28.291, Review: General Ling; Ling Theories; Psycholing: Knoeferle, Crocker, Pyykkönen-Klauck (2016)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-28-291. Fri Jan 13 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.291, Review: General Ling; Ling Theories; Psycholing: Knoeferle, Crocker, Pyykkönen-Klauck (2016)
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Editor for this issue: Clare Harshey <clare at linguistlist.org>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2017 12:57:49
From: Andrea Lypka [alypka at mail.usf.edu]
Subject: Visually Situated Language Comprehension
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Book announced at http://linguistlist.org/issues/27/27-1903.html
EDITOR: Pia Knoeferle
EDITOR: Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck
EDITOR: Matthew W. Crocker
TITLE: Visually Situated Language Comprehension
SERIES TITLE: Advances in Consciousness Research 93
PUBLISHER: John Benjamins
YEAR: 2016
REVIEWER: Andrea Eniko Lypka, University of South Florida
Reviews Editor: Helen Aristar-Dry
The interaction among visual context, cognition, motoric, and language
processing has become an intriguing research terrain for cognitive
neuroscientists and psycholinguists. Monitoring this complex interplay becomes
feasible through the visual world paradigm, for example, by tracking
participants’ eye movements or mouse clicks to visuals during spoken language
tasks and instructions. Thus, the visual world paradigm is instrumental for
understanding real-time thinking processes, in-situ language comprehension and
production through linguistic, visual, cognitive, and motoric processes (for
an overview, see Knoeferle & Guerra, 2016).
As an edited volume in the Advances in Consciousness Research (AiCR) series,
Visually Situated Language Comprehension, coedited by Pia Knoeferle (Humboldt
University Berlin), Pirita Pyykkönen-Klauck (Saarland University, Norwegian
University of Science and Technology), and Matthew W. Crocker (Saarland
University), is a rewarding resource for researchers, students, and
practitioners interested in exploring the relationship among visual context,
cognition, and language comprehension, through the visual world paradigm. In
addition to the preface and index, the 12 chapters in this volume, written by
established researchers and scholars, offer state-of-the-art overviews of the
methodological and theoretical applications of the this paradigm. The first
three chapters introduce the visual world paradigm, a psycholinguistic method
designed to study questions related to linguistic processing and attention in
visually-situated contexts. Following the historical presentation of the field
of visually situated language and key concepts, such as “visual world
paradigm”, “context”, and “real-time measure”, in Chapter 1, Michael J. Spivey
and Stephanie Huette conceptualize language comprehension as a dynamic,
interactive process embedded in visual context. The authors describe visual
world methodologies, such as tracking natural eye movements, computer-mouse
movements, and postural sways, to index real time contextual spoken language
Building on the visual world paradigm, the following two chapters provide an
in-depth methodological discussion. In Chapter 2, Benjamin W. Tatler reports
on how information is gathered from the visual environment and encoded into
memory. The author distinguishes among photographs, motion pictures, and
three-dimensional contexts, arguing that characteristics such as motion cues,
composition, luminance, and dynamic range influence the cognitive processes
while viewing scenes and retaining information. In Chapter 3, Pirita
Pyykkönen-Klauck and Matthew W. Crocker focus on overt visual attention in
active and passive tasks. The authors provide evidence from various studies to
highlight the importance of methodological properties of the visual world
paradigm, such as the nature of the task, the linking hypotheses, and
statistical decisions in eye movement analyses. The chapter concludes with a
discussion of the challenges of monitoring and interpreting eye-movement data
to explain the language-attention-visual scene relationship.
The remaining nine chapters review visual world studies on various topics in
language processing and representation in visual contexts. The chapters
investigate topics ranging from referential processing (Chapters 4 and 5),
discourse level processing (Chapter 6), figurative language processing
(Chapter 7), sentence processing (Chapters 8 and 9), perspective-taking
(Chapter 10), and to natural conversation (Chapters 11-12), using visual world
eye-tracking research.
