28.820, Support: Turkish; German (Standard); General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics / Switzerland

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Feb 13 15:57:43 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-820. Mon Feb 13 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.820, Support: Turkish; German (Standard); General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics / Switzerland

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Editor for this issue: Amanda Foster <amanda at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 10:57:38
From: Sabine Stoll [sabine.stoll at uzh.ch]
Subject: Turkish; German (Standard); General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics: PhD, University of Zurich, Switzerland

 Institution/Organization: University of Zurich 
Department: Department of Comparative Linguistics 
Web Address: http://www.ivs.uzh.ch 

Level: PhD 

Duties: Research
Specialty Areas: General Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics 
Required Language(s): German (deu)
                      Turkish (tur) 


Two PhD positions in first language acquisition at UZH

The Psycholinguistics Laboratory (Department of Comparative Linguistics) and
the Research Unit Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood (Department
of Psychology) at the University of Zurich invite applications for two PhD
student positions embedded into the research project "The role of causality in
early verb learning: language-specific factors vs. universal strategies"
funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation.

The goal of this project is to explore the relation between language and
cognition from a developmental perspective with a focus on the processing of
causality and its role in early verb learning. The project combines a
large-scale cross-linguistic corpus study (involving longitudinal data from 10
typologically diverse languages) with experimental psychological studies
(comparing Turkish and Swiss German). The project collaborates closely with
partners at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey.

The project involves altogether three PhD positions. The two positions
advertized here are located in the experimental subproject, whose aim is to
investigate if children at the beginning of their grammatical development can
broaden their syntactic knowledge to different types of causality or whether
their knowledge is restricted to prototypical causal scenes. Further, we
intend to explore whether young learners of Swiss German and Turkish are able
to assign (similarly to children who learn English) the syntactic structure of
a transitive sentence to an observed causal event. 

General requirements:

MA in Psychology (or in General Linguistics) with a strong interest in
developmental psychology and language acquisition. For both PhD positions the
requirements are experience with experimental research, strong method
knowledge and skills, good command of English, interest in pursuing an
academic career in Psychology or Linguistics. The successful candidates should
have excellent teamwork skills and be interested to go beyond disciplinary

Specific requirements:

The PhD candidates will design, build up (in collaboration with the team and
PhD candidate 3) the experiments in the Laboratory of the Research Unit
Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood at the Department of
Psychology at the University of Zurich. 

PhD 1 will conduct the experiments primarily at the UZH, for this, native
competence in a Swiss German dialect is required. 

PhD 2 will conduct the experiments primarily at the Department of Psychology
at Koç University in Istanbul. 

Accordingly, native competence in Turkish is required. Knowledge of (Swiss)
German is a plus. 

Research environment: 

We offer work in an interdisciplinary and international team located at the
University of Zurich and Koç University in Istanbul. Both positionswill be
embedded in a doctoral program at either the Department of Comparative
Linguistics or the Department of Psychology and will lead to a PhD in
Psychology or Linguistics. 

The positions start on 1 October, 2017, and will last for three years. 

Applications should include 

- a cover letter that relates the applicants’ experience and interests to the
- a comprehensive CV
- a copy of the MA thesis
- the names and contact information of at least two references. 

Please send the documents combined into one PDF file to sabine.stoll at uzh.ch
and daum at psychologie.uzh.ch, both of whom may be contacted for further

Application Deadline: 31-Mar-2017 

Mailing Address for Applications:
	Attn: Prof. Dr. Sabine Stoll 
	Plattenstrasse 32 
	Zurich 8032 
Contact Information: 
	Prof. Dr. Sabine Stoll 
	sabine.stoll at uzh.ch  

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-820	
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