29.1443, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics/Australia
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Mon Apr 2 22:30:02 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-1443. Mon Apr 02 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.1443, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Language Acquisition, Psycholinguistics/Australia
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 02 Apr 2018 18:29:53
From: Bronwen Dyson [bronwen.dyson at sydney.edu.au]
Subject: 18th International Symposium on Processability
Full Title: 18th International Symposium on Processability
Short Title: PALA 2018
Date: 14-Sep-2018 - 15-Sep-2018
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Contact Person: Bronwen Dyson
Meeting Email: bronwen.dyson at sydney.edu.au
Web Site: http://pala2018.com/
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Psycholinguistics
Call Deadline: 30-Apr-2018
Meeting Description:
The 18th International Symposium on Processability Approaches to Language
Acquisition (PALA) will cover a wide range of topics relating to current
research on Processability Theory and Second Language Acquisition including
theoretical, empirical and applied issues. The symposium is open to everyone,
with no participation fees.
Keynote speakers:
Catherine Best, Western Sydney University
Manfred Pienemann, Paderborn University
Boping Yuan, University of Cambridge
Theme: Twenty years of Processability Theory (PT): Looking at and beyond PT
Woolley Common Room
The John Woolley Building Building
The University of Sydney
Camperdown, NSW 2006 Australia
Call for Papers:
18th International Symposium on Processability Approaches to Language
Friday, 14 September 2018 – Saturday, 15 September 2018
Submissions on work related to Processability Theory and Second Language
Acquisition are invited:
(1) Research papers
(2) Presentations of work in progress by master and doctoral students.
Proposals for papers and posters may not have been previously published. Each
author may submit no more than one individual and one co-authored abstract.
All submissions will be reviewed anonymously and evaluated in terms of
originality, clarity, and significance of findings and conclusions.
Possible topics include:
- L1-L2 differences
- Heritage speakers
- Cross-linguistic comparisons
- Specific Language Impairment
- Bilingual acquisition
- Semantics/syntax-interface
- Pragmatics/syntax-interface
- Complexity
- Transfer
Submissions should include:
1. Title of the paper, and abstract of 300 words (excluding references and
2. Name and affiliation of the author(s),
3. First author’s postal and e-mail addresses,
4. Type of presentation intended: please indicate whether your proposal is to
be considered for a paper, a poster, or either.
Deadline for abstract submissions: 30 April, 2018
Notification of acceptance by: 31 May, 2018
All submissions will be reviewed anonymously and evaluated in terms of
originality, clarity, and significance of findings and conclusions.
Please submit abstracts to: https://pala2018.com/
For further information, please write to: bronwen.dyson at sydney.edu.au
Registration is free but you must register online by 01 August 18 at:
Scientific Committee:
Ragnar Arntzen (Østfold University College, Norway)
Kristof Baten (University of Ghent, Belgium)
Bruno Di Biase (Western Sydney University, Australia)
Bronwen Dyson (University of Sydney, Australia)
Anna Flyman‐Mattsson (Lund University, Sweden)
Gisela Håkansson (Lund University, Sweden/Østfold University College, Norway)
Arnstein Hjelde (Østfold University College, Norway)
Dr Yuki Itani-Adams (The Australian National University, Australia)
Louise Jansen (The Australian National University, Australia)
Satomi Kawaguchi (Western Sydney University, Australia)
Jörg‐U. Keßler (Ludwigsburg University of Education)
Anke Lenzing (Paderborn University, Germany)
Elisabeth Mayer (The Australian National University, Australia)
Manfred Pienemann (Paderborn University, Germany)
Ingo Plag (University of Düsseldorf, Germany)
Yumiko Yamaguchi (Tokai University, Japan)
Yanyin Zhang (The Australian National University, Australia
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