In more details, the role of syntax in sentence and referential processing is
the focus of Chapter 4. The authors, Roger P. G. van Gompel and Juhani
Järvikivi review experiments to investigate how adults and children process
various sentence structures, and how this visual world method influences
referential processing. The findings of these experiments reveal that, in
contrast to children, who appear to rely more on verb bias, adults rely more
on contextual information, such as the visual context, action-based
affordances, lexical biases, and prosody in processing structurally ambiguous
Chapter 5 centers on semantic processing in sentence comprehension and
reference. In this chapter, Paul E. Engelhardt and Fernanda L. Ferreira
provide evidence from studies that focus on how people construct meaning of
sentences, establish semantic-conceptual knowledge, and predict references to
promote comprehension. Overall, the authors conclude that, due to the complex
interface of linguistic and visual inputs, comprehension in sentence
processing and predictive reference tasks are difficult to interpret. In light
of these findings, the authors propose more theoretical refinement of the
visual world paradigm.
To complement language processing on the syntactic and lexical levels
(Chapters 4 and 5), Elsi Kaiser investigates discourse level processing in
Chapter 6. In particular, the author discusses theoretical and methodological
approaches to discourse-level information. Drawing on existing research,
Kaiser demonstrates the importance of discourse level processing, indexed in
pitch accents, word order, and referring expressions, suggesting that
discourse level processing interacts with syntactic and lexical processing in
real-time language comprehension.
In the next chapter, Stephanie Huette and Teenie Matlock review figurative
language processing. A central issue is how people interpret figurative
language encoded in abstract, non-literal sentences, metaphors, similes,
idioms, ironic statements, and other figurative descriptions. Drawing on the
notions of a dynamical system, fictive motion, and the visual world paradigm,
the authors suggest that mental states are embodied in language comprehension.
In Chapter 8 Craig Chambers, influenced by the embodied framework of language
processing, continues the theoretical discussion with a focus on affordances,
interaction with objects, participants, or events, in visually situated
language comprehension. The studies reviewed in this chapter highlight the
importance of affordances and other sensory-perceptual information in language
comprehension; nevertheless, evidence is inconclusive about the specific role
affordances play in language comprehension.
The relationship among language comprehension, attention, and visual context
is the focus of Chapter 9. Pia Knoeferle reports findings from visually
situated language comprehension in eye-tracking and event-related brain
potential experiments to explain that different types of scenes, such as clip
art depictions and photographs as well as the speaker’s visual cues, such as
gaze, head movements, emotional mimics, and gestures, interact with the visual
attention during reading and spoken comprehension. The chapter concludes with
a call for developing a comprehensive theory of situated language
The next two chapters draw on visual world studies on interactive dialogue in
spoken language comprehension. In Chapter 10, Dale J. Barr addresses debates
in conversational perspective taking research, such as discrepancies about the
effects of common ground or the shared knowledge between interlocutors. To
reconcile issues with data analysis and interpretation, the author proposes
expanding investigations of contextual influences on linguistic comprehension
to the process level as opposed to individual level.
In the next chapter, Sarah Brown-Schmidt explores how interlocutors
collaborate to make meaning in face-to-face communication. In contrast to
laboratory speech, everyday natural conversation is context dependent,
disfluent, unscripted, interactional, and facilitated through alignment of
gesture, attention, gaze, action, and through perspective-taking, common
ground, and discourse history. Findings in this chapter support the claim that
language processing in interactive settings differs from scripted laboratory
communication. Theoretical and methodological paradigms need to account for
these characteristics in language processing.
The final chapter expands the dialogue on the engagement of visual and
cognitive processes during language comprehension with the motor systems.
Drawing on the domain of embodied cognition Thomas A. Farmer, Sarah E.
Anderson, Jonathan B. Freeman, and Rick Dale provide evidence from literature
to emphasize the role of the motor system, such as gestures, eye movements,
and postural sways during language comprehension. The authors propose that
computer mouse movements around visual display can complement the eye tracking
record to explore the relationship between action and language.
What distinguishes this edited volume from other publications is that it
reviews more than forty years of research in the field of visually situated
language comprehension. The main contribution of this volume is to provide a
systematic review of literature in the fields of cognitive sciences and
psycholinguistics, assess theoretical and methodological developments, and
common principles, and provide research avenues in the domain of real-time
language processing in visual, non-linguistic contexts.
