27.165, FYI: Call for Book Chapters: Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-165. Fri Jan 08 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.165, FYI: Call for Book Chapters: Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas
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Date: Fri, 08 Jan 2016 12:52:17
From: Chaka Chaka [kgauwe at webmail.co.za]
Subject: Call for Book Chapters: Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas
Call for Book Chapters:
Full Book Chapter Submission Deadline: February 15, 2016:
Handbook of Research on Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas
A book edited by Chaka Chaka & Charles C. Mann
To be published by IGI Global:
Classically and prototypically meaning scattering and dispersion (especially
of human beings), diaspora has multiple definitions and can be conceptualized
from varied disciplinary and epistemological perspectives. However, as a
construct, diaspora cannot and need not be confined to a single, static and
valorized authoritative definitional fingerprint. It has to be seen in its
entirety with its related variants and permutations as informed by relevant
epistemological premises and relevant theoretical underpinnings. The analogy
that can be employed here about diaspora is different shades of diaspora to
refer to its many variants and permutations. The functional value of this
analogy is that it refocuses the construct of diaspora as it relates to
multiplicity of individuals as instantiated by labels as such as Jewish
diaspora, Indian diaspora, African diaspora, and so on. In the context of this
handbook of research, this resonates with African diasporas in its plural
sense as within African nationalities there are many and varied forms of
diaspora which, in turn, have their own variants and permutations. It is this
plural sense of African diaspora that the handbook seeks to explore,
investigate and interrogate through the instrumentality of new frameworks, new
methods, new approaches and new models as they relate to their respective
cognate disciplines.
In this case, three implications are embodied by this handbook of research
project. First, this handbook seeks to provide a fresh lens through which to
explore, investigate and interrogate African diasporas as a field of study
that, like many other areas of study, can meaningfully contribute to the
existing body of scholarly knowledge. Second, the handbook is intended to
achieve the following two core knowledge generating goals: to undertake an
extensive and in-depth scholarly treatment of African diasporas - based mainly
on original research grounded in requisite literature and informed by relevant
methodological tools - by scholars, researchers and practitioners from
disparate disciplines; and to mount an extensive and in-depth scholarly
exposition of African diasporas by scholars, researchers and practitioners
from disparate disciplines with an eye to making a significant conceptual or
empirical synthesis that advances the scholarship of African diasporas as a
subject area. Third, the handbook provides an opportunity for scholars,
researchers and practitioners from varied disciplines to appropriate African
diasporas (both as a construct and as a field of study) as a launching pad to
explore, investigate and interrogate African global human movements and
trajectories together with their related global contours.
Issues related to African diaspora may have been researched and documented
accordingly. However, there exists a scholarly need to investigate and
interrogate African diasporas (in a plural form) using new frameworks,
methods, approaches and models drawn from diverse disciplines (e.g., social
sciences, humanities, Internet-human interaction, information and
communication technology, online environments, social networking, and the
digital world) that can be presented in a composite research handbook. This is
particularly so since real life African diasporas, virtual African diasporas,
and the interface between the two realms of Africa diasporas remain a
seemingly uncharted and untapped area. It is this area and a plethora of
topics on African diasporas as recommended below, that this research handbook
intends investigating and exploring.
So, some of the questions this research handbook will try to answer are the
- What new frameworks, methods, approaches and models for investigating and
interrogating African diasporas can scholars, researchers and practitioners
share with their peers and others?
- What documented and researched life-changing and real life experiences of
African diasporas can scholars, researchers and practitioners from different
regions share with their peers and others?
- What are projects, pilots, experiments, initiatives and case studies
focusing on African diasporas scholars, researchers and practitioners from
different regions can share with their peers and others?
- What thought-provoking, well-argued, high-quality and cutting-edge essays
interrogating African diasporas can scholars, researchers and practitioners
share with their peers and others?
NB: Poor quality or poorly framed contributions, or contributions that merely
recycle or plagiarize ideas, views, frameworks, methods, approaches and models
will not be considered!
Objective of the Book:
The overall aim of this publication is to provide a two-volume collection of
research on African diasporas using new frameworks, methods, approaches and
models from an international group of scholars, researchers and practitioners.
