27.3721, Calls: Comp Ling, Historical Ling, Text/Corpus Linguistics/USA
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Tue Sep 20 18:46:14 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-3721. Tue Sep 20 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.3721, Calls: Comp Ling, Historical Ling, Text/Corpus Linguistics/USA
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry,
Robert Coté, Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2016 14:45:49
From: Yudong Liu [yudong.liu at wwu.edu]
Subject: NLP of Ancient and other Low-resource Languages: Special Track at FLAIRS30
Full Title: NLP of Ancient and Other Low-resource Languages: Special Track at FLAIRS30
Date: 22-May-2017 - 24-May-2017
Location: Marco Island, Florida, USA
Contact Person: Yudong Liu
Meeting Email: yudong.liu at wwu.edu
Web Site: https://sites.google.com/site/flairs30specialtrack/home
Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Historical Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Call Deadline: 21-Nov-2016
Meeting Description:
FLAIRS-30 continues a tradition of presenting and discussing state of the art
artificial intelligence and related research in a sociable atmosphere within a
beautiful setting. Events will include invited speakers, special tracks,
discussion panels, and presentations of papers, posters, and awards.
Traditionally, FLAIRS features not only some of the world's leading
researchers but also quality submissions from students.
The track of Natural Language Processing of Ancient and other Low-resource
Languages brings together researchers in ancient and low-resource languages,
and facilitates dissemination of NLP techniques that address challenges common
to both areas. It aims to advance this subfield of NLP by providing a
recognized forum.
Call for Papers:
The exploration of corpora of writings in Old English, Greek, Latin, Ancient
Chinese and recent work in Near Eastern Language (Sumerian, Akkadian and
Babylonian), supported by growing archives, suggest a strong future for this
kind of inquiry for the NLP community.
Since corpora of many ancient languages are still limited in size, it is often
difficult to apply standard NLP techniques that assume large-scale training
data. This challenge is shared by other “low-resource” languages - languages
or dialects spoken by smaller populations, or in parts of the world where NLP
has been less developed. Bootstrapping, active learning, and other
unsupervised or semi-supervised methods are needed to process, analyze, and
develop resources for these languages.
The track of Natural Language Processing of Ancient and other Low-resource
Languages brings together researchers in ancient and low-resource languages,
and facilitates dissemination of NLP techniques that address challenges common
to both areas. It aims to advance this subfield of NLP by providing a
recognized forum.
Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, unpublished work in
the form of long, short papers, or poster abstracts. For technical details,
please see Call for Papers at http://www.flairs-30.info/.
Topic List:
- Adaptation of NLP tools to ancient and other low-resource languages
- Automatic creation of digital resources of ancient and other low-resource
- Automatic error detection and cleaning
- Complex annotation tools and interfaces
- Linguistic variation, non-standard or historical use of language
- Linking and retrieving information across different sources, media, and
- Standardization efforts in research infrastructure and research data
- Text mining and text analytics (named entities, events, sentiment,
discourse, narration)
- Grammar induction applied to ancient and other low-resource languages
- Decipherment
- Uses of NLP in teaching ancient and other low-resource languages
Submission Instructions:
Submitted papers must be original, and not submitted concurrently to a journal
or another conference. Double-blind reviewing will be provided, so submitted
papers must use fake author names and affiliations. Papers must use the latest
AAAI Press Word template or LaTeX macro package, and must be submitted as PDF
through the EasyChair conference
. (Do NOT use a fake name for your EasyChair login; your EasyChair account
information is hidden from reviewers.)
FLAIRS will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under
review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a
journal or another conference. Authors are also required not to submit their
papers elsewhere during FLAIRS's review period. These restrictions apply only
to journals and conferences, not to workshops and similar specialized
presentations with a limited audience and without archival proceedings.
Authors will be required to confirm that their submissions conform to these
requirements at the time of submission.
Papers and Abstracts:
There are three kinds of submissions:
- Full paper: a paper of high quality, which will be published in the
proceedings (up to 6 pages) and will be presented by the author in a
corresponding track (20 minute oral presentation)
- Short paper: a paper that shows some novelty and general interest, but is
more preliminary or in the early stages of development, which also get
published in the proceedings (up to 4 pages) and the author presents the work
in a poster session
- Poster abstract: only the abstract is published (up to 250 words) and the
author presents the work in a poster session.
Rejected full papers may still be accepted as short papers or poster
abstracts, if reviewers found interest in the idea, but the paper quality was
not sufficient to be published in full length. There will also be a separate
abstract only submission for authors who want to submit just an abstract and
present it in a poster session.
For each accepted paper (full or short), there must be an accompanying Author
Registration. A single author may have up to a maximum of two papers per
Author Registration. Author names may be changed or re-ordered after
reviewing; however, for budgetary reasons, registration fees will be based on
the details at the time of submission and review.
The proceedings of FLAIRS-30 will be published by the AAAI. Authors of
accepted papers will be required to sign a form transferring copyright of
their contribution to AAAI. Authors are expected to make a reasonable effort
to address reviewers’ comments prior to the submission of the camera ready
paper. Where such expectations have been flouted, actions may be taken to
preserve the quality of the conference and the expectations of conference
In order for a paper to be published in the proceedings, the paper must be
accompanied by at least one Author Registration. It is also expected that for
a full (i.e., maximum 6-page) paper, at least one of the authors will attend
the conference to present their work.
Important Dates:
July 11, 2016: Proposals for special tracks
July 18, 2016: Acceptance of special tracks
November 21, 2016: Paper submission deadline
January 23, 2017: Paper acceptance notification
February 6, 2017: Poster abstract submission
February 13, 2017: Poster abstract notification
February 20, 2017: Author registration
February 27, 2017: Camera ready version due
April 11, 2017: Early registration
May 16, 2017: Regular registration
May 22-24, 2017: Conference
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