28.1249, 5 Dollar Day is Tomorrow!
linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Mar 14 15:50:13 UTC 2017
LINGUIST List: Vol-28-1249. Tue Mar 14 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.1249, 5 Dollar Day is Tomorrow!
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Fund Drive 2017
25 years of LINGUIST List!
Please support the LL editors and operation with a donation at:
Editor for this issue: Amanda Foster <amanda at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 2017 11:49:13
From: LINGUIST List [linguist at linguistlist.org]
Subject: 5 Dollar Day is Tomorrow!
Dear Readers,
Here is a small challenge for you to think about today: Do you have 5 dollars
in your pocket or in your bank account that you do not need to survive
tomorrow? 5 dollars can seem small to you. But you can invest it in a
meaningful way tomorrow, and even get a chance to win a new book for it! To
us, your five dollars mean a lot and in two ways:
1) small streams make large rivers - and without those we couldn't continue
our work!
2) your support is so encouraging to us. So if you appreciate our free
services to you, please let us know in this small way!
And in fact, you'd be investing these 5 dollars for a chance to win a book
from one of our supporting publishers: Phonetic Transcription in Theory and
Practice by Berry Heselwood (2013), Published by Edinburgh University Press!
So, Donate on 5 DOLLAR DONATIONS DAY, for a special lottery - for every
donation, big or small, your name is entered once in the draw!
Note that for those of you donating 10 dollars or more, you are entering 2
lotteries at once, as tomorrow is also the last day to enter our 2nd Fund
Drive Lottery
We're looking forward to tomorrow and we hope you are too!
- the LINGUIST List team
***************** LINGUIST List Support *****************
Fund Drive 2017
Please support the LL editors and operation with a donation at:
This year the LINGUIST List hopes to raise $70,000. This money
will go to help keep the List running by supporting all of our
Student Editors for the coming year.
Don't forget to check out the Fund Drive 2017 site!
We collect donations via the eLinguistics Foundation, a
registered 501(c) Non Profit organization with the federal tax
number 45-4211155. The donations can be offset against your
federal and sometimes your state tax return (U.S. tax payers
only). For more information visit the IRS Web-Site, or contact
your financial advisor.
Many companies also offer a gift matching program. Contact
your human resources department and send us the necessary form.
Thank you very much for your support of LINGUIST!
LINGUIST List: Vol-28-1249
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