28.663, Calls: Applied Linguistics/Germany

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Fri Feb 3 15:30:34 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-663. Fri Feb 03 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.663, Calls: Applied Linguistics/Germany

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2017 10:30:24
From: Thomas Tinnefeld [fremdsprachentagung at googlemail.com]
Subject: 4th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching

Full Title: 4th Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching 
Short Title: 4. SFT 

Date: 02-Nov-2017 - 04-Nov-2017
Location: Saarbrücken, Germany 
Contact Person: Thomas Tinnefeld
Meeting Email: fremdsprachentagung at googlemail.com
Web Site: http://4saarbrueckerfremdsprachentagung.blogspot.de/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 30-Sep-2017 

Meeting Description:

Foreign Language Teaching in the 21st Century:
Learners 2.0 - Methods 3.0 - Challenges 4.0

In the early 21st century, foreign language teaching is exposed to noticeable
discrepancies. On the one hand, it is expected to be holistic and immensely
efficient; on the other hand, the language teaching methods developed up to
the present day are constantly challenged by ever-growing expectations from
various sides. Learners, in turn, are not always able to meet the varied
expectations concerning their learning behaviour as well as the concrete
progress they are to achieve. That is, both learners and methods are facing
multifarious challenges. The Fourth Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language
Teaching devotes itself to the description and analysis of this situation as
well as to possible solutions.

As is suggested by the subtitle of the conference, the development of the new
media in the past few decades has been so rapid that have not yet been able to
cope with the new situation and all the intellectual and methodological
chances it entails. Learners have already undergone some minor evolution –
i.e, progressing from Learners 1.0 to Learners 2.0 in a metaphorical sense.
They have, for example, made progress by frequently referring to online
software or even mobile applications for their diverse language learning
activities. Yet, they have not taken the next evolutionary step which would
permit them to instantly integrate new language items into their mental
lexicons. It can thus be stated that typical learners are lagging behind the
developments of the ''modern'' world around them. 

The methods nowadays developed by foreign language methodology and action
research are rather advanced as compared to those established and practised in
the middle (Methods 1.0) or at the end (Methods 2.0) of the 20th century. It
may, however, be admitted that in many cases, these methods do not reflect a
standard that would represent an enrichment to today's learning environments.
This implies that new methodological impulses represent a pressing necessity. 

The impulses required in this context can be labelled Challenges 4.0. These
challenges concern all the parties involved in foreign language teaching,

- Learners, who represent the target group that is meant to benefit from all
the efforts mentioned above and that is confronted with all kinds of teaching
- Teachers, who were trained in Methods 1.0 and - possibly - in Methods 2.0,
but are expected to apply Methods 3.0 to their present teaching
- Language methodology, whose research is to cover all possible learning
- The educational institutions involved;
- Publishing houses that need to defend their position in a market under
constant digitalization.

Set on this background and addressing all areas of language teaching, the
Fourth Saarbrücken Conference will deal with the outlook of foreign language
teaching and acquisition as can be presently imagined and even predicted on
the basis of the different indicators perceptible in the relevant fields

The Fourth Saarbrücken Conference on Foreign Language Teaching will be closely
documented on the Internet.

Registration is open from the present moment on via email to
fremdsprachentagung at googlemail.com or by filling in the online registration
form to be found on top of the conference website.

Conference programme: please see conference webpage for information

Call for Papers:

Foreign Language Teaching in the 21st Century:
Learners 2.0 - Methods 3.0 - Challenges 4.0

Abstracts should be sent to fremdsprachentagung at googlemail.com by the above

During registration, please indicate that you would like to present at the
conference and that you will be sending an abstract to
fremdsprachentagung at googlemail.com.

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-663	

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