27.2388, Confs: Cog Sci, Neuroling, Psycholing/Italy

The LINGUIST List via LINGUIST linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon May 30 15:38:00 UTC 2016

LINGUIST List: Vol-27-2388. Mon May 30 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 27.2388, Confs: Cog Sci, Neuroling, Psycholing/Italy

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté, Sara Couture)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Ashley Parker <ashley at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 30 May 2016 11:37:51
From: Roel Jonkers [r.jonkers at rug.nl]
Subject: Science of Aphasia 2016

Science of Aphasia 2016 
Short Title: SOA 2016 

Date: 25-Sep-2016 - 30-Sep-2016 
Location: Venice, Italy 
Contact: Roel Jonkers 
Contact Email: r.jonkers at rug.nl 
Meeting URL: http://www.soa-online.com 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Neurolinguistics; Psycholinguistics 

Meeting Description: 

The SoA conferences are intended to bring together senior and junior
scientists working in the multidisciplinary field of Neurocognition of language
and deal with normal function as well as disorders. The size of the conference
has a maximum of about 150 participants to ensure direct interaction between
the participants.

Confirmed invited speakers and topics:

Mieke van de Sandt
Julius Fridriksson
Carlo Miniussi

Garry Dell
Greig de Zubicaray

Preliminary Conference Program:

Sunday, September 25, 2016

17:30 – 19:00 
Reception and registration

Monday, September 26, 2014

8.30 – 9:30 Coffee and registration

Session One: 

9.30 – 13.00 (Coffee break around 11.00)
Introduction David Howard
Gary Dell
Greg Zubicaray
Discussant David Howard

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch 

15:00 – 17:00 
Contributed Papers I (Grammar and syntax)

1. Cecilia Devers, David Howard, Janet Webster - Pronoun Procesing in Aphasia
2. Valantis Fyndanis, Dimitra Arfani, Francesca Burgio, Anna Maculan, Fabio
Palla, Spyridoula Varlokosta, Sokratis Papageorgiou, Annachiara Cagnin, Carlo
Semenza - 
Morphosyntactic production in Greek and Italian probable Alzheimer’s disease:
Evidence from agreement, tense, and mood 
3. Heilemann, C., Varley, R., Zimmerer, V.,  Carragher, M., & Beeke, S.-
Grammatical structures in agrammatism: a usage-based investigation of multi-
word expressions 
4. Dimitra Mamouli, Stavroula Stavrakaki, Panagiotis Ioannidis - Lexical,
morphological, and syntactic abilities in patients with Semantic Dementia 
5. Christina Manouilidou, Michaela Nerantzini, Brianne Dougherty, Cynthia K.
Thompson - Processing Complex pseudo-words in Primary Progressive Aphasia and
Agrammatic Aphasia 
6. Io Salmons & Anna Gavarró - The role of morphology and prosody in
agrammatic comprehension 

17:00 – 17:30  
Short presentations Poster Session I 

1. Yulia Akinina, Olga Dragoy, Nina Dronkers - Functional Neuroanatomy of
Semantic Aphasia 
2. Reem S. W. Alyahya, Ajay Halai, Paul Conroy, Matthew A. Lambon Ralph - Verb
comprehensionin post-stroke aphasia: A novel verb semantic battery
3. Miren Arantzeta, Janet Webster, Itziar Laka, Maite Martinez-Zabaleta &
David Howard - Cross-linguistic asymmetries in sentence comprehension deficits
in bilingual Basque-Spanish aphasia. Evidence from eye-tracking and
behavioural data. 
4. Giorgio Arcara, Valentina Bambini, Elisabetta Mondin, Giulia Muriago, Edda
Sgarabottolo, Gianettore Bertagnoni, Carlo Semenza - Communicative deficits in
Traumatic Brain Injury: the relationship between executive and pragmatic
5. C. Bonnans, R. Fargier, M. Laganaro - Impact of concurrent auditory tasks
on picture naming in aphasia 
6. Bruggeman, A., De Keyser, K., Aerts, A., Van Mierlo, P., Strobbe, G., Boon,
P., Van Roost, D., Santens, P. & De Letter, M. - Subcortical involvement in
phonological input processing: an electrophysiological registration study
7. Jakolien den Hollander, Roelien Bastiaanse, Marina Laganaro, & Roel Jonkers
Tracking speech production processes by using EEG and EMG
8. Charlotte Jacquemot, Christophe Lalanne, Agnès Sliwinski, Emmanuel Dupoux,
Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi - A new  tool  for  aphasia  evaluation: The Core 
Assessment  of   LAnguage  Processing  (CALAP)
9. Bernard A. Jap & Roelien Bastiaanse - Sentence Production in Standard
Indonesian Broca’s Aphasia 
10. Stefanie Keulen, Tine D’aes, Louis de Page, Jo Verhoeven, Roelien
Bastiaanse, Peter Mariën - From foreign accent to neologistic jargon in a
patient with  psychogenic FAS 
11. Orsolya Kis, Alinka Tóth, Lívia Ivaskó, Gabriella Gárdián, Katalin Jakab,
László Vécsei - Numerical abilities of Hungarian aphasic patients 

