28.2245, Calls: Gen Ling/Australia
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Thu May 18 14:45:32 UTC 2017
LINGUIST List: Vol-28-2245. Thu May 18 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.2245, Calls: Gen Ling/Australia
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 18 May 2017 10:45:22
From: Angus Wheeler [angus.wheeler at sydney.edu.au]
Subject: Australian Linguistics Society 2017
Full Title: Australian Linguistics Society 2017
Short Title: ALS2017
Date: 04-Dec-2017 - 07-Dec-2017
Location: Sydney NSW, Australia
Contact Person: Maïa Ponsonnet
Meeting Email: linguistics.als2017 at sydney.edu.au
Web Site: http://sydney.edu.au/arts/conference/alaa_als_2017/index.shtml
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics
Call Deadline: 02-Jun-2017
Meeting Description:
ALS2017 Call for Proposals for Workshop Sessions
The Australian Linguistic Society is the national organization for linguists
and linguistics in Australia. Its primary goal is to further interest in and
support for linguistics research and teaching in Australia.
The Society, established in 1967, publishes the Australian Journal of
Linguistics, a journal of international standing, which includes articles from
all areas of linguistics, although having a particular focus on linguistics
carried out by Australian linguists or about Australian indigenous languages
or Australian English. The Department of Linguistics at the University of
Sydney will be host the 48th annual meeting of the Australian Linguistics
Society, corresponding with the 50th anniversary of the Society. The
conference will run from 4-7 December.
Call for Papers:
We are calling for proposals to hold workshop sessions at the 2017 Australian
Linguistic Society meeting (to take place on 4-7 December 2017 at the
University of Sydney). Please note that the due date is VERY SOON:
Proposals close Friday 2 June 2017
Please send your proposal to: linguistics.als2017 at sydney.edu.au
Workshop proposals can be on any topic relevant to the interests of members of
the ALS.
We are accepting proposals for single-session (90 minutes), double-session
(2x90 minutes) or all-day (3x90 minutes) workshops, to be held either in
parallel with individual paper sessions during Days 1-3 of the conference (5-7
Dec), or on the pre-conference arrival day (Monday 4 Dec, between 10am and
Proposals for workshops must include (1) Title, (2) Outline and Motivation
(200 words max), and (3) outline of the full planned proceedings within the
90min session(s) format; this may include specific speakers/titles for talks,
or intended profiles of who/what is to be included, if you plan to do a public
call for papers. Workshop convenors will be fully responsible for ensuring
quality through the appropriate process of review, selection, and organization
of constituent paper presentations. Workshop presentations will not go through
the EasyChair review procedure that stand-alone ALS2017 papers will.
Please contact us directly (linguistics.als2017 at sydney.edu.au) if you have any
queries or want to discuss your ideas.
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