28.3514, Calls: Romanian, Romance, General Linguistics/Romania
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Thu Aug 24 14:56:32 UTC 2017
LINGUIST List: Vol-28-3514. Thu Aug 24 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.3514, Calls: Romanian, Romance, General Linguistics/Romania
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 10:56:17
From: Alexandru Nicolae [nicolae_bibi at yahoo.com]
Subject: Variation in Romanian and Romance. The 17th International Conference of the Department of Linguistics
Full Title: Variation in Romanian and Romance. The 17th International Conference of the Department of Linguistics
Short Title: LR17
Date: 24-Nov-2017 - 25-Nov-2017
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Contact Person: Alexandru Nicolae
Meeting Email: colocviu_lingvistica at yahoo.ro
Web Site: http://www.unibuc.ro/depts/litere/limba_romana/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): Romanian (ron)
Language Family(ies): Romance
Call Deadline: 15-Sep-2017
Meeting Description:
As in previous years, we intend to cover a wide range of topics, encompassing
all the domains and directions of research in the study of Romanian and in
general linguistics, bringing together a large number of researchers from
Romania and abroad.
The conference also hosts the workshop „Discourse phenomena in a comparative
and typological perspective''
Keynote speakers:
Ian Roberts (University of Cambridge)
Donca Steriade (MIT)
Nigel Vincent (University of Manchester)
Registration fee: € 40 (or RON 180); students: € 20 (RON 90). The
registration fee can be paid upon arrival.
Call for Papers:
Main Session:
As in previous years, we intend to cover a wide range of topics, encompassing
all the domains and directions of research in the study of Romanian and in
general linguistics, bringing together a large number of researchers from
Romania and abroad.
We encourage a wide range of different types of abstracts, including but not
limited to the following:
- Morphology, syntax, phonetics, and phonology,
- Pragmatics and stylistics,
- Lexicology and lexicography, semantics, and terminology,
- History of language, philology, and dialectology,
- Teaching Romanian as a mother tongue and as a foreign language.
Workshop: Discourse phenomena in a comparative and typological perspective
The workshop is intended to host a wide range of topics dealing with situated
communication and invites authors to focus on the interaction between context
and discourse phenomena.
Some questions to be addressed: How do specific circumstances of interaction
impact on humour / irony, (im)politeness, arguing, self-defending, lying,
manipulating, approving, hedging, turn-taking, etc.? - How do communicative
attitudes and emotions like aggressiveness, self-confidence, shyness,
apprehension, sadness, joy, frustration, etc. correlate with the structural
features of discourse? - What are the most relevant discourse phenomena of
various discourse genres? - Have various communicative strategies changed over
time? - How are speech acts like boasting, denying, complaining, alluding,
interrupting, hesitating, etc. mapped onto discourse in various languages /
cultures? - What is the relationship between various contextualization cues in
interpreting speech acts, i.e., shared knowledge and conversational history,
intonation, syntactic and/or information structure, etc.? - How are discourse
phenomena encoded in drama and fiction? - How do non-natives interpret /
produce / learn discourse phenomena in L2?
The aim of this kaleidoscopic workshop is to depict the most relevant
categories to be set in designing culture and language specific grammars of
use, integrating concepts from pragmatics, discourse analysis and conversation
analysis. Although the Romanian language is in focus, comparative and
typological approaches are welcome.
Convenor: Andra Vasilescu, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Letters
Submitted abstracts should be 1 page in length (references excluded). Please
send abstracts no later than September 15, 2017 to:
colocviu_lingvistica at yahoo.ro.
Abstracts for the workshop should be to be submitted to:
colocviu_lingvistica at yahoo.ro, mentioning: for the Workshop Discourse
phenomena in a comparative and typological perspective
A selection of the contributions will be published.
Conference languages: Romanian, English, French
For further inquiries, please contact Alexandru Nicolae
(nicolae_bibi at yahoo.com) or Adina Dragomirescu (adina_drag at yahoo.com).
Abstracts which are not accepted as oral presentations may be presented as
Notification of acceptance: October 5, 2017
Presentations will be scheduled for 30 minute slots (20 minutes followed by 10
minutes for questions).
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