28.3666, Confs: Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics/Italy

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LINGUIST List: Vol-28-3666. Wed Sep 06 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 28.3666, Confs: Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics/Italy

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2017 14:01:54
From: Egle Mocciaro [egle.mocciaro at unipa.it]
Subject: Language in Global Migration: Policies and Practices of Inclusion

Language in Global Migration: Policies and Practices of Inclusion 
Short Title: ProLanguage Meeting 

Date: 14-Sep-2017 - 16-Sep-2017 
Location: Palermo, Italy 
Contact: Giuseppe Paternostro 
Contact Email: giuseppe.paternostro at unipa.it 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Sociolinguistics 

Meeting Description: 

The overarching aim of ProLanguage Meeting ''Language in global migration:
policies and practices of inclusion'' is to address how language and language
policies in and around refugee camps, can enhance their physical and mental
health, act as social protection, enhance their chances for mobility, and
facilitate their integration into the destination society. This is
particularly important for children because early wellbeing is a crucial
predictor of later outcomes in life. The meeting adopts a cross-disciplinary
approach. Academic and non-academic organisations will bring their experiences
to the table, provide input on the situation, identify good and bad practice,
identify priorities as well as training needs that promise to make a


September 14 – Presentation of the project; National and Sicilian overview
Venue: Complesso di S. Antonino

Morning: (9:30-13:30):

Opening with a video “ItaStra: a globale experience” 

Greetings: Palermo Town Councillor for Social Solidarity; Sicilian Councillor 
for Social Solidarity; Palermo University Vice-Chancellor 

Pro language: project presentation
Theo Marinis, Tony Capstik, Federico Faloppa, Shirley Reynolds, Doug Saddy –
University of Reading 

An overview on the reception system in Italy: problems and challenges
Udo Enwereuzor - COSPE, Florence
Education: the first step towards social inclusion of migrant and refugee
children in Italy
Sarah Martelli - Unicef Italia

11:30-12:00: Coffee break

Comparison of experiences in language teaching to migrants in Italy :
education as a sustainable goal
Barbara Turchetta - University of Florence

12:30-1:30: Lunch

Afternoon (15:00-18:00):

The reception system for unaccompanied minor asylum seekers in Sicily: Some
data from a research in progress
Roberta di Rosa - University of Palermo

The Unipa (University of Palermo) Legal Clinic (CLEDU)
Clelia Bartoli – University of Palermo

Health Issues
Pippo Noto/Ornella Dino

“I was a stranger and you invited me”: Safe access, reception, integration:
the practices of Waldesian Church
Angela Castiglione - Waldesian Church 

17:00-17:30: Coffee break

18:00 Odisseo arriving alone (performance directed by Yousif Latif Jaralla)

19:30 Dinner at S. Antonino

September 15:

Morning (9:00-13:00):

Visit to refugee settings (CIE Caltanissetta)


ItaStra within and outside the classroom
Venue: Complesso di S. Antonino
Artistic labs: The power of languages, the power of hands (16:00-19:00)

Dinner at Moltivolti

September 16 

1) Parallel Workshops 9.30 -11.00
 a. Learning as illiterates
 b. Texts and Texts again
 c. The autobiographical method

Coffee Break

Plenary session (11:30-12:30)


Visit to Centro Astalli in Palermo (18:00)

Dinner at Centro Astalli


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