29.1826, TOC: Journal of Semitic Studies 63 / 1 (2018)
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LINGUIST List: Vol-29-1826. Mon Apr 30 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.1826, TOC: Journal of Semitic Studies 63 / 1 (2018)
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2018 13:08:28
From: Celine Aenlle-Rocha [Celine.Aenlle-Rocha at oup.com]
Subject: Journal of Semitic Studies Vol. 63, No. 1 (2018)
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Journal Title: Journal of Semitic Studies
Volume Number: 63
Issue Number: 1
Issue Date: 2018
Main Text:
Volume 63, Issue 1 of the Journal of Semitic Studies is available now at:
A Bird's-Eye View of Personal Pronouns and Accusative Markers in Ancient
Semitic Languages
Ohad Cohen
Pages 1-17
Amorite: A Northwest Semitic Language?
Alexander Andrason; Juan-Pablo Vita
Pages 19-58
Counting in Ugaritic: A New Analysis of kbd
Sarah Lynn Baker
Pages 59-75
The Phoenician Name of Cyprus: New Evidence from Early Hellenistic Times
MG Amadasi Guzzo; JA Zamora
Pages 77-97
Indefinite Numerical Construct Phrases in Biblical Hebrew
Adina Moshavi; Susan Rothstein
Pages 99-123
The Syntax of Cardinal Numerals in Judges, Amos, Esther and 1QM
John Screnock
Pages 125-154
The Mawwāl about the Snare and the Sparrow: A Late Medieval Colloquial
Egyptian Verse Adaptation of Narrative(s) in Prose Rooted in Arabic Classical
Amir Lerner
Pages 155-181
Some Linguistic and Stylistic Observations on a Yemeni Late Judaeo-Arabic Text
– Ḥabšūš's Nineteenth-Century Ru’yā al-Yaman
G Rex Smith
Pages 183-199
The Language of Musta’rab Jews: The Names of the Holidays in Peqtʿin as a Test
Yehudit Henshke
Pages 201-220
The Evolution of the rajaz Meter in Modern Arabic Poetry, As Reflected in the
Works of Amal Dunqul
Maysoon Fuad Shibi
Pages 221-242
The Dialectic of ‘Staying and Emigration’ in Emily Nasrallah's Novel Flight
Against Time
Yaseen Kittani; Fayyad Haibi
Pages 243-258
JOANN SCURLOCK, Sourcebook for Ancient Mesopotamian Medicine
MJ Geller
Pages 259-264
SAQER SALAH, Die Mittelassyrischen Personen- und Rationenlisten aus Tall Šêh
Nicholas Postgate
Pages 264-266
HÉLÈNE DALLAIRE, The Syntax of Volitives in Biblical Hebrew and Amarna
Canaanite Prose
Aaron D Hornkohl
Pages 264-266
PETER BEKINS, Transitivity and Object Marking in Biblical Hebrew
Aaron D Hornkohl
Pages 266-268
KENNETH H. CUFFEY, The Literary Coherence of the Book of Micah: Remnant,
Restoration, and Promise
Nicholas R Werse
Pages 270-272
SIMON CHI-CHUNG CHEUNG, Wisdom Intoned: A Reappraisal of the Genre ‘Wisdom
Elisa Uusimäki
Pages 273-275
A.M. BUTTS (ed.), Semitic Languages in Contact
WGE Watson
Pages 275-278
MIRIAM J. BIER, ‘Perhaps there is Hope’: Reading Lamentations as a Polyphony
of Pain, Penitence, and Protest
Heath A Thomas
Pages 278-280
Tobit and Judith
Sandra Jacobs
Pages 280-282
R. TIMOTHY MCLAY (ed.), The Temple in Text and Tradition: A Festschrift in
Honour of Robert Hayward
Hindy Najman
Pages 282-284
ÁNGEL SÁENZ-BADILLOS PÉREZ, Lengua y literature de los judíos de al-Andalus
(siglos X—XII)
Arie Schippers
Pages 284-286
SUBHI ALI ADAWI (translator), The Qur'an in Another Language, Translated to
Avihai Shivtiel
Pages 286-288
Short Notes
GIANCARLO TOLONI (ed.), L'opera di Francesco Vattioni
Marco Moriggi
Pages 289-290
MICHAEL D. COOGAN with CYNTHIA R. CHAPMAN, A Brief Introduction to the Old
Testament: The Hebrew Bible in Its Context
Matthew A Collins
Page 290
CYNTHIA EDENBURG, Dismembering the Whole. Composition and Purpose of Judges
A Graeme
Pages 291-292
APRIL D. WESTBROOK, ‘And He Will Take Your Daughters…’: Woman Story and the
Ethical Evaluation of Monarchy in the David Narrative
Jenni Williams
Pages 292-293
MICHAEL KNIBