27.3850, TOC: Journal of Semitic Studies 61 / 2 (2016)
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Thu Sep 29 14:51:40 UTC 2016
LINGUIST List: Vol-27-3850. Thu Sep 29 2016. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 27.3850, TOC: Journal of Semitic Studies 61 / 2 (2016)
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Anthony Aristar, Helen Aristar-Dry,
Robert Coté, Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Amanda Foster <amanda at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 2016 10:51:33
From: Carolyn Napolitano [Carolyn.Napolitano at oup.com]
Subject: Journal of Semitic Studies Vol. 61, No. 2 (2016)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Journal Title: Journal of Semitic Studies
Volume Number: 61
Issue Number: 2
Issue Date: 2016
Main Text:
Journal of Semitic Studies
Read Volume 61 Issue 2 online now at http://bit.ly/2bwZQA9
Whence Come Direct Object Markers in Northwest Semitic?
by Humphrey H. Hardy II
Rereading the Inscriptions of the ‘Throne of Astarte’ and the Sidonian Obelisk
by Edward Lipiński
The Development of Predicates with Prepositional Subjects in Hebrew
by Uri Mor and Na’ama Pat-El
Burning Issues: mlk revisited
by Anthony J. Frendo
The Meaning of Hebrew [image unavailable]
by A.A. Macintosh
The Syntax of the Legal Metaphor in Hosea 2:4
by Stephen C. Russell
The Fabulist’s Art: Some Brief Remarks on Solomon’s Lions (1 Kings 10:18-20)
With a Minor Reception History
by Daniel James Waller
‘To Hear and to Accept’: A Word-Pair in the Tell Fakhariyah Bilingual
by Laura Quick
Between Polis and Imperium: The Early Rabbinic Concept of Mĕdînâ
by Joshua I. Weinstein
An Addition to The Christian-Palestinian Aramaic Literary Corpus: Logos XV of
Abba Isaiah of Scetis
by Alin Suciu
The Emergence of the Holy Man in Early Islamic Mysticism: The Myrtle in a
Muslim Woman’s Dream and its Late Antique Echoes
by Sara Sviri
Possible Midrashic Sources in Muqātil b. Sulaymān’s Tafsīr
by Haggai Mazuz
The Origin of the Neo-Aramaic Verb dʕr ‘To Return’ and its Cognates: A New
by Hezy Mutzafi
Dennis Pardee, The Ugaritic Texts and the Origins of West-Semitic Literary
Reviewed by Adrian H.W. Curtis
Moshe Bar-Asher, Studies in Classical Hebrew
Reviewed by Gary A. Rendsburg
Tania Notarius, The Verb in Archaic Biblical Poetry: A Discursive,
Typological, and Historical Investigation of the Tense System
Reviewed by Wilfred G.E. Watson
Reinhard Gregor Kratz, Historisches und biblisches Israel. Drei Überblicke zum
alten Testament
Reviewed by Philip R Davies
Dan Levene, Jewish Aramaic Curse Texts from Late-Antique Mesopotamia: “May
These Curses Go Out and Flee”
Reviewed by Charles G. Häberl
Ra‘anan Boustan, Martha Himmelfarb and Peter Schäfer (eds), Hekhalot
Literature in Context: Between Byzantium and Babylonia
Reviewed by Annelies Kuyt
Ehud Krinis, God's Chosen People: Judah Halevi's Kuzari and the Shī‘ī Imām
Reviewed by Diana Lobel
Dean Phillip Bell (ed.), The Bloomsbury Companion to Jewish Studies
Reviewed by Daniel Garner
Denis Nosnitsin, Churches and Monasteries of Tǝgray: A Survey of Manuscript
Reviewed by Michael A. Knibb
Hezy Mutzafi, Comparative Lexical Studies in Neo-Mandaic
Reviewed by Charles Häberl
Eric Vallet, L’Arabie Marchande. Etat et Commerce sous les Sultans Rasūlides
du Yémen
Reviewed by G. Rex Smith
Ahmad Al-Jallad, An Outline of the Grammar of the Safaitic Inscriptions
Reviewed by G. Rex Smith
Vitaly Naumkin (corpus ed.) and Leonid Kogan (volume ed.), Corpus of Soqotri
Oral Literature
Reviewed by G. Rex Smith
Fabian Käs, Al-Maqrīzīs Traktat über die Mineralien: Kitāb al-Maqāṣid
al-saniyyah li-ma‘rifat al-aǧsām al-ma‘diniyyah
Reviewed by Oliver Kahl
Short Notices:
Terrance R. Wardlaw Jr, Elohim within the Psalms: Petitioning the Creator to
Order Chaos in Oral-Derived Literature
Reviewed by Wilfred G.E. Watson
W. Dennis Tucker Jr, Constructing and Deconstructing Power in Psalms 107-150
Reviewed by Wilfred G.E. Watson
Nancy L. deClaissé-Walford (ed.), The Shape and Shaping of the Book of Psalms:
The Current State of Scholarship
Reviewed by Wilfred G.E. Watson
Aaron D. Hornkohl, Ancient Hebrew Periodization and the Language of the Book
of Jeremiah: The Case for a Sixth-Century Date of Composition
Reviewed by Jarod Jacobs
Read now at http://bit.ly/2bwZQA9
Linguistic Field(s): Historical Linguistics
Ling & Literature
Subject Language(s): Akkadian (akk)
Aramaic, Official (arc)
Hebrew (heb)
Language Family(ies): Northwest Semitic
West Semitic
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