27.3050, Calls: Comp Ling, Neuroling, Psycholing, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling/Japan
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Jul 25 17:18:56 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-3050. Mon Jul 25 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.3050, Calls: Comp Ling, Neuroling, Psycholing, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling/Japan
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry,
Robert Coté, Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 13:18:41
From: Michael Zock [michael.zock at lif.univ-mrs.fr]
Subject: Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
Full Title: Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon
Short Title: CogALex
Date: 12-Dec-2016 - 12-Dec-2016
Location: Osaka, Japan
Contact Person: Michael Zock
Meeting Email: michael.zock at lif.univ-mrs.fr
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/site/cogalex2016/home
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics; Semantics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 25-Sep-2016
Meeting Description:
The goal of COGALEX is to provide a forum for researchers in NLP,
psychologists, computational lexicographers and users of lexical resources to
share their knowledge and needs concerning the construction, organization and
use of a lexicon by people (lexical access) and machines (NLP, IR,
Like in the past (2004, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014), we will invite researchers
to address various unsolved problems, by putting this time stronger emphasis
though on distributional semantics (DS). Indeed, we would like to see work
showing the relevance of DS as a cognitive model of the lexicon. The interest
in distributional approaches has grown considerably over the last few year,
both in computational linguistics and cognitive sciences. A further boost has
been provided by the recent hype around deep learning and neural embeddings.
While all these approaches seem to have great potential, their added value to
address cognitive and semantic aspects of the lexicon still needs to be shown.
This workshop is about possible enhancements of lexical resources and
electronic dictionaries, as well as on any aspect relevant to the achieve a
better understanding of the mental lexicon and semantic memory.We solicit
contributions including but not limited to the topics listed here below,
topics, which can be considered from any of the following points of view:
- (Computational, corpus) linguistics,
- Neuro- or psycholinguistics (tip of the tongue problem, associations),
- Network related sciences (sociology, economy, biology),
- Mathematics (vector-based approaches, graph theory, small-world problem),
We also plan to organize a ''friendly competition'' for corpus-based models of
lexical networks and navigation, i.e. lexical access.
COGALEX workshop is co-lated with COLING (the 26th International Conference on
Computational Linguistics, Osaka, Japan), December 12, 2016.
Invited speaker: Chris Biemann (Technische Universität, Darmstadt)
Call for Papers:
The way we look at the lexicon (creation and use) has changed dramatically
over the past 30 years. While in the past being considered as an appendix to
grammar, the lexicon has now moved to centre stage. Indeed, there is hardly
any task in NLP which can be conducted without it.
Possible Topics:
- Analysis of the conceptual input of a dictionary user
- The meaning of words
- Structure of the lexicon
- Methods for crafting dictionaries or indexes
- Dictionary access (navigation and search strategies, interface issues)
For more details concerning the ''topics, deadliness, shared task,
submision,'' etc. take a look at the following webpage:
Contact Persons:
For general questions get in touch with Michael Zock
(michael.zock at lif.univ-mrs.fr), for questions concerning the shared task, send
a message to Stefan Evert (stefan.evert at fau.de)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-3050
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