28.3930, FYI: Call for an edited volume on Assessment in CLIL
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Tue Sep 26 16:08:54 UTC 2017
LINGUIST List: Vol-28-3930. Tue Sep 26 2017. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 28.3930, FYI: Call for an edited volume on Assessment in CLIL
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 12:07:50
From: Mark deBoer [clil.assess at gmail.com]
Subject: Call for an edited volume on Assessment in CLIL
Call Deadline: Proposal deadline September 29
Mark deBoer (Akita International University - Japan)
Dmitri Leontjev (University of Jyväskylä - Finland)
Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) has a dual focus:
simultaneously promoting the content mastery and language acquisition, an
amalgam of both subject learning and language learning, flexible and adaptable
to many contexts (Coyle, Hood, & Marsh, 2010). This implies that
foreign/second language plays a dual role in the CLIL classroom, on the one
hand, being the medium of instruction and, on the other hand, the target of
it. The efficacy of such instruction for language acquisition has been studied
rather extensively, research findings showing the positive impact of CLIL on
language acquisition (Marsh & Wolff, 2007) and providing a holistic
educational experience for the learner.
That said, there is much less emphasis on assessment in CLIL research, so much
so that there is no clear understanding or systematization of the process of
assessment in CLIL (Coyle, Hood, & Marsh, 2010). In language teaching,
summative and formative assessment is ubiquitous. However, the premise of CLIL
is the use of language to mediate subject matter and subject matter to mediate
the language, knowledge being co-constructed in social interaction. These
tenets call for a monistic view of assessment, teaching, and learning in the
CLIL classroom. Thus, dynamic assessment (DA), Learning-Oriented Assessment
(LOA), or emerging embedded or transformative assessment theories in online
learning communities are strong candidates for assessment practices in CLIL.
Furthermore, teaching practices will essentially be ineffective without a
solid theoretical foundation of these assessment practices.
This edited volume will aim at conceptualizing CLIL and establishing the
theoretical basis/bases for assessment practices in the CLIL classroom. It
will focus on the theoretical perspectives of assessment linked with CLIL in
foreign language or second language contexts, or in tool-mediated online
learning management systems.
We welcome theoretical, conceptual, and empirical contributions pertaining to
the state-of-the-art research in CLIL assessment in both foreign and second
language contexts with the specific emphasis on assessment that supports
learning and/or is considered to be indivisible from teaching and learning.
While the language of the contributions should be English we encourage
submissions reporting on assessment in CLIL where target of instruction are
languages other than English.
Proposed Schedule:
Friday, 29 September 2017
Expressions of interest and extended abstracts to be submitted via email (See
submission guidelines below)
January 2018
Successful authors will be invited to submit full papers for peer review.
Submission guidelines will be provided at this time.
Monday, 30 April 2018
First full chapter submission deadline
August/September 2018
Final submission deadline for revised/resubmitted chapters
March 2019
Anticipated publication date
Submission of extended abstracts:
Please send extended abstracts by email with subject field titled ‘Assessment
in CLIL’ by Friday September 29 2017. Submissions after this date will not be
Extended abstracts should be mailed to clil.assessgmail.com.
Your extended abstract should include the following:
Document 1: Proposal
- Proposed title
- Proposal of at least 500 words, with no subheadings
- Explain the assessment approach in CLIL
- Provide rationale
- Give the guiding questions for the research
- Briefly explain the results of the research (if available)
Document 2: Other information
- Provide an estimated length of the completed chapter (in words)
- Provide an estimate of the number of tables, figures, graphs and diagrams in
the chapter
- Let us know if there is a need to include any coloured images
- Provide biodata
- Name
- Affiliation
- Contact E-mail address
**When ready, we will submit the proposal to an international publisher. We
have already negotiated with them the idea for this book and they are very
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Discourse Analysis
Language Acquisition
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