27.2084, Calls: Cog Sci, Computational Ling, General Ling, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling/Germany
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Fri May 6 15:12:31 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-2084. Fri May 06 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.2084, Calls: Cog Sci, Computational Ling, General Ling, Semantics, Text/Corpus Ling/Germany
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté, Sara Couture)
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Editor for this issue: Ashley Parker <ashley at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 06 May 2016 11:12:22
From: Ljudmila Geist [Ljudmila.Geist at ling.uni-stuttgart.de]
Subject: New Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on the Literal/Non-literal Meaning Divide
Full Title: New Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on the Literal/Non-literal Meaning Divide
Date: 10-Oct-2016 - 11-Oct-2016
Location: University of Stuttgart, Germany
Contact Person: Ljudmila Geist
Meeting Email: sfb732-meaning-workshop at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Web Site: http://www.ilg.uni-stuttgart.de/forschung/konferenz/MeaningWorkshop2016/
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Computational Linguistics; General Linguistics; Semantics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 31-May-2016
Meeting Description:
There is a rich linguistic tradition dealing with the structure of the
lexicon. Two phenomena that have been analyzed in detail in theoretical
linguistics are (a) the extension from literal to non-literal meaning via
metaphor, metonymy, grammaticalization/constructionalization and related
processes (Lakoff & Johnson 1980, Lehmann 1995, Eckardt 2006, Traugott &
Trousdale 2013, inter alia) and (b) the properties of lexical items that give
rise to lexical classes and subclasses (Levin 1993, Craig 1986, Corbett 1991,
Harbour 2007, Albright 2002, Albright & Hayes 2003 inter alia). Computational
linguistics has analyzed these phenomena as well, using mostly distributional
approaches, trading expressivity of representations against the ability to
draw on evidence from large corpora (Merlo & Stevenson 2001, Schulte im Walde
2006, Fazly et al. 2009, Li et al. 2010, inter alia).
We see two main desiderata with regard to this area of inquiry: (i), given the
methodological gap between theoretical and distributional approaches, the
relationship between theoretically motivated lexical properties and
empirically observable ones needs to be clarified. (ii), more attention should
be paid to the systematic interactions of expressions with a literal and a
non-literal meaning within and across lexical classes, be it within
theoretical or computational descriptions. To give just one example, literal
and non-literal uses of a single lexical item will often retain the same
morphosyntactic properties whereas, contentwise, they will inhabit different
notional domains (cf. Croft 1995 for an early thorough investigation). This
would seem to be a very general force acting against form-meaning isomorphisms
or homomorphisms, and we would like to encourage reflections in this domain.
To shed light on these and other related matters, we invite abstracts (1-2
pages including references) for two different kinds of contributions. First,
we invite papers dealing with foundational issues of the literal/non-literal
meaning divide. Second, we have prepared an “unshared task” dataset that was
extracted from the EUROPARL corpus (https://goo.gl/LVJt1B). The dataset
comprises all instances of 16 German particle/prefix verbs and derived
nominals in their sentential contexts, together with the corresponding
parallel sentences in English and French. We invite papers to apply either
theoretical or distributional analyses to this dataset, or subsets thereof,
and describe their findings. As usual in an unshared task, use made of the
dataset is up to the authors (e.g., as “gold standard”, as paraphrase, purely
indicative, etc.).
Ljudmila Geist, Daniel Hole, Gabriella Lapesa, Sebastian Padó, Anne Temme
(Stuttgart Collaborative Research Center “Incremental Specification in Context
(SFB 732), funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG))
Invited Speakers:
Adam Albright (MIT)
Regine Eckardt (University of Konstanz)
Ekaterina Shutova (University of Cambridge)
Caroline Sporleder (University of Göttingen)
Henriette de Swart (Universiteit Utrecht)
Important Dates:
Deadline for abstract submission: May 31, 2016
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2016
Workshop: October 10-11, 2016
2nd Call for Papers: Theoretical and unshared task tracks
Submission Guidelines:
We invite submission of abstracts for (i) presentations of 30 minutes (20+10),
or (ii) for presentations of 45 minutes (35+10), depending on the empirical or
theoretical breadth of the submission. Please indicate in your submission if
you apply for a slot of 30 minutes, or of 45 minutes. Abstracts must be in
English, 1-2 pages (A4 or letter) in a font size no smaller than 12pt,
including examples and references. Abstracts should be anonymous, and contact
details (author’s/authors’ name(s) and affiliation(s)) and the title of the
presentation should be included in the accompanying email.
Please send your abstract (PDF format) to:
sfb732-meaning-workshop at ims.uni-stuttgart.de
Pending budget approval
We will offer reimbursement for travel and accommodation costs (economy
Important dates
Deadline for abstract submission: May 31, 2016
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2016
Workshop: October 10-11, 2016
URL: http://www.ilg.uni-stuttgart.de/forschung/konferenz/MeaningWorkshop2016/
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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-2084
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