28.4361, Calls: Applied Ling, Lang Acquisition, Psycholing/Poland

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Mon Oct 23 14:22:31 UTC 2017

LINGUIST List: Vol-28-4361. Mon Oct 23 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.4361, Calls: Applied Ling, Lang Acquisition, Psycholing/Poland

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2017 10:22:21
From: Dagmara Gałajda [dagmara.galajda at gmail.com]
Subject: 30th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition

Full Title: 30th International Conference on Foreign/Second Language Acquisition 
Short Title: ICFSLA 

Date: 17-May-2018 - 19-May-2018
Location: Szczyrk, Poland 
Contact Person: Dagmara Gałajda
Meeting Email: szczyrkconference2018 at gmail.com
Web Site: http://www.icfsla.us.edu.pl/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics 

Call Deadline: 31-Jan-2018 

Meeting Description:

The Institute of English at the University of Silesia is pleased to announce
the 30th International Conference on Foreign and Second Language Acquisition
(ICFSLA). Traditionally, this conference focuses on research in second
language acquisition and foreign language learning, concentrating each year on
different aspects of the research field. The leading theme of the 2018
conference is: 

“We know who we are, but not who we may be”: 
   Identity in second language acquisition and foreign language learning

With traditionally very strong emphasis on cognitive aspects of language
acquisition and learning, and more recently the significance of
socio-affective factors and environmental issues, modern day research in SLA
has inevitably become a multidisciplinary domain. It is a field of applied
science which targets bi- and multilingual communities as well as individuals
and their need to accommodate in diverse language contexts. The latter raises
issues of identity extensively studied by psychology, philosophy and
neuroscience and understood as one’s relationship to the world, others and
ourselves over time and space. In the context of SLA, individual identity is
seen as constructed and negotiated in language acquisition and learning
situations (Pavlenko 2002: 286), but also in various contexts in which we
speak different languages interacting with different people for different
purposes and in different roles, when the experience of another language opens
new doors for us to see different worlds. In our taking up of this theme we
would like to debate how individual languages: L1, L2, Ln build our
identities, how they enrich or challenge who we are by birth and how they
affect the way we function as language users/learners and teachers.

We are pleased to announce that the following scholars, whose research
revolves around identity issues (among others) have agreed to give plenary
talks at our conference:

Prof. Larissa Aronin (Oranim Academic College)
Prof. Hanna Komorowska (University of Social Sciences and
Humanities/University of Warsaw, Warsaw)
Prof. Sarah Mercer (University of Graz)
Prof. Simone Pfenninger (University of Salzburg) 
Prof. David Singleton (University of Pannonia, Vészprem/Trinity College,

Conference Organisers:

Danuta Gabryś-Barker
Adam Wojtaszek
Dagmara Gałajda

Call for Papers:

We welcome presentations and discussions on the different ways language
identity can be conceptualised in SLA and also in the teaching of foreign
languages. Topics on language identity can relate to external and internal
factors determining our language identity in relation to other people (other
learners, teachers, speakers of a given language) and different situations and
contexts, but they may also focus on individual features such as anxiety,
self-efficacy, emotionality or the self. 

As many of our regular Szczyrk conference participants are interested in
issues of multilingualism, and work within multilingual educational settings,
we also welcome proposals related with multilingualism research. 

In addition to the main conference theme, we also accept selected proposals in
other areas of SLA research of interest to our conference participants. 

All those wishing to contribute papers, or just wanting to attend
presentations and workshops, are invited to participate in the conference.

Following the success of the last year´s poster presentations of Ph.D.
projects, we would like to continue with this form, instead of our regular
Ph.D. workshop. Interested prospective candidates are asked to prepare a
poster of their projects and share them with other conference participants
and, more importantly, with academic supervisors in order to receive a
response and some constructive feedback.

We will also continue with an academic publishers´ session, from which less
experienced young scholars can get information, advice and guidance on how to
prepare texts for publication in an academic journal. It will be conduct in a
question-and-answer format.

Paper abstracts should be sent before 31 January 2018 to our e-mail address:
szczyrkconference2018 at gmail.com. You will be notified about acceptance by 20

The registration form, including the paper abstract, should be sent as an
attachment to an e-mail. Additionally, to facilitate the procedure of building
the conference database, all participants are kindly asked to type their entry
details into an Excel document (baza2018.xls), filling in all the columns in
the row below the blue headings, and send it back as a separate attachment,
changing its name to SurnameName.xls (in Excel 2003 format). Both documents
necessary for registration can be downloaded from our webpage at


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