864, FYI: Call for Chapter Proposals: When ''Home'' Means More Than One Country
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté, Sara Couture)
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Date: Fri, 22 Apr 2016 10:07:24
From: ASIRU HAMEED TUNDE [asiruhameedtunde at yahoo.com]
Subject: Call for Chapter Proposals: When ''Home'' Means More Than One Country
Call for Chapter Proposals
When "Home" Means More Than One Country
The Discursive (Re) Construction of Identities in Trans-National Migrant
Daniel Ochieng Orwenjo,
Department of Language and Communication Studies,
The Technical University of Kenya
Email: orwenjo at daad-alumni.de
Asiru Hameed Tunde
Umaru Musa Yar’adua University, Katsina, Nigeria
Email: asiruhameedtunde at yahoo.com
The discursive construction of identity has become a central concern amongst
researchers across a wide range of disciplines both within the humanities and
the social sciences. Migration is a process of social change where an
individual, alone or accompanied by others, because of one or more reasons of
economic betterment, political upheaval, education or other purposes, leaves
one geographical area for prolonged stay or permanent settlement in another
geographical area. When people migrate from one nation or culture to another
they carry their knowledge, worldview, fears and aspirations with them. On
settling down in the new culture, their cultural identity is likely to change
and that encourages a degree of belonging; they also attempt to settle down by
either assimilation or biculturalism. Language, probably more than any other
human factor is the greatest contributor to, and a manifestation of this
process of identity construction.
Studies on migrants have lately taken different discursive dimensions from
media, security and economic perspectives. These perspectives are usually
geared towards understanding the political and economic implications of
migrants around the world. However, one area that still needs scholarly
attention is linguistic practices of migrants in their identities
construction. Trans-national migrant communities around the world have always
had to deal with this dilemma of identity regarding their places of exodus and
where they are settled. This is because parts of the elements that
traditionally define a man are connected to his place of extraction, language
and other sociocultural practices. As a result, migrants are usually stranded
between the choices of either constructing new identities for themselves
through the language and cultural practices of their new settlement or
retaining their language which, most times, becomes a sub-variety of their
source language because of contact with the language of their new environment.
Their identity construction will be such that it varies owing to their
different experiences from their place of migration and their new settlement.
Also pertinent to this discourse is media portrayal of migrants which leads to
several forms of representation and identities. Media representation often
develops to be a norm, in most cases, for defining migrants. Through negative
representations, some are labeled lazy weaklings, terrorists who move in waves
to another settlement. How some of these stereotypes are constructed and
challenged and immigrants self identity construction will be part of the
interesting topics that will be covered in the proposed book.
Objectives of the book
The proposed book will investigate the linguistic practices, norms and
controversies woven around identity construction and reconstruction by, and
of, migrants. By implication, it will contribute to scholarship on
migrant/refugee discourse which, at present, is taking an unprecedented rate
in the world. A proposed book of this nature is, therefore, important as it
will provide new insights and perspectives to the studies on migrant
Target audience
Researchers, academicians, graduate students, policy makers and the general
public will find the book as a good reference for further researches about
migrants and to make reliable conclusions about linguistic practices of
migrant communities.
Recommended topics
The proposed book will have both empirical and theoretical chapters covering a
wide range of topics which include, but are not limited to the ones listed
- (Re)construction of migrant identities by migrants
- (Re)construction of migrant identities by natives
- Language use in migrant communities
- Media representation of migrants
- Language policies in migrant communities
- (Re)construction of migrant heritage identities
- Enculturation of cultural elements in (re)construction of migrant identities
- Acculturation of cultural elements in (re)construction of migrant identies
- Identity Structure Analysis
- Migrant political identities
- Migrant religious identities
- Migrant ethnic identities
Submission Guidelines
Researchers are to submit a maximum of 2-page chapter proposal which should
include an Abstract, Title and specify the thematic focus of the chapter. The
submissions should be sent to asiruhameedtunde at yahoo.com and copy
orwenjo at daad-alumni.de
The book is scheduled to be published by PETER LANG International Academic
Publishers as part of the book series: Language, Migration and Identity (ISSN
2296-2808). For additional information regarding the publisher, you could
visit www.peterlang.com?LMI
Important Dates
Proposals Submission Deadline: 31 May, 2016
Notification of acceptance: 15 June, 2016
Full Chapter Submission: 15 September, 2016
Return of reviews: 15 November, 2016
Final Chapter Submission: 15 December
Inquiries and submissions should be forwarded by mail to:
asiruhameedtunde at yahoo.com and copy orwenjo at daad-alumni.de
Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Language Acquisition
Language Documentation
Philosophy of Language
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