Written with an audience interested in real-time language processing in mind,
the studies in the first three foundational chapters ground knowledge on the
visual world eye-tracking method in language comprehension inquiry. For
example, the first chapter provides a background on the field of language
comprehension through a historical overview of the visually situated language
field and a discussion of key concepts, such as visual world paradigm,
context, and real-time measure. Newcomers to the field will find these
chapters useful in familiarizing them with the research field and methodology.
The visual world studies described in these nine chapters following the three
introductory chapters address diverse topics pertaining to the relationship
between linguistic comprehension and cognition, ranging from visually situated
language comprehension, scene perception, dynamic scenes, discourse
comprehension, affordances, figurative language processing, fictive motion,
sentence and referential processing, conversational perspective-taking, and
motoric system. In addition to research synthesis, these chapters offer
in-depth discussions of theoretical and methodological insights into the
language-vision interaction. For example, the technologies adopted in
mouse-tracking studies to index manual action during language processing and
the various software discussed in Chapter 12 are useful for researchers,
practitioners, and students interested in in-depth learning about the
intricacies of conducting mouse-tracking experiments.
Methodological constraints and advantages of the visual world paradigm are
explored in this book. Specifically, in Chapter 6, advantages of the
eye-tracking methods include the reliance on the auditory nature, as opposed
to reliance on the prosodic features. The eye tracking methods also allow for
fine-grained analysis to investigate the moment-by-moment language processing
of auditory stimuli in naturalistic tasks. Some of the challenges include the
nature of display, potential biases arising from the location currently being
fixated, and threats to validity. A more in-depth discussion on the
methodological considerations and techniques, such as passive listening tasks,
story continuations, and picture verification, and the adoption of this method
for investigating real-time language processing in participants with limited
or no literacy skills, second language learners, bilingual and multilingual
speakers, and students with learning difficulties, among other groups, would
enrich the conversation about the methodological constraints and advantages
and ethical concerns.
The chapters reflect the purpose of this volume: the contributors review
seminal studies as opposed to reporting unpublished research. To complement
the eye tracking method, they present other methods used to measure language
processing. For example, Chapter 7 reviews studies on the processing of
fictive motion sentences that used various methods, such as narrative studies,
drawing experiments, and time and motion surveys to provide alternative
insights on the processing of language and visual information. Although it is
regrettable that various methods are underrepresented in this volume, the
readers may access further sources for reading in the references. Perhaps an
examination of other methods would not be congruent with the overall focus on
the visual world paradigm.
Another shortcoming is the absence of a concluding chapter. Though chapters
discuss implications of the studies reviewed and suggest further research
topics, a concluding chapter by the editors would complemented the authors’
perspectives. This chapter could have recapitulated the broad range of topics
and methods, such as eye-tracking, mouse-clicking and interviews, think-aloud
protocols, event-related brain potential experiments, covered in the book.
Finally, it could have discussed the adoption of the visual world paradigm
with various participants, ethical concerns, and the relevance of the visual
world paradigm in various areas, such as education, language teaching and
learning, naturalistic second language acquisition and everyday communication.
In spite of these minor drawbacks, this book reports cutting edge research
that contributes to understanding of the complexity of language processing.
The chapters, written by experts in the fields of cognitive science,
computational linguistics, developmental psychology, experimental psychology,
neurolinguistics, and psycholinguistics, provide a comprehensive review of
literature and critical discussions about various topics and theoretical and
methodological developments. Chapters centered on specific topics will be an
excellent reference guide for researchers, students, curriculum designers,
newcomers to the field, and those interested in understanding real-time
comprehension and production through linguistic, visual, cognitive, and
motoric processes. Due to its introductory chapters, comprehensive literature
overviews, and the detailed presentations of a broad range of topics, this
edited volume will be an excellent course book.
Knoeferle, P., & Guerra, E. (2016). Visually situated language comprehension.
Language and Linguistics Compass, 10(2), 66-82. doi :10.1111/lnc3.12177
Andrea Lypka is a PhD Candidate in the Second Language Acquisition and
Instructional Technology (SLA/IT) program at the University of South Florida
(USF). Her research interests include learner identity, agency, and visual
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