27.1132, Review: Anthropological Ling; Cog Sci: Sharifian (2014)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-1132. Thu Mar 03 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.1132, Review: Anthropological Ling; Cog Sci: Sharifian (2014)
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Date: Thu, 03 Mar 2016 14:12:30
From: Gail AlHafidh [ghafidh at yahoo.co.uk]
Subject: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture
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Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/26/26-38.html
EDITOR: Farzad Sharifian
TITLE: The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture
SERIES TITLE: Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics
PUBLISHER: Routledge (Taylor and Francis)
YEAR: 2014
REVIEWER: Gail AlHafidh, Higher Colleges of Technology
Reviews Editor: Helen Aristar-Dry
''The Routledge Handbook of Language and Culture'', edited by Farzad
Sharifian, is part of the Routledge Handbook series described as ‘essential
reading for both advanced undergraduates and postgraduate students’. The 5
volumes are all edited by experts in the field and include contributions from
a broad range of specialists across the globe. This particular volume is
organised thematically and begins with Sharifian’s brief overview of the
history of scholarly study into the connection between language and culture.
The bulk of the volume concerns itself with contemporary issues and
discussions leading into suggestions for future research at the end of the
book in Part V11. The book’s publication is propitious as it serves to provide
an in-depth coverage of the discussions and key themes surrounding the complex
relationship between language and culture, and in doing so, provides a vital
addition to the small but growing body of publications in this field.
Overview of the Chapters
In the opening section, Sharifian sets the scene for the broad range of themes
included in the book by asserting that both the study of culture and the study
of language are themselves subject to various schools of thought; linking the
two complex notions in one handbook is an ambitious project. He defends this
approach by setting out the six key aims of the book clearly on page 4, and
these aims provide the framework for the development of the themes discussed.
The aims are not simply to present the reader with the complexities of the
multifaceted relationship between language and culture, but to encourage a
critical awareness of and a deeper understanding of the range of disciplines
and therefore perspectives contributing to the discourse. The introduction
closes with a succinct and compelling argument by Leavitt that the broad
misinterpretation of the Sapir-Whorf principle of ‘linguistic relativity’ had
led to a polarization in views over the nature of language, language
differences and thought processes not least in the light of Chomsky’s theory
of ‘universal grammar’ (Chomsky 1986, Leavitt, 2011, Whorf 1956). Indeed, it
is the renewed interest in the notion of ‘linguistic relativity’ and other
interpretations of the cognitive processes related to language production that
runs throughout the book and is pivotal to Sharifian’s aim of helping “readers
develop a critical awareness of the strengths and limitations of different or
competing theories and approaches to language and culture research” (p.4).
Chapters 3 to 5, Part II, Ethnolinguistics, cover the relationship between
culture and three aspects of language: syntax, semantics and pragmatics from
an anthropological perspective. These chapters familiarize the readers with
the theories presented about how cultural norms are reflected in the
grammatical structures, the interpretation of meaning from language and the
language in use within a cultural group. Each chapter includes a
contextualizing historical overview of the theories to date and the
application of those in current research studies.
Chapters 6 to 15, Part III, go on to look at a variety of different studies of
language and culture and their relationship with each other. Risager’s
develops the concept of ‘linguaculture’ and proposes a triangular model of
language in which the 3 loci are linguistic practice (oral/written),
linguistic resources (of the individual) and a language system (for example,
English). Linguistic practice, she argues, is dynamic and changes with
different social groups and since language produces and reshapes meaning,
linguistic practice through migration and language learning has an undeniable
impact on elements of culture globally (p.97). Other authors in Part III
discuss, for example, the linguistic construct of gender and its meaning in
various cultures (Tanaka, p.100-112) and the shortcomings of using global
models of politeness in applied research (Mills, p.129-140). Kecskes
socio-cognitive approach focuses on the role of context, since language
encodes the culture of the individual’s past and present experiences in
various contexts (Kesckes, p.13 -128).