17.30 – 18.30 Poster Session I/Coffee

Tuesday, September 27, 2016 

Session Two: 
9.30 -13.00 (Coffe break around 11.00)
Introduction Carlo Semenza
Marina Laganaro
Davide Crepaldi
Discussant Gabriele Miceli

13:00 – 15:00 Lunch

15:00 – 17:00 
Contributed papers II (lexical problems)

7. Elizabeth Anderson, Ruth Herbert and Patricia Cowell - Frequency affects
processing of verbs and argument structure in acquired aphasia: results from a
pilot investigation. 
8. Nora Fieder, Trudy Krajenbrink, David Foxe, John Hodges, Olivier Piguet,
Nickels - Less is more-Effects of semantic neighbourhood on naming in 
semantic dementia (svPPA) 
9. Fedor Jalvingh, Roelien Bastiaanse, & Roel Jonkers -Verbal and nonverbal
processing of objects and actions  in individuals with three types of dementia
10. Julie Morris, David Howard, Janet Webster, Maria Garraffa – Reading
Comprehension at the text level: Effect of text variables and question type 
11. Trudy  Krajenbrink, Karen  Croot, Cathleen  Taylor, &  Lyndsey  Nickels - 
Exploring  spoken  and  written  word  retrieval  treatment  in primary 
12. Vitor C. Zimmerer, Loveday Newman, Rosalind Thomson, Rosemary A Varley -
Frequency and strength of word collocations distinguish speakers with fluent
aphasia, non-fluent aphasia, right hemisphere damage and non-brain-damaged

17:00 – 17:30 
Short presentations Poster session II

12. Konstantina Kordouli, Christina Manouilidou, Stavroula Stavrakaki,
Katerina Afantenou - Compound naming in agrammatism: evidence from
stroke-induced and primary progressive aphasia 
13. Lina Kort - Improving Naming in Aphasics: A Comparison of Three
Intervention methods 
14. Vasiliki Koukoulioti, Markus Bader- Thematic and word order canonicity in
language: the effect of neurological impairment and age 
15. Kuptsova S.V., Ivanova M.V., Akinina Y.S., Iskra E.V., Kozintseva E.G.,
Soloukhina O.A., Petrushevsky, A.G., Fedina, O.N. - Reorganization of cerebral
functional activity in persons with aphasia  following language therapy. 
16. Kuzmina, E.E., & Weekes, B.S. – Inhibition and language processing
in different types of aphasia
17. De Letter, M., Bruggeman, A., De Keyser, K., Aerts, A., Van Mierlo, P.,
Strobbe, G, Boon, P., Van Roost, D, & Santens, P - Subcortical  involvement 
in  body  
and  mental action  processing: An electrophysiological  registration  study
18. Sabrina Mahmood,Vitor C. Zimmerer, Rosemary A. Varley - Grammaticality
Judgements in Aphasia and Parkinson’s disease
19. Maxim,  J.,  Best,  W.,  Beckley,  F.,  Edwards,  S.,  Heilemann,  C.,
Howard,  D.,  
Johnson,  F.,  &  Beeke Better  Conversationsfor  people  with  agrammatic 
and  their conversation  partners? Quantitative  outcomes  from  intervention.
20. Minkina, I. & Martin, N.- Links between Verbal Short-Term Memory and
Receptive Language Impairment in Aphasia  
21. Mok Xue Ting, Joelle, Rosemary Varley, Vitor Zimmerer, Goh Siew Li, Leo
Wei Zhi - Formulaic Language and Implicit Statistical Learning: A Comparison
between Typical Development and Children with Acquired Language Disorders 
22. Michaela Nerantzini, Sophia Apostolopoulou, Spyridoula Varlokosta and
Roelien Bastiaanse - Time reference and Tense marking in Greek agrammatism. 
Evidence from narratives and a sentence completion task. 
23. Ann-Kathrin Ohlert, Roelien Bastiaanse, Jaap van der Spek, Sebastian
Cartens - 
Language mapping using object and action naming under Navigated Transcranial
Magnetic Stimulation in a bilingual and two monolingual speakers. 
24. Roelant Ossewaarde, Fedor Jalvingh, Roel Jonkers, and Roelien Bastiaanse -
Computerized assessment of the acoustics of progressive aphasia.