The Handbook of Research on African Diasporas: New Frameworks, Methods,
Approaches and Models will provide a rich collection of critical analyses,
case studies, empirical research, and best practices. The handbook will be of
great benefit to a multi- and cross-disciplinary audience of scholars,
researchers, practitioners, professionals, administrators and students in
social sciences, the humanities, information and communication technology,
online environments, social media, computers and the Internet. The handbook
will also have a high scholarly impact on and be of a great academic value for
this composite audience. Besides, some of the stakeholders from this audience
might want to use it as a reference book. So, its publication is justified on
this basis.
Target Audience:
The handbook will bring together a pool of respected authorities from around
the globe to provide a comprehensive coverage of the most important issues,
concepts, trends and debates on African diasporas for a multi- and
cross-disciplinary audience of scholars, researchers, practitioners,
professionals, administrators and students in social sciences, the humanities,
information and communication technology, online environments, social media,
computers and the Internet.
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to the following:
Contributors are welcome to submit chapters on the following topics relating
to African diasporas:
- Defining diaspora
- Typologies of diaspora
- Theorizing, historicizing and periodizing African diasporas
- African diasporization
- African diasporas and peoples
- African diasporas and migrations
- African diasporas and trans-border mobility
- African diasporas and transnationalities
- African diasporas, pan-nationalism and cosmopolitanism
- African diasporas, postcoloniality and postmodernity
- African diasporas, transnational spaces and communities
- African diasporas and languages
- African diasporas and imagined narratives
- African diasporas and identities
- African diasporas and online identities
- African diasporas and mediated identities
- African diasporas and social media networking
- African diasporas, the Internet and online life
- African diasporas and online life
- African diasporas in the age of information technology and the Internet
- African diasporas, job creation and the discourse of intrusion
- African diasporas and, labor market and career opportunities
- African diasporas and the narrative of entitlement
- African diasporas, education and learning
- African diasporas and trans-human relations
- African diasporas, heritage and cultural pluralism
- African diasporas and indigenous knowledge systems
- African diasporas, survivalism and territorialism
- African diasporas, othering and stereotyping
- African diasporas and shades of xenophobia
- African diasporas, power and conflicts
- African diasporas and law
- African diasporas and politics
- African diasporas, ethics and morality
Submission Procedure:
African diaspora scholars, researchers and practitioners are invited to submit
full book chapters (8,000 - 12,000 words) on or before February 15, 2016, via
email for review. Only relevant book chapters that focus on the content and
address the issues informed by the overall objectives of the book will be
considered for acceptance. Authors of accepted book chapters will be notified
by March 15, 2016 to revise their book chapters. Revised book chapters are
expected to be submitted on April 30, 2016, and final book chapters are
expected to be submitted on June 30, 2016. All submitted book chapters will be
subjected to on a double-blind review process. Where necessary, contributors
may also be requested to serve as blind reviewers for this project.
This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group
Inc.), publisher of the “Information Science Reference” (formerly Idea Group
Reference), “Medical Information Science Reference,” “Business Science
Reference,” and “Engineering Science Reference” imprints. For additional
information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com. This
book is anticipated to be released in 2016.
Important Dates:
Full Book Chapter Submission Deadline: February 15, 2016
Double Blind Review Process: February 16-March 16, 2016
Notification of Acceptance: March 22, 2016
Revised Book Chapter Submission: April 30, 2016
Final Book Chapter Submission: June 30, 2016
Inquiries and submissions can be forwarded electronically (Word document) or
by mail to:
Dr. Chaka Chaka
Faculty of Humanities, Tshwane University of Technology
Private Bag X680, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Tel.: +(0)12 382-4716
E-mail: chakachaka8 at gmail.com
Prof. Charles C. Mann
Faculty of Humanities, Tshwane University of Technology
Private Bag X680, Pretoria, 0001, South Africa
Tel.: +(0)12 382-9557
E-mail: MannC at tut.ac.za
NB: Please ensure that the submission you email to one editor is also CC’ed
(copied) to the other author.