This section is of great interest to students of applied linguistics and
anthropology, in particular, as it provides a detailed overview of the
fundamental issues driving research and the multi-faceted nature of the
complex relationship between language and culture.
Chapters 16 to 24, Part IV, zoom in on the role of thought and cognition in
the construction of meaning through language, a discourse central to the
editor’s own work in the field of Cultural Linguistics (p. 473-492). Sterponi
and Lai (Chapter 22) focus on the relationship between culture and language
acquisition, highlighting the different ways in which the concept of culture
itself is used in different theoretical frameworks determined by whether
culture is seen as a developmental, cognitive mechanism or as a result of
interaction in a specific social context: is culture a product or a process?
Concepts such as colour and time and space, are also explored in terms of the
relationship between language, culture and cognition.
Chapter 25 and 26, Part V (the smallest section of the book) both refer to the
influence of Communities of Practice in research in language and culture and
the penultimate Part V1, Chapters 27 to 31, focuses on the application of
language and culture in various fields such as language teaching, the concept
of ‘World Englishes’ and its impact on and interaction with local cultures.
In the closing chapters, 32 and 33, the focus is on tying in all the threads
of the book to highlight the complex nature of the debate and the range of
theoretical frameworks proposed regarding the relationship between language
and culture as both products and processes. Sharifian, (Chapter 32),
presenting current research, argues that the field of Cultural Linguistics,
using the theoretical framework of cultural cognition (schemas, categories and
cultural metaphors) will facilitate an indexing system of cultural
conceptualisations that will deepen our understanding of the complex
language:culture relationship. Frank, (Chapter 33) concludes the volume by
reiterating Sharifian’s excitement at the scope and range that the field of
Cultural Linguistics (CL) may bring to the table. He refers to CL as “a bridge
that brings together researchers from a variety of fields, allowing them to
focus on problems of mutual concern from a new perspective and in all
likelihood discover new problems (and solutions) that until now have not been
visible” (p.507).
This volume is an essential addition to any collection focusing on the
relationship between language and culture. It is broad in its coverage of a
wide range of disciplines such as applied linguistics, anthropology,
sociology, cognitive science and so on; yet each chapter is detailed,
scholarly and thorough, written by recognised experts in their respective
fields. The aims of the book, as set out on page 4, are fully realized.
The individual chapters follow a similar pattern, each presenting the
historical context, an overview of the research, the key theoretical
frameworks related to the topic and the importance of it to the whole debate
regarding language and culture. Sharifian masterfully builds up the complex
layers and component parts that feed into the subfield of Cultural Linguistics
through the considered positioning of each chapter. The writing is clear and
accessible by laymen and academics. Furthermore, the addition of a reference
list for further reading is an invaluable asset, allowing scholars to expand
their understanding of a particular issue with a targeted approach.
In summary, this is an exceptional collection of carefully selected chapters
that shed light on a wide range of connected themes and that inspires further
research into the complex interphase between culture and language: a must-read
for anyone interested in this fascinating topic.
Chomsky, N. (1986) Knowledge of language: Its nature, origin and use.
Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Leavitt, John (2011), Linguistic Relativities: Language Diversity and Modern
Thought, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press
Sharifian, F. & Jamarani, M (eds.) (2013). Language and Intercultural
Communication in the New Era. New York/London: Routledge
Whorf, B.L (1956) Language Thought and Reality, edited by J.B Carroll.
Cambridge: MIT Press
Gail Al Hafidh received her doctoral degree (EdD) in the field of EFL/ELF and
oral language assessment from the U.K's Open University and is currently
working as English faculty in the Liberal Studies program at the Higher
Colleges of Technology in Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. She holds a Masters
in TEFL and Applied Linguistics and has previously worked in the British state
school system (secondary level) as a modern languages teacher, in the business
world as a management trainer and in further education. Her interests include
intercultural communication, assessment of speaking skills, CALL and ESL/EFL
Teacher Training.
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