28.4777, Calls: Gen Ling, Morphology, Semantics, Syntax/Switzerland
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LINGUIST List: Vol-28-4777. Mon Nov 13 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.4777, Calls: Gen Ling, Morphology, Semantics, Syntax/Switzerland
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2017 15:00:48
From: Caterina Bonan [Caterina.Bonan at unige.ch]
Subject: The Geneva WH-orkshop on Optional Insituness
Full Title: The Geneva WH-orkshop on Optional Insituness
Short Title: GenWH 2018
Date: 16-Jan-2018 - 18-Jan-2018
Location: Genève, Switzerland
Contact Person: Caterina Bonan
Meeting Email: caterina.bonan at unige.ch
Web Site: https://genwh2018.wordpress.com/
Linguistic Field(s): General Linguistics; Morphology; Semantics; Syntax
Call Deadline: 30-Nov-2017
Meeting Description:
Ever since Chomsky (1977), wh-movement (and the lack thereof) in interrogative
sentences has animated much debate among theoretical linguists. The fact that
some languages force the wh-element to move to a fronted position – such as
English, ‘Who did you see’ – while others need the very same element to
stay in situ – such as Chinese, ‘Hufei mai-le shenme’ (‘Hufei bought what’) –
is a very well known puzzle that is still theoretically relevant today.
Whereas, on the whole, the mechanisms that lie behind overt wh-movement to a
fronted position in the clause are quite well understood, no unified
explanation for wh-in-situ has been provided in the literature. For this
reason, “insituness” has become a privileged research subject for linguists in
different fields (syntax, semantics and phonology). Historically, the “ex
situ–in situalternation” was treated as a purely syntactic phenomenon, whereas
in the last two decades some very different types of approach have been
proposed to account for wh-in-situ (Baunaz, 2016; Mathieu, 2004, 2016;
Richards, 2010, 2016), clearly acknowledging that it is crucial to take into
serious consideration what is happening at the interfaces between the
syntactic, semantic and phonological components of grammar.
“Optional” insituness, at work in languages like spoken French (Cheng &
Rooryck, 2000; Shlonsky, 2012; Baunaz, 2016) several North Italian Dialects
(Munaro et al., 2001; Poletto & Pollock, 2004) and Spanish (Etxepare, 2003,
Etxepare & Uribe-Etxebarria, 2005) is even more obscure. In fact, French and
other languages of the sort exhibit both the Chinese and the English patterns:
a wh-element may move to a fronted position, but it may also appear
sentence-internally, “in situ” (‘Quand as-tu mangé ?’ vs ‘Tu as mangé quand
?’, ‘When did you eat?’). Optionality constitutes a problem in any theoretical
account, and it is even more difficult to be accounted for when coupled with a
syntactic phenomenon that is already cryptic per se. Many scholars have tried
to explain optional insituness, but no account has provided an explanation
that is both theoretically satisfying and cross-linguistically valid yet.
The Geneva WH-orkshop on Optional Insituness aims at bringing together
academics from all around the world, thus creating a privileged discussion
space on the subject of Optional Insituness.
Invited speakers:
Viviane Déprez (Rutgers University)
Ricardo Etxepare (CNRS – IKER)
Stella Gryllia (Leiden University)
Nicola Munaro (Università Ca’Foscari Venezia)
Leticia Pablos Robles (Leiden University)
Cecilia Poletto (Università di Padova & Goethe-Universität Frankfurt)
Norvin Richards (MIT)
Joachim Sabel (UC Louvain)
Internal Speakers:
Giuliano Bocci
Ur Shlonsky
2nd Call for Papers:
Many scholars have tried to explain optional insituness, but no account has
provided an explanation that is both theoretically satisfying and
cross-linguistically valid yet. The Geneva WH-orkshop on Optional
Insituness (GenWH 2018) aims at bringing together academics from all around
the world, thus creating a privileged discussion space on the subject of
Optional Insituness.
The invited speakers’ presentations will alternate with 20+10 minute
presentations delivered by MA students, PhD students, and PostDocs, selected
via anonymous abstracts in Easychair.
Please note that this call for abstracts is intended for students (PhD/MA) and
PostDocs only .
We welcome both single- and multi-authored abstracts on the subject
of wh-in-situand optional insituness. Contributions from any subfield of
linguistics, interfaces included, are welcome. The abstracts will be NO longer
than 1 page, references included, 1 inch margin at least, Times New Roman
12pt, single spaced.
6 students/PostDocs will be selected to deliver a 20-minute talk (main
session), and up to 10 students/PostDocs will be granted a poster presentation
on the 2nd and 3rd days of GenWH 2018 (poster session). It is possible to
either apply for both sessions, or one in particular.
Link for submission: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=genwh2018 .
If compatible with our budget, we will (at least partially) help the selected
students with their travel and subsistence expenses.
Deadline for abstract submission: November 30, 2017
Notification of acceptance: December 10, 2017
Conference dates: January 16-18, 2018
Selected references:
Baunaz, Lena. 2016. French quantifiers “in questions”: Interface strategies.
Acta Linguistica Hungarica 63 (2). 125–168.
Bocci, G. 2013. The syntax-prosody interface. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Cheng, L.L.-S. & J. Rooryck. 2000. Licensing wh-in-situ. Syntax 3. 1–18.
Chomsky, N. 1977. On wh movement. In Culicover et al. (eds.), Formal syntax,
71–132. Dordrecht: Reidel.
Déprez, V., K. Syrett & S. Kawahara. 2012. Interfacing information and
prosody. In Franco et al. (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory:
Selected papers from “Going Romance” 2010, 135–154. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Déprez, V., K. Syrett & S. Kawahara. 2013. The interaction of syntax, prosody,
and discourse in licensing French wh-in-situ questions. Lingua 124. 4–19.
Etxepare, R. 2003. Focalisation and wh-movement in Basque. In Hualde et al.
(eds.), A grammar of Basque, 459-515. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Etxepare, R. & Uribe-Etxebarria, M. 2005. Wh-phrases in situ in Spanish: Scope
and locality. Recherches Linguistiques de Vincennes (RLV) 33. 9–34.
Mathieu, É. 2004. The mapping of form and interpretation: The case of optional
wh-movement in French. Lingua 114. 1090–1132.
Mathieu, É. 2016. The wh parameter and radical externalization. In Eguren et
al. (eds.), Formal grammar and syntactic variation: Rethinking Parameters,
252-290. New York: Oxford University Press.
Munaro, N. Poletto, C. & Pollock, J-Y. 2001. Eppur si muove: On comparing
French and Bellunese wh-movement. Linguistics Variation Yearbook I. 147–180.
Poletto, C. & J.-Y. Pollock. 2004. On the Left Periphery of some romance
wh-questions. In Rizzi (ed.), The structure of CP and IP, The cartography of
syntactic structures, 2, 251–296. New York: Oxford University Press.
Richards, N. 2010. Uttering trees. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Richards, N. 2016. Contiguity theory. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Sabel, J. 2000. Partial wh-movement and the typology of wh-questions. In Lutz
et al. (eds.), Wh-scope marking, 409–446. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
Shlonsky, U. 2012. Notes on wh in situ in French. In Laura Brugè et al.
(eds.), Functional heads, The cartography of syntactic structures, 7, 242–252.
New York: Oxford University Press.
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