A: Details to Keep in Mind for Your Full Chapter Submission
Chapters must:
- be submitted in Microsoft® Word.
- be typewritten in English in APA style
- Originality of chapters. Only ORIGINAL chapters will be accepted for
publication. Upon acceptance of your chapter, you will be required to sign a
warranty that your chapter is original and has NOT been submitted for
publication or published elsewhere.
- Revised chapters. IGI Global will not publish a chapter that is a “revised”
version of a chapter that you published elsewhere. While your chapter may
certainly be based on the same data and research as another chapter published
by you, the chapter you submit to IGI Global must be a completely new and
original work—in other words, it must NOT have the same wording or formatting
as another chapter previously published by you.
- Images. IGI Global requests that your chapter not contain more than five to
eight images (images include screenshots, figures, tables, graphics, etc.)
- Submission. Images are generally classified into two types – figures and
- Figures should NOT be included within the text of your chapter. All figures
must be submitted as separate .tif files. (It is important that you CLEARLY
indicate in the text where the images should be placed by including a caption.
Please see “Chapter Organization and Formatting” [below] for an example). If
figures are not included as separate .tif files, you will be contacted for
their submission and production will be held until they are received.
- Tables can be included in the text of your chapter if they were created in
Word and are NOT image files. Otherwise, they should be treated as figures
(see above) and submitted separately.
- Color. Please note that while images will appear in color in the electronic
version of your manuscript, images will appear in black and white only in the
printed version; thus, for images of the best quality, it is important that
you submit your images in black and white or gray scale.
- Size. Please ensure that all images submitted for publication are sized
exactly as they should appear in print. Additionally, please ensure that your
.tif files are saved at a 300+ dpi setting for the best quality.
- Numbering. Figures should be numbered according to their appearance in the
text of your chapter (i.e., the first figure in your chapter should be labeled
“Figure 1”; the first table in your chapter should be labeled “Table 1.”). In
order to ensure the proper placement of all images, please ensure figure/table
numbers are included BOTH in your captions AND within the name of each
separate .tif file.
- In-text citations. Please ensure that all information in your chapter that
is taken from another source is substantiated with an in-text reference
citation. Please also note that your references must follow APA (American
Psychological Association) style (The publisher will return your chapter to
you for correction if you do not properly format your references.).
- While some examples of references in APA style are included in the following
pages, it is highly recommended that you reference an actual APA style manual
(5th edition). If you do not own an APA style manual, you may either 1)
consult your library or 2) visit APA’s Web site to order your own copy:
http://www.apastyle.org/pubmanual.html. It may also benefit you to consult the
following pages of APA’s Web site for frequently asked questions and other
http://www.apastyle.org/faqs.html and
- In-text citations should NOT be numbered. When you use the source in the
text, the author's name and year of publication should appear within
parenthesis. An example of this is: (Travers, 1995). Please do not include any
abbreviations. Please see the following examples:
- In most organizations, data resources are considered to be a major resource
(Brown, 2002; Smith, 2001).
- Brown (2003) states that the value of data is recognized by most
- Direct quotations. The author's name, date of publication, and the page(s)
on which the quotation appears in the original text should follow direct
quotations of another author's work.
- Brown (2002) states that ''the value of data is realized by most
organizations'' (p. 45).
- ''In most organizations, data resources are considered to be a major
organization asset'' (Smith, 2003, pp. 35-36) and must be carefully monitored
by the senior management.
- If a direct quote that you wish to include in your case is more than 40
words long, please be sure to format your quote as a block quote (a block
quote uses no quotation marks, and its margins are indented from the left;
also, you’ll notice that the period at the end of the sentence comes before
the parenthetical in-text citation)
- Example: As an ever-growing number of people around the world have gained
access to e-mail and Internet facilities, it has become clear that the
communicative environment provided by these tools can foster language
learning. E-mail facilitates access to speakers of one's target language.
(Vinagre & Lera, 2007, p. 35)
- NOTE: If you plan on including more than 2 paragraphs of quoted text, you
must acquire permission from the copyright holder for use of the quote before
IGI Global will agree to publish your chapter.
