28.667, Support: Indo-Aryan; Historical Linguistics / Switzerland

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Fri Feb 3 16:24:44 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-667. Fri Feb 03 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.667, Support:  Indo-Aryan; Historical Linguistics / Switzerland

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Amanda Foster <amanda at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 03 Feb 2017 11:24:40
From: Martha Mariani [martha.mariani at uzh.ch]
Subject: Indo-Aryan; Historical Linguistics, PhD, University of Zurich, Switzerland

 Institution/Organization: University of Zurich 
Department: Department of Comparative Linguistics 
Web Address: http://www.comparativelinguistics.uzh.ch/en/staff.html 

Level: PhD 

Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: Historical Linguistics 



The Department of Comparative Linguistics at the University of Zurich invites
applications for one PhD student position in Iranian linguistics.

The position is embedded in the research project "The Evolution of Noun
Phrases in Indo-Iranian: empirical foundations and theoretical modeling"
funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation. In this project, we aim at
gaining insights into how exactly language contact, universal biases and
chance effects play together. We do this by tracking the evolution of NP
structures and their properties in a large sample of modern and extinct
Indo-Iranian languages and compare them to their respective contact languages.
We will use, and further develop, both qualitative comparative methods and
quantitative modeling. Apart from the position advertised here, the project
will be supported by a postdoc in Indo-Aryan linguistics, and by a postdoc
specialized in diachronically-oriented typology who will survey contact
languages and a worldwide control sample. The team furthermore includes
experts in quantitative methods and database technology. The project as a
whole is embedded in extensive cooperation between typology and Indo-European
linguistics at the department.

The profile of the position is as follows:

- The succesful candidate has expertise in comparative and Iranian linguistics
and a thorough knowledge of Old, Middle, and Modern Iranian languages and 
philology. S/he carries out the data collection in the Iranian languages of
our sample and will complete a PhD thesis on the evolution of key features of
NP structures in Iranian with a special emphasis on the impact of language

- The succesful candidate has excellent team-work skills and is eager to look
beyond narrow disciplinary boundaries.

The position is offered for a period of three years. The position will be
filled by September 1, 2017 at the latest. 

Applications are expected to reach us by March 31, 2017, and should include a
letter of motivation, the CV, a copy of the Master's thesis, and the names of
two references.

Please send the documents in PDF format to Prof. Dr. Widmer (see contact
information below) and to Prof. Dr. Bickel (see email for applications below),
both of which may also be contacted for further information.

Application Deadline: 31-Mar-2017 

Mailing Address for Applications:
	Attn: Prof. Dr. Balthasar Bickel
	University of Zurich
	Department of Comparative Linguistics
	Plattenstrasse 54
	Zurich 8032
Contact Information: 
	Prof. Dr. Paul Widmer
	Dept: Department of Comparative Linguistics
	Email: paul.widmer at uzh.ch  

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-667	
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