27.3084, Calls: Pragmatics, Socioling, Text/Corpus Linguistics/Germany
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Wed Jul 27 15:24:55 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-3084. Wed Jul 27 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.3084, Calls: Pragmatics, Socioling, Text/Corpus Linguistics/Germany
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry,
Robert Coté, Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2016 11:24:44
From: Annette Gerstenberg [annette.gerstenberg at fu-berlin.de]
Subject: Encounters in Language and Aging Research
Full Title: Encounters in Language and Aging Research
Short Title: CLARe 3
Date: 06-Mar-2017 - 08-Mar-2017
Location: Berlin, Freie Universitaet, Germany
Contact Person: Annette Gerstenberg
Meeting Email: clare.corpora at gmail.com
Web Site: http://wikis.fu-berlin.de/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=736856191
Linguistic Field(s): Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Oct-2016
Meeting Description:
The conference is dedicated to discussing major issues in language and aging
research. The focus is on projects and research questions taking their point
of departure in empirical approaches and the use of innovative methods to
gather and analyze authentic material and samples of language data from older
adults. Also, the subject of language in later life is deeply embedded in
interdisciplinary contexts. It is thus mandatory that linguists with various
specializations in pragmatics, sociolinguistics, and corpus linguistics, as
well as psycholinguists, psychologists, and experts in the field of nursery
and healthcare, work together.
After two previous events at the University of Louvain, this is the first
academic event of the CLARe network in Berlin, which aims to promote the
institutionalization of exchange between the participating disciplines and
1. Pragmatic spaces: Verbal and nonverbal communication in later life can be
accompanied by adaptive strategies and language changes in the use of
pragmatically relevant linguistic signs (Davis 2014). Older people can also
use the interactional space differently, depending on the context and their
2. Longitudinal studies: This thematic session aims to establish a
sociolinguistic view on language use in later life with regard to variables
that may indicate real-time language change or a change in the linguistic
behavior of aging people in terms of age-grading (Labov 1994). The exploration
of corpus data can give insight into the process of lifelong learning
(Ramscar, Hendrix, and Baayen 2013).
3. Multiple identities and multilingualism in later life: Along with research
on language acquisition, multilingualism is an innovative topic in the field
of aging (Seebus 2008). Furthermore, the role of multiple identities and their
construction across the lifespan has been a core of interest in the field of
dementia in aging.
Call for Papers:
Papers are welcome from a range of subfields in three categories:
1. Pragmatic spaces
2. Longitudinal studies
3. Multiple identities and multilingualism in later life
Abstracts should be anonymous and between 500 and 700 words (not including
references) and must specify how the paper will contribute to the theme of the
conference. It should also provide a clear outline of the aim of the topic
including clearly articulated research question(s), some details about
research approach and methods and (preliminary) results.
Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to clare.corpora at gmail.com, before October
1st 2016. As reference please write “CLARe 3 abstract”. Please name the
attachment as follows: “clare3_yourlastname_yourfirstname.docx”. Make sure to
include in the mail: author’s name, affiliation, and postal address; title of
the contribution; 3 to 5 keywords; type of presentation (talk or poster). For
purposes of easy editing, please make use of the template made available on
the website of the conference for submitting your abstract
Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the scientific
committee. You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by
December 15th 2016.
Papers are welcome from a range of subfields in three categories:
1. Pragmatic spaces
2. Longitudinal studies
3. Multiple identities and multilingualism in later life
Abstracts should be anonymous and between 500 and 700 words (not including
references) and must specify how the paper will contribute to the theme of the
conference. It should also provide a clear outline of the aim of the topic
including clearly articulated research question(s), some details about
research approach and methods and (preliminary) results.
Abstracts should be sent by e-mail to clare.corpora at gmail.com, before October
1st 2016. As reference please write ''CLARe 3 abstract''. Please name the
attachment as follows: ''clare3_yourlastname_yourfirstname.docx''. Make sure
to include in the mail: author's name, affiliation, and postal address; title
of the contribution; 3 to 5 keywords; type of presentation (talk or poster).
For purposes of easy editing, please make use of the template made available
on the website of the conference for submitting your abstract
Abstracts will be reviewed anonymously by two members of the scientific
committee. You will be notified of the outcome of the review process by
December 15th 2016.
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-3084
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