- Acquiring permission for copyrighted images. It is your responsibility to
obtain written permission to include any copyrighted images (whether they be
screenshots [e.g., a screenshot of a page from a company’s Web site, a
screenshot of a scene from a video game, etc.], figures, tables, graphics,
etc.) in your chapter. The copyright holder MUST agree to and sign IGI
Global’s permission form before IGI Global will agree to include the image in
your chapter. To obtain a copy of this permission form, please contact the
book editor or IGI Global (development at igi-global.com).
Please note that while permission is sufficient for brief quotations, it is
not sufficient for images. Please also keep in mind that the copyright is
generally held by the publisher of the image rather than the author of the
After you obtain permission, you are then responsible to indicate in the
caption of the image the original source of the image and that it is being
used in your chapter with permission. Your caption should appear as:
Figure 1. [insert caption here]. (© [insert copyright year here], [insert
copyright holder’s name here]. Used with permission.).
Please note that, should you create an image that is loosely based on another
copyrighted image, you must indicate in the image caption that your image is
adapted from another copyrighted image and then provide the original source:
Figure 1. [insert caption here]. (Adapted from [insert source of copyrighted
image here]).
As some publishers require that you obtain permission for use of even an image
that you may have adapted from one of their images, it is your responsibility
to investigate as to whether or not permission is needed for your adapted
IMPORTANT NOTE: Since acquiring permission may take a significant amount of
time, it is very important that you begin the process as soon as possible.
Should you not obtain permission by the time the manuscript is ready to be
sent to production, you will have the option of removing, replacing, or
redrawing the image in question.
- Permission fees. Subsequent to the previous point, IGI Global will NOT agree
to publish any copyrighted image for which a permission fee is required, OR
for which permission is required for each subsequent publication of the image.
- Trademark use. All trademark use within your chapter MUST be credited to its
owner, or written permission to use the name must be granted.
- LaTex. LaTex files NOT accepted because they are not compatible with IGI
Global’s typesetting program. As an alternative, we recommend that you use
MathType. Please do not hesitate to contact IGI Global at
development at igi-global.com to request a copy of our math guide.
- Metafiles. If you include equations in your chapter, it is important that
you do NOT use metafiles for any mathematical symbols or letters unless
absolutely necessary. For example, take into consideration the following
equation: (a + b) – (c + d) = e. There is absolutely no need for the use of
metafiles here since each of the symbols and letters in this equation appear
on your keyboard.
Additionally, it is extremely important that all symbols and letters are
consistent in their formatting (i.e., if you italicize “x” in equation number
one, please be sure to italicize “x” throughout the rest of your chapter if it
is used to represent the same item). Please note that the unnecessary use of
metafiles and the inconsistent formatting of symbols and letters will have an
adverse effect on the quality of your chapter, as well as slow down the
production of the entire book.
NOTE: We recommended that you use Mathtype
(http://www.dessci.com/en/products/mathtype/) to create complex equations. Do
not use the Equation Editor that accompanies Word 2007 because there is a
problem in the program that corrupts equations when outputting the final
typeset version of the article to postscript for printing. If you are using
Word 2007 for your submission and do not have Mathtype, please use the
Equation Editor for Word 2003 when creating equations. Microsoft has been
alerted to the problem and it will be fixed in future versions of Word.
Instructions for accessing the 2003 editor are available on the Microsoft
11. Interviews. Please note that if any full interviews are included in your
chapter, you must have the interviewee sign IGI Global’s “Interview Release
and Assignment Agreement” with which you will be provided by the book editor
or IGI Global (development at igi-global.com) upon request.
12. Copy editing and proofreading. It is crucial that complete copy editing
and proofreading of your chapter be conducted PRIOR to submission to ensure
proper use of the English language, proper grammatical structure, and correct
spelling and punctuation. Chapters that are submitted to the publisher are
considered to be in their FINAL FORM and ready for publication as is. Please
also keep in mind that the material you submit for production is final. Other
than minor grammatical, typographical, spelling, and reference list
corrections, major changes such as moving and/or deleting paragraphs,
sections, etc., will NOT be permitted.
