27.4952, Calls: Indo-European, Gen Ling, Genetic Classification, Historical Ling, Typology/Greece

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Sun Dec 4 20:27:20 UTC 2016

LINGUIST List: Vol-27-4952. Sun Dec 04 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 27.4952, Calls: Indo-European, Gen Ling, Genetic Classification, Historical Ling, Typology/Greece

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Sun, 04 Dec 2016 15:27:04
From: Leonid Kulikov [Leonid.Kulikov at UGent.be]
Subject: Morpho-syntactic Isoglosses in Indo-European: Diachrony, Typology and Linguistic Areas

Full Title: Morpho-syntactic Isoglosses in Indo-European: Diachrony, Typology and Linguistic Areas 

Date: 31-Mar-2017 - 02-Apr-2017
Location: Thessaloniki, Greece 
Contact Person: Nikos Lavidas, Artemij Keidan, Leonid Kulikov
Meeting Email: nlavidas at auth.gr, artemij.keidan at uniroma1.it, Leonid.Kulikov at UGent.be
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/a/uniroma1.it/ie-isoglosses/ 

Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Genetic Classification; Historical Linguistics; Typology 

Language Family(ies): Indo-European 

Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2016 

Meeting Description:

Keynote Speakers:

Jóhanna Barðdal (Ghent University)
Krzysztof Stroński (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań)

Workshop Conveners:

Artemij Keidan - Sapienza University of Rome (artemij.keidan at uniroma1.it)
Leonid Kulikov - Ghent University (Leonid.Kulikov at UGent.be)
Nikolaos Lavidas - Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (nlavidas at auth.gr)

The last decades are marked with an increasing interest towards the study of
isoglosses shared by some branches of the Indo-European language family. As is
well-known, next to well-established branches such as Germanic, Greek or
Indo-Iranian, there are larger subdivisions within Indo-European, grouping
together several branches, in accordance with a number of features,
traditionally called isoglosses, shared by more than one group, or by several
languages not belonging to the same group (branch-crossing isoglosses). Such
isoglosses were always in the spotlight of vivid Indo-Europeanist discussions,
giving rise to numerous hypotheses on early splits within Proto-Indo-European
or, on the contrary, later contacts among historically attested languages.

Next to a few notorious isoglosses, such as the kentum/satəm division, or the
'ruki' division (retraction of the sibilant s), which have been known for a
century or so, there are a few less studied morphosyntactic features, often of
a much vaguer nature, that equally group together a number of branches and/or
languages. These include, for instance, the presence of augment (prefix
*(H)e-) (in Indo-Iranian, Armenian, Greek and Phrygian), several isoglosses in
the evolution of the PIE case system (such as the development of the
agglutinating cases in Indo-Iranian and Tocharian), the emergence of the
infinitive form of the verb, several types of evolution of constructions with
non-canonical subjects or the two types of evolution of transitivity
oppositions (syncretic vs. antisyncretic type, roughly corresponding to the
West/East division within Indo-European branches), the emergence of a separate
lexical class of adjectives. 

There are three possible types of isoglosses, as far as their origin and
nature are concerned.

1) A common innovation within a genetic group of languages; such innovations
correspond to the divergent isoglosses, allowing the creation of phylogenetic

2) Mutual contacts between (and borrowings from) separate branches and
daughter-languages; these are the convergent isoglosses, originating from
either direct contacts among sister languages, or common borrowing from a
common ''substrate'' language.

3) Random coincidences and common drifts. Some convergent developments can
arise thanks to the general principles of natural morphology. In terms of
markedness degree, it can be observed that unmarked outcomes are more
widespread than the opposite.

Moreover, while in the 19th and most of the 20th centuries Indo-European
studies predominantly focused on historical, comparative and reconstructional
aspects of the Indo-European linguistic family, thus entirely remaining within
a descriptive and genetic framework, from the end of the 20th century onwards
Indo-European linguistics increasingly concentrates on the typological and
explicative evaluation of the reconstructed proto-language and its historical
evolution/development(s) towards its reflexes actually attested in the
daughter languages. In this perspective, the convergent isoglosses represent
one of the most reliable tools for the analysis of the structure of
Proto-Indo-European, its dialectal split and its further evolution towards
actually attested Indo-European languages.

Final Call for Papers:

The idea of the workshop is to bring together scholars interested in a
systematic study of Indo-European isoglosses, with special focus on the domain
of morphology and syntax, and related problems and thus to contribute to the
research of the ancient Indo-European morphosyntax. The issues to be addressed

- Modern approaches to the analysis of the archaic Indo-European morphosyntax
and morphosyntactic reconstruction
- The origins and mechanisms of the rise/emergence of isoglosses
- Indo-European isoglosses (with special focus on morphology and syntax) and
early splits within Indo-European
- Isoglosses in nominal morphology
- Isoglosses in verbal morphology
- Isoglosses in syntax and main types of the evolution of syntactic categories
in Indo-European
- IE and PIE tense, aspect and actionalities
- Word order and its evolution in PIE and IE
- Expansion and decline of non-canonical subject/object marking and other
changes in syntactic patterns in Indo-European
- Expression of possession: be and have languages and related issues
- Isoglosses in morphosyntax of non-finite forms (infinitives, converbs,

The workshop will be part of the 23rd International Symposium on Theoretical &
Applied Linguistics (http://www.enl.auth.gr/istal23/) organized by the
Department of Theoretical & Applied Linguistics, School of English, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki, to be held on March 31 - April 2, 2017, in
Thessaloniki, Greece.

Please submit your abstracts via the EasyAbs page at
http://linguistlist.org/easyabs/ISTALisoglosses2017 .


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