27.1206, Confs: Applied Ling, Cog Sci/France

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Tue Mar 8 19:33:06 UTC 2016

LINGUIST List: Vol-27-1206. Tue Mar 08 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 27.1206, Confs: Applied Ling, Cog Sci/France

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Ashley Parker <ashley at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 08 Mar 2016 14:32:41
From: Myriam Bouveret [myriam.bouveret at ens.fr]
Subject: Multimodality and Constructions

 Multimodality and Constructions 
Short Title: CGLC 

Date: 11-Mar-2016 - 11-Mar-2016 
Location: Paris, France 
Contact: Camille Debras 
Contact Email: camille.debras at uparis10.fr 
Meeting URL: http:// www.transfers.ens.fr/article512.html 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Cognitive Science 

Meeting Description: 

Workshop / Journée d’études
Constructions, Grammaire, Lexique et Cognition

Multimodality and Constructions / Multimodalité et Constructions

Friday March 11, 2016 - Vendredi 11 mars 2016
Salle des Actes – École Normale Supérieure – 45 rue d’Ulm, Paris

When we talk, we don’t rely solely on speech but also on variations of the
voice and on gestures. The verbal, vocal and kinesic modalities are integrated
simultaneously and sequentially in the intersubjective and dynamic
construction of meaning during spoken interaction. Accounting for such
phenomena calls for a multimodal approach of spoken language.

While some kinesic forms are used to represent objects and actions, others
seem to qualify as form-function pairings that are stable across speakers and
contexts of use, and hence seem to belong more in the grammar of a language
than in its lexicon. This workshop aims to study in greater details such
form-function pairings, or constructions, as part of a multimodal approach of
spoken languages. Can some gesture forms be analysed as constructions, as
defined by Construction Grammars in Cognitive Linguistics? If so, does the
construction of meaning in the course of interaction rely on the integration
of constructions across modalities? Are constructions monomodal only or can
constructions be inherently multimodal, i.e. made of a function paired with a
complex form that extends across modalities?

The speakers in this workshop will provide insights on these issues, by
focusing on various subjects in the study of spoken languages: L1 and L2
acquisition, aspect, syntax, pragmatics and discourse markers. Presentations
will be made in English and French.

Organisation : Camille Debras (Paris Ouest Nanterre, CREA EA 370)
The event is hosted by the LaTTiCe-CNRS UMR 8094 Constructions, Grammar,
Lexicon and Cognition Workshop (dir. Myriam Bouveret), ENS-Labex TransferS
program. Upcoming events in 2016 are Cognition Verbs (coord. Eric Melac),
Methodologies, Experimentations and Elicitations (coord. Pascale Leclercq),
Lexicalization and Grammaticalization. Location ENS-45 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris 

Informations : 
Contact :  camille.debras at uparis10.fr
Labex TransferS event – LaTTiCe ENS : http://www.lattice.cnrs.fr


Accueil – café

Camille Debras

Semasiological and onomasiological perspectives on verbal and gestural
Maarten Lemmens, conférencier invité (Lille, STL)

Multimodality and complexity in children’s negations
Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel (Sorbonne Nouvelle, PRISMES)

11h25-11h40 Pause café

Grammatical aspect, gesture, and mental simulation in Russian, German and
Aliyah Morgenstern (Sorbonne Nouvelle, PRISMES), Alan Cienki (VU, Moscow State
Linguistic University), Cornelia Müller (Viadrina), Ray Becker (RWTH Aachen) &
Dominique Boutet (Evry-Val-d’Essonne, LIAS)

Degrés d'(in)dépendance multimodale des propositions subordonnées
en anglais
Manon Lelandais & Gaëlle Ferré (Nantes, LLING)


Multimodal constructions or contextualization cues?
Camille Debras (Paris Ouest Nanterre, CREA)

14h40-15h20    Quelques éléments d'hypothèse sur les usages de voilàd'un point
de vue multimodal
Gilles Col (Poitiers, LaTTiCe) & Charlotte Danino (Versailles Saint-Quentin,

Réactions des discutants
Dominique Boutet (Evry-Val-d’Essonne, LIAS) & Guillaume Desagulier (Vincennes
Saint Denis, MoDyCo)

Fin de la journée

Organisation : Camille Debras (Paris Ouest Nanterre, CREA EA 370)
The event is hosted by the LaTTiCe-CNRS UMR 8094 Constructions, Grammar,
Lexicon and Cognition Workshop (dir. Myriam Bouveret), ENS-Labex TransferS
program. Upcoming events in 2016 are Cognition Verbs (coord. Eric Melac),
Methodologies, Experimentations and Elicitations (coord. Pascale Leclercq),
Lexicalization and Grammaticalization. Location ENS-45 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris 

Informations :  http://www.transfers.ens.fr/article512.html
Contact :  camille.debras at uparis10.fr
Labex TransferS event – LaTTiCe ENS : http://www.lattice.cnrs.fr


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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-1206	

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