28.4974, Calls: Applied Ling, Text/Corpus Ling, Translation/Ireland

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Nov 28 17:31:35 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-4974. Tue Nov 28 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.4974, Calls: Applied Ling, Text/Corpus Ling, Translation/Ireland

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2017 12:31:15
From: Birgitta Meex [birgitta.meex at kuleuven.be]
Subject: 6th European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication Studies

Full Title: 6th European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication Studies 

Date: 26-Apr-2018 - 27-Apr-2018
Location: Limerick, Ireland 
Contact Person: Birgitta Meex
Meeting Email: birgitta.meex at kuleuven.be
Web Site: https://www.teccom-frame.eu/index.php?id=152 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation 

Call Deadline: 15-Jan-2018 

Meeting Description:

The European Academic Colloquium is an annual event that focuses on scientific
contents with respect to technical communication. It is targeted at members of
the European scientific community who are teaching and doing research in the
area of technical communication or related fields, such as translation,
multilingual communication, localization, terminology, information management.
A rather small, but focused audience of participants from different European
countries allows for a lively and diverse discussion and knowledge exchange. 

The colloquium is organized by tekom Europe, Europe's largest professional
association for technical communication. Tekom Europe aims at connecting
European scholars in Technical Communication studies and related fields. As a
professional association for Technical Communication we strongly emphasize
education and training as an important area of activity.

For the first time in 2016, the Colloquium was integrated into the Erasmus+
project TecCOMFrame. The project team would like to reach out to many more
stakeholders who would be interested to get involved. That is why the European
Academic Colloquium shall serve as a multiplier event, gathering opinions and
experiences from academics throughout Europe. 

The format of the event is a colloquium since we would like to enable the
exchange and interactive discussion between the participants. Therefore we
have limited the presentation time for each speaker to 15 - 20 minutes,
allowing for lively discussions following the presentation. We want to
encourage the exchange of knowledge and current developments among the
participants and provide them the opportunity to build up a European network.

Call for Papers:

We cordially invite you to submit your research papers to the sixth edition of
the European Academic Colloquium on Technical Communication Studies that will
take place in Limerick (Ireland) on April 26-27, 2018.

The European Academic Colloquium is an annual event that focuses on scientific
contributions with respect to technical communication. It is organized by
tekom Europe and targeted at members of the European academic community who
teach and carry out research in the area of technical communication and
related fields, such as translation, multilingual communication, localization,
terminology, or information management. 

A specific topic of interest of the upcoming conference is 21st Century Skills
for Technical Communicators.  
What are the benefits for you?

- Your paper will appear in the European academic journal “Proceedings of the
European Colloquium on Technical Communication Studies,” published by Europe’s
largest professional association for technical communication.
- You get the chance to present the most important outcomes of your research
at the Colloquium. 
- You will meet other researchers and scholars from various European
- tekom Europe will support your travel expenses with a fixed amount of 200.00
Euro per presentation (this sum does not change if you present with a

To apply as a speaker at the Colloquium, please send us an abstract of your
paper (up to 500 words), a bio and picture. All selected papers will be
announced on the conference website with a pitch (no more than 200 words), a
bio (up to 100 words) and a picture of you. Please make sure not to include
your personal details on the abstract itself, as we are selecting papers
through an anonymous review process.
Language: All abstracts must be in English.
Deadline for submission: Monday, January 15, 2018.
Email for submission: eac at tekom.eu
The review board is responsible for setting the theme of the Colloquium and
for reviewing and selecting the presentations and papers. We have established
an anonymous review process. The proposals will be collected at the tekom
Europe head office. Only the abstract will be forwarded to the review board.
Please make sure not to include any personal details in the abstract. 


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