28.3105, Calls: Comp Ling, Pragmatics, Semantics, Syntax, Text/Corpus Ling/Germany

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Jul 18 16:32:51 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-3105. Tue Jul 18 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.3105, Calls: Comp Ling, Pragmatics, Semantics, Syntax, Text/Corpus Ling/Germany

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2017 12:32:43
From: Patrick Grosz [grosz at alum.mit.edu]
Subject: Evaluative meanings: Theoretical and computational perspectives

Full Title: Evaluative meanings: Theoretical and computational perspectives 
Short Title: EvalSem 

Date: 07-Mar-2018 - 09-Mar-2018
Location: Stuttgart, Germany 
Contact Person: Patrick Grosz
Meeting Email: grosz at alum.mit.edu
Web Site: https://evalsem.wordpress.com 

Linguistic Field(s): Computational Linguistics; Pragmatics; Semantics; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 06-Aug-2017 

Meeting Description:

Evaluative meanings: Theoretical and computational perspectives

Workshop at DGfS 2018, 7-9 March 2018, Stuttgart

Interest in the encoding of evaluative meanings has significantly increased in
recent years, both in theoretical and in computationally oriented research.
Much recent research in formal linguistics (in particular, but not
exclusively, semantics and syntax) has turned towards topics such as
evaluativity (e.g. Grosz 2012, Bianchi et al. 2016), subjectivity  (e.g.
Lasersohn 2005, Beltrama 2017) and expressivity (Potts 2007, Constant et al.
2009). In parallel, computational linguistics has given rise to fields such as
sentiment analysis, which explicitly aim at the computational investigation of
evaluative phenomena. While theoretical and computational approaches have
largely been pursued in parallel, recent discussions such as Benamara et al.
(2017) highlight the importance of an interdisciplinary discourse between the
two fields.

The aims of the workshop are to address current issues in the investigation of
evaluativity within formal semantics and syntax, and at the same time, to
allow for cross-fertilization with computational linguistic research.

Invited speakers:

Andrea Beltrama (Universität Konstanz)
Farah Benamara (IRIT-Université de Toulouse)


Valentina Bianchi (University of Siena)
Patrick Georg Grosz (University of Oslo)


- Beltrama, A. 2017. 'Totally' between subjectivity and discourse. Exploring
the pragmatic side of intensification. Ms., accepted for publication in
Journal of Semantics.
- Benamara, F., M. Taboada & Y. Mathieu. 2017. Evaluative Language Beyond Bags
of Words: Linguistic Insights and Computational Applications. Computational
Linguistics 43, 201-264.
- Bianchi, V., Bocci, G. & S. Cruschina. 2016. Focus fronting, unexpectedness,
and evaluative implicatures. Semantics and Pragmatics 9.3.  
- Constant, N., C. Davis, C. Potts & F. Schwarz. 2009. The pragmatics of
expressive content: Evidence from large corpora. Sprache und Datenverarbeitung
33, 5-21.
- Grosz, P. 2012. On the grammar of optative constructions. Amsterdam, John
- Lasersohn, P. 2005. Context dependence, disagreement, and predicates of
personal taste. Linguistics and Philosophy 28, 643-686 .
- Potts, C. 2007. The expressive dimension. Theoretical Linguistics 33.2.

2nd Call for Papers:

We invite submissions that address evaluativity from a theoretical and/or
computational angle, with an overarching goal of furthering an
interdisciplinary discourse.

Abstracts must be anonymous, in PDF format, at most 2 pages long, in a font
size no less than 12pt, and with margins of 1 inch/2.5cm. Every author can
submit at most one single-authored abstract and one co-authored abstract.
Please submit abstracts via EasyChair (see link below) no later than August 6,

Abstract submission link:

Possible topics include (but are not limited to) the following and
combinations thereof:

- scalarity in predicates of personal taste, in concessive meaning (e.g.,
''even / at least''), in expressive elements (intensifiers, diminutives,
interjections, epithets, swear words)
- the impact of Information Structure on evaluative meanings (QUD-based
approaches to evaluativity; ''emphatic'' and scalar focus)
- evaluation scores and the nature of sentiment-related scales (e.g.
- sentiment analysis and negation, modality, evidentiality, nonveridicality
- semantic/syntactic analysis of evaluative/expressive speech acts (optatives,
exclamatives, etc.); detection of such speech acts in corpora
- how to derive evaluative/expressive/subjective meanings in a concrete
discourse model
- linguistic underpinnings of computational extraction methods; context and
discourse factors in the automatic extraction of evaluativity/subjectivity
from corpora
- the role of implicit evaluative judges and attitude holders in
semantic/syntactic analysis; detection of such entities in corpora
- evaluativity and polarity (scalar properties of NPIs and PPIs)
- diachronic semantics of evaluativity/subjectivity (e.g. ''totally'')


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