28.1967, Calls: Computational Linguistics/Germany

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Thu Apr 27 14:48:28 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-1967. Thu Apr 27 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.1967, Calls: Computational Linguistics/Germany

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 10:48:18
From: Sandra Kuebler [skuebler at indiana.edu]
Subject: 1st Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities

Full Title: 1st Workshop on Teaching NLP for Digital Humanities 
Short Title: Teach4DH 

Date: 12-Sep-2017 - 12-Sep-2017
Location: Berlin, Germany 
Contact Person: Heike Zinsmeister
Meeting Email: teach4dh at googlegroups.com
Web Site: https://teach4dh.github.io 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 17-Jul-2017 

Meeting Description:

Computational linguists often teach digital humanities (DH) modules that focus
on using / applying / adapting NLP technologies and resources to DH problems.
The challenge in such modules is to introduce students with a background in
humanities or social sciences to technical content without going into detail.
NLP tools often require special input formats, knowledge of program options,
and post-processing of the output. NLP resources are often not easily
accessible and provide only limited interaction. Interfaces and search tools
require knowledge of specialized search syntax.

The workshop is intended to provide a forum for such ''NLP teachers'' to share
experiences, discuss best practices, introduce teaching concepts, and present
demos of existing technology. It also provides an opportunity for DH
researchers to express their needs and provide directions for future DH
curricular developments. The workshop is intended to foster collaborations and
to cross-fertilize knowledge and approaches across DH disciplines.

Teach4DH is co-organized by GSCL's SIG Education and Profession.

Held in conjunction with GSCL 2017 (http://gscl2017.dfki.de/),
Berlin, Germany, September 12, 2017

Call for Papers:


We welcome submissions of long and short papers, posters, and demonstrations
relating to any aspect of teaching NLP in DH classes, including:

- Didactic units / concepts / tools for employing NLP in teaching ''on stage''
- Challenges in teaching for a non-CL audience
- Exploiting NLP tools ''behind the scenes'' for creating didactic DH material
- Curricular considerations in developing standards for DH programs

See the website at https://teach4dh.github.io for more details, including
submission instructions. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact the workshop co-chairs at teach4dh at googlegroups.com.

Important Dates:

All submission deadlines are at 11:59 p.m. PST
Jul 17, 2017: Paper submission due
Aug 09, 2017: Notification of acceptance
Aug 25, 2017: Camera-ready papers due
Sep 12, 2017: Workshop day


Workshop Chairs:

Peggy Bockwinkel: University of Stuttgart
Thierry Declerck: DFKI, Saarbrücken
Sandra Kübler:  Indiana University, Bloomington
Heike Zinsmeister: Universität Hamburg

Program Committee:

Melanie Andresen: Universität Hamburg
Fabian Barteld: Universität Hamburg
Stefanie Dipper: Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Kim Gerdes: Sorbonne nouvelle Paris
Evelyn Gius: Universität Hamburg
Jonas Kuhn: University of Stuttgart
Lothar Lemnitzer: BBAW, Berlin
Harald Lüngen: IDS, Mannheim
Nils Reiter: University of Stuttgart
Thomas Schmidt: IDS, Mannheim
Julian Schulz: LMU, München
Olga Scrivner: Indiana University
Caroline Sporleder: Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
Jannik Strötgen: MPI, Saarbrücken
Thorsten Trippel: University of Tübingen
Gabriel Viehhauser: University of Stuttgart
Andreas Witt: University of Cologne
Amir Zeldes:  Georgetown University
(to be extended)

Contact address: teach4dh at googlegroups.com


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                       Fund Drive 2017
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This year the LINGUIST List hopes to raise $70,000. This money
will go to help keep the List running by supporting all of our 
Student Editors for the coming year.

Don't forget to check out the Fund Drive 2017 site!


We collect donations via the eLinguistics Foundation, a
registered 501(c) Non Profit organization with the federal tax
number 45-4211155. The donations can be offset against your
federal and sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax payers
only). For more information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact
your financial advisor.

Many companies also offer a gift matching program. Contact
your human resources department and send us the necessary form.

Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-1967	

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