27.2811, Confs: Romance, Lang Acq/Spain
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Fri Jul 1 15:34:01 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-2811. Fri Jul 01 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.2811, Confs: Romance, Lang Acq/Spain
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Ashley Parker <ashley at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 01 Jul 2016 11:33:52
From: Anna Gavarró [anna.gavarro at uab.cat]
Subject: Romance Turn 8
Romance Turn 8
Short Title: RT8
Date: 29-Sep-2016 - 30-Sep-2016
Location: Bellaterra (Barcelona, Catalonia), Spain
Contact: Anna Gavarró
Contact Email: romanceturn2016 at gmail.com
Meeting URL: http://filcat.uab.cat/theromanceturn/#home
Linguistic Field(s): Language Acquisition
Language Family(ies): Romance
Meeting Description:
The Romance Turn brings together researchers from across Europe and overseas
with the aim of sharing results and developing further research on the
acquisition of Romance languages. Language acquisition studies both in
children and adult learners are central to building our understanding of human
language and how it develops in the brain. The field has witnessed a
continuous growth during the past three decades, with empirical evidence
provided by research conducted on the acquisition of Romance languages such as
French, Italian, Catalan, Spanish, Romanian and Portuguese. Following the
success of previous Romance Turn conferences (Madrid (2004), Utrecht (2006),
Southampton (2008), Tours (2010), Lisbon (2012), Mallorca (2014), and Venezia
(2015)) the Romance Turn VIII will be held in Bellaterra on 29 and 30
September, hosted by the Centre de Lingüística Teòrica.
Invited speakers for the main session: Anna Cardinaletti (Ca’ Foscari,
Venezia) and Julie Franck (Université de Genève)
On this occasion, a workshop will also be held on
The acquisition of information structure: a developmental perspective on its
syntax and interface properties
Organised by: Vincenzo Moscati
Invited speakers: Luigi Rizzi & Adriana Belletti
In adult speakers, Information Structure is known to influence both syntactic
and phonological phrasing, leading to dedicated word-orders and prosodic
contours. Many recent developments in linguistic theory have been motivated by
the need to integrate these three systems, and the result is now a better and
more cohesive understanding of their interactions. In this sense, a layered
organization of the CP-field (Rizzi 1997) and the identification of the
cartography of functional projections in the left periphery of the clause,
which encode discourse-related categories like Topic or Focus, has proven to
be a useful tool to better characterize different types of constituent
fronting in Romance Languages. This, combined with the identification of the
distinct prosodic contours associated with specific discourse functions,
provides a new vantage point to reconsider previous findings and raise new
empirical questions.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers interested in the
study of information structure in children, specifically those aspects related
to syntax and prosody. In a perspective of a cross-linguistic comparison,
contributions from languages outside the Romance family are also welcome.
29th September
Invited speaker: Anna Cardinaletti
Joâo Claudio De Lima Júnior, Marina Rosa Ana Augusto and Letícia M. Sicuro
On the discrimination of passive predicates in the acquisition of Portuguese
Stephanie Durrleman, Hélène Delage, Philippe Prévost and Laurie Tuller
Passives in French-speaking children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Jason Borga and William Snyder
On French causatives and English passives
Joâo Claudio De Lima Júnior and Letícia M. Sicuro Corrêa
Favorable processing conditions in the production of passive sentences by
Brazilian Portuguese speaking children
Anca Sevcenco and Larisa Avram
The role of language specific properties in the acquisition of recursion
Anamaria Bentea and Stephanie Durrleman
Now you hear it, now you don't: number mismatch in the comprehension of
relative clauses in French
Eloi Puig-Mayencio, David Miller and Jason Rothman
Catalan/Spanish early bilingualism and grammatical outcome: language dominance
as a factor for linguistic convergence
Tania Barberán Recalde
Similarities in monolinguals' and bilinguals' interpretation of two weak
Spanish quantifiers algunos 'some' and la mayoría 'most'
Poster Session
Marina Cestari Nardelli and Maria Lobo
Clitic omission in bilingual Portuguese-Spanish acquisition
Gabriele Bianco and Maria Teresa Guasti
Clinical markers of SLI in Italian L2 children with SLI
30th September
Workshop: The Acquisition of Information Structure
Invited speakers: Luigi Rizzi and Adriana Belletti The acquisition of
A'-dependencies: Intervention and scope-discourse properties
Maria Lobo, Ana Lúcia Santos, Carla Soares-Jesel and Stéphanie Vaz
Effects of the syntactic structure on the comprehension of clefts
Giorgia Del Puppo
How Italian-speaking children aged 5 to 10 years deal with cleft sentences
Raffi Folli, Christina Sevdali, Alison Henry and Megan Devlin
Clitic right dislocation in multilingual acquisition: it doubling as TP
Brechje van Osch, Suzanne Aalberse, Aafke Hulk and Petra Sleeman. Topic, focus
and unaccusativity determining subject position in Spanish as a heritage
language in the Netherlands
Paolo Lorusso
Verb classes and Discourse Anchored Variables in the Acquisition of L1 Italian
Claudia Manetti and Adriana Belletti
Topics and passives in Italian-speaking children and adults
Melanie Elliott and Mihaela Pirvulescu
Very early object clitic omission: how early is too early?
Anna Gavarró and Eduardo Palma
The pragmatics of subject distribution in the acquisition of Catalan
Larisa Avram and Otilia Teodorescu
Antecedent preferences of pronominal subjects in temporal adjuncts: the view
from child Romanian
Julio Villa-Garcia and Imanol Suarez-Palma
The acquisition of subjects in the Spanish of simultaneous English-Spanish
Invited speaker: Julie Franck Abstract knowledge of word order before age 2
Registration is now open and early registration finishes on July 30.
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