13. APA and IGI Global House Style. Please be advised that due to APA and IGI
Global house style rules, changes in regard to, among other things,
capitalization, the appearance of block quotes and bulleted and numbered
lists, as well as the placement of images on your pages may be adjusted
accordingly during the typesetting phase.
Please see the document below for instructions regarding the content and
styling of your chapter. Thank you.
- Chapter Organization and Formatting
Author Name
Affiliation, Country
As a contribution to a scholarly publication, your chapter must include an
abstract, consisting of approximately 100-150 words, which will provide your
readers with an overview of the content of your chapter. It is important that
your abstract clearly states the purpose of your chapter and summarizes the
Describe the general perspective of the chapter. Toward the end, specifically
state the objectives of the chapter.
Background (Subhead style 1- Arial, Size 12, Bold)
Provide broad definitions and discussions of the topic and incorporate views
of others (literature review) into the discussion to support, refute or
demonstrate your position on the topic.
Issues, Controversies, Problems (Subhead Style 2- Arial, size 12, bold)
Present your perspective on the issues, controversies, problems, etc., as they
relate to theme and arguments supporting your position. Compare and contrast
with what has been, or is currently being done as it relates to the chapter's
specific topic and the main theme of the book.
Solutions and Recommendations
Discuss solutions and recommendations in dealing with the issues,
controversies, or problems presented in the preceding section.
Figure/Table 1. Please include captions within the text of your chapter to
indicate where images should be placed. All images must be included as
separate .tif files, NOT included within the text of your chapter.
Discuss future and emerging trends. Provide insight about the future of the
book’s theme from the perspective of the chapter focus. Viability of a
paradigm, model, implementation issues of proposed programs, etc., may be
included in this section. If appropriate, suggest future research
opportunities within the domain of the topic.
Provide discussion of the overall coverage of the chapter and concluding
References should relate only to the material you actually cited within your
chapter (this is not a bibliography). References should be in APA style and
listed in alphabetical order. Please do not include any abbreviations.
Authored book:
Author, A. A. (1994). Title of work. Location/City, State: Publisher.
Edited book:
Zhao, F. (Ed.). (2006). Maximize business profits through e-partnerships.
Hershey, PA: IRM Press.
Chapter in an edited book:
Jaques, P. A., & Viccari, R. M. (2006). Considering students’ emotions in
computer-mediated learning environments. In Z. Ma (Ed.), Web-based intelligent
e-learning systems: Technologies and applications (pp. 122-138). Hershey, PA:
Information Science Publishing.
Instance of publication in press:
Junho, S. (in press). Roadmap for e-commerce standardization in Korea.
International Journal of IT Standards and Standardization Research.
Journal article:
Sawyer, S., & Tapia, A. (2005). The sociotechnical nature of mobile computing
work: Evidence from a study of policing in the United States. International
Journal of Technology and Human Interaction, 1(3), 1-14.
Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s theses:
Wilfley, D. (1989). Interpersonal analyses of bulimia: Normal-weight and
obese. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Missouri, Columbia.
Paper presented at … :
Lanktree, C., & Briere, J. (1991, January). Early data on the Trauma Symptom
Checklist for Children (TSC-C). Paper presented at the meeting of the American
Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, San Diego, CA.
Published proceedings:
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (1991). A motivational approach to self:
Integration in personality. In R. Dienstbier (Ed.), Nebraska Symposium on
Motivation: Vol. 38. Perspectives on motivation (pp. 237-288). Lincoln:
University of Nebraska Press.
Web site:
VandenBos, G., Knapp, S., & Doe, J. (2001). Role of reference elements in the
selection of resources by psychology undergraduates. Journal of Bibliographic
Research, 5, 117-123. Retrieved October 13, 2001, from
In this section, please provide a list of 25-50 additional readings (e.g.
journal articles, book chapters, case studies, etc.). You, as the contributing
author(s), are the best source for suggestions on additional readings in your
respective field. APA style must be followed for this section.
Key Terms & Definitions (Subhead 1 style)
Keyword: Definition of Keyword.
Please provide 7-10 key terms related to the topic of your chapter and clear,
concise definitions (in your own words) for each term. Place your terms and
definitions after the references section of your chapter.
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
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