17:30 – 18:30 Poster session II/ coffee
Meeting Scientific Committee

Wednesday, September 28, 2016
9.30– 10.50 
Contributed papers III 

13. Hameister,  I. &  Nickels, L.- The  Cat  in  the  Tree: What  Picture 
Tell  us  about  Event- processing  Deficits in  Stroke-¬ Induced  Aphasia
14. Fleur van Ierschot, Antonio Miozzo, Barbara Santini, Giannantonio Spena,
Andrea Talacchi, Gabriele Miceli - Language preservation in brain tumor
patients undergoing awake surgery: Does monitoring object naming suffice to
spare other language skills? 
15. Nienke Wolthuis, Roelien Bastiaanse, Ingeborg Bosma, Perumpillichira J.
Cherian, &  Djaina Satoer - Abnormal slow-wave EEG activity in glioma patients
is related to impaired language performance 
16. Cornelia van Scherpenberg , Nora Fieder , Lyndsey Nickels - Performance
consistency as an indication of storage deficit in people with semantic
variant Primary Progressive Aphasia

10.50 – 11.20 
Short presentations Poster session III

25. Michaela Nerantzini, Pola Drakopoulou, Spyridoula Varlokosta and Cynthia
Thompson - The Northwestern Assessment of Verbs and Sentences  (NAVS) and the
Northwestern Anagram Task (NAT) as tools to assess grammatical deficits in
Greek aphasia. 
26. P. Pellet Cheneval, M. Villain, B. Glize, M. Laganaro - Is facilitation by
phonological cues modulated by the size of the activated lexical cohort? 
27. Python, Grégoire,Glize, Bertrand, Jeulin, Mélissa, Laganaro, Marina -
Semantic facilitation vs interference in picture naming in a group of fluent
aphasic speakers 
28. Adrià Rofes, Lilla Zakariás, Klaudia Ceder, Marianne Lind, Monica Bloom
Johansson,Jovana Bjekić, Valantis Fyndanis, Anna Gavarró, Hanne Gram Simonsen,
Carlos Hernández Sacristán, Jelena Kuvač Kraljević, Silvia Martínez-Ferreir,
Ilknur Mavis, Carolina Méndez Orellana, Lotte Meteyard, Io Salmons, Ingrid
Sör,Müge Tunçer, Jasmina Vuksanovic, Spyridoula Varlokosta, David Howard -
Word imageability from a cross-linguistic perspective
29. Soloukhina Olga, Isaev Dmitry, Akinina Yulia, Ivanova Maria - Differences
in verb and noun comprehension in aphasia 
30. Gloria Streit Olness - Foundations of narrative coherence in aphasia –
examining the role of time reference and evaluative irrealis 
31. Nina Unger, Nina Scholtes, Sandra Zitzen, Ferdinand Binkofski -
Model-Oriented Therapy of Graphematic Paraphasias and Neologisms 
32. Van Dun Kim, Wilssens Ineke, Mariën Peter - Electrical stimulation of the
brain (tDCS) as a therapeutic tool in the treatment of Aphasia 
33. Mile Vuković, Dušanka Matić, Ana Kovač, Irena Vuković, Chris Code - The
public awareness of aphasia in Serbia and Montenegro 
34. Vitor C. Zimmerer, Wolfram Hinzen, Felicity M. Deamer, Rosemary A. Varley
She knows X, she thinks X: Aphasic comprehension of factive and non-factive
clausal embedding 

11.20 – 12.15 
Poster session III/ coffee

12.15 – 13.15  
Screening of the documentary Speechless 

Lunch, Excursion and Dinner

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Session  four 9.30 – 1300 (Coffee break around 11.00) 
Carlo Miniussi
Julius Fridriksson
Mieke van de Sandt
Discussant: Roelien Bastiaanse

13.00 - 15.00 Lunch

15.00 – 17.00 
Contributed papers IV (executive functions, working memory and intervention)

17. Claire Penn, Nancy Barber, Peter Fridjhon -Early recovery profiles of
language and executive functions in bilingual persons following brain injury 
18. Anna Stielow, Prisca Stenneken & Eva Belke- Behind executive functions
-the role of linguistic components in word generation tasks.
19. Lilla Zakariás, Christos Salis, Isabell Wartenburger - Investigating
transfer effects after working memory training in aphasia
20. Jade Cartwrigh, Anne Whitworth, Ashleigh Beales, & Suze Leitao - 
Trialling a multilevel approach to improving discourse in Primary Progressive
Aphasia: A pilot study 
21. Franziska Machleb - Comparing the effectiveness of errorless and errorful
learning in naming therapy in aphasia. What do you like to improve? 
22. Anne Whitworth, Suze Leitão, Jade Cartwright, Janet Webster, Graeme
Hankey, Jan Zach, Vanessa Wolz & Bob Kane - Generalisation following a
multilevel discourse intervention: Is conversation really the gold standard? 

Friday, September 30, 2016 

Breakfast and departure


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LINGUIST List: Vol-27-2388	

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