28.4677, Calls: Cog Sci, Text/Corpus Ling/Finland
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LINGUIST List: Vol-28-4677. Tue Nov 07 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.4677, Calls: Cog Sci, Text/Corpus Ling/Finland
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 07 Nov 2017 14:25:31
From: Marcus Callies [callies at uni-bremen.de]
Subject: Corpus approaches to conceptual metaphor and idioms in World Englishes
Full Title: Corpus approaches to conceptual metaphor and idioms in World Englishes
Date: 30-May-2018 - 30-May-2018
Location: Tampere, Finland
Contact Person: Marcus Callies Alexander Onysko
Meeting Email: callies at uni-bremen.de
Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; Text/Corpus Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2017
Meeting Description:
In the last decades, the research paradigm of World Englishes has experienced
a proliferation of investigations on different aspects of Englishes across the
world. However, the field of figurative language use, as manifest e.g. in
conceptual metaphors and idioms, has largely been neglected so far (see
Polzenhagen & Wolf 2017 and Callies 2017 for review). One of the first studies
to explore this terra incognita was Wolf & Polzenhagen’s (2009)
cognitive-linguistic approach to the study of African Englishes. Assuming that
a language (or a variety of that language) reflects the cultural context of
its speech community, first applications of conceptual metaphor theory have
highlighted the importance of cultural background knowledge and underlying
cultural conceptualizations for the interpretation of lexical domains in World
Englishes. Some of these studies have combined the usage-based framework of
Cognitive Linguistics with corpus linguistic methods to investigate the
expression of culture in several Englishes (e.g. Wolf & Polzenhagen 2007;
Sharifian 2008; Polzenhagen & Wolf 2010; Wolf & Chan 2016; and several papers
in Callies & Onysko 2017). The English language and its worldwide
diversification provides rich potential for exploring if and how the
culturally diverse settings in which the many Englishes have formed and are
developing influence the use of figurative language.
Against this background, this workshop aims to strengthen the link between
research on figurative language in Cognitive Linguistics and research on World
Englishes, and to make the emerging research in this field more visible. The
workshop especially aims to bring together researchers that use large
electronic corpora to study the conceptual and linguistic variability of
metaphors and idioms across the English-speaking world.
Call for Papers:
Contributions addressing one of the following research questions are
particularly invited:
To what extent are electronic corpora such as the ICE (Greenbaum 1996) or the
GloWbE (Davies 2013-) viable sources of data to examine metaphors and idioms
across World Englishes, and what are state-of-the-art approaches to the
identification and retrieval of metaphorical expressions and idioms from
corpus data?
What source and target domains can be identified as fruitful for the study of
metaphor and idioms in World Englishes (e.g. the conceptualization of
emotions, FOOD / EATING as source domains)?
Can certain types of figurative language serve as markers of nativization /
indigenization in World Englishes (Schneider 2007: 46, 86)?
How do metaphors and idioms relate to underlying differences in cultural
conceptualizations in World Englishes?
We invite abstracts for this workshop (up to 500 words, excluding references)
to be submitted by e-mail to callies at uni-bremen.de and alexander.onysko at aau.at
by 15 December 2017. Notification of acceptance will be sent out at the end of
Callies, M. (2017), “ ‘Idioms in the making’ as evidence for variation in
conceptual metaphor across varieties of English”, Cognitive Linguistic Studies
4(1), 65-83.
Callies. M. & A. Onysko, eds. (2017), Metaphor variation in Englishes around
the world. Special issue of Cognitive Linguistic Studies 4(1). Amsterdam:
Davies, M. (2013-). Corpus of Global Web-Based English: 1.9 billion words from
speakers in 20 countries.
Greenbaum, S. (Ed). (1996). Comparing English Worldwide: The International
Corpus of English. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
Polzenhagen, F. & H.-G. Wolf (2010), “Investigating culture from a linguistic
perspective: An exemplification with Hong Kong English”, Zeitschrift für
Anglistik und Amerikanistik 58(3), 281-303.
Polzenhagen, F. & H.-G. Wolf (2017), “World Englishes and Cognitive
Linguistics”, in M. Filppula, J. Klemola & D. Sharma (eds.), The Oxford
Handbook of World Englishes. Oxford: OUP, 147-172.
Schneider, E. (2007). Postcolonial English. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Sharifian, F. (2008), “Cultural models of home in aboriginal children’s
English”, in G. Kristiansen & R. Dirven (eds.), Cognitive Sociolinguistics.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 333-352.
Wolf, H.-G. & F. Polzenhagen (2007), “Fixed expressions as manifestations of
cultural conceptualizations: Examples from African varieties of English”, in
P. Skandera (ed.), Phraseology and Culture in English. Berlin & New York: De
Gruyter, 399-435.
Wolf, H.-G. & F. Polzenhagen, eds. (2009), World Englishes. A Cognitive
Sociolinguistic Approach. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
Wolf, H.-G. & T. Chan (2016), “Understanding Asia by means of cognitive
sociolinguistics and cultural linguistics. The example of GHOSTS in Hong Kong
English”, in G. Leitner, A. Hashim, & H. -G. Wolf (eds.), Communicating with
Asia: The future of English as a global language. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, 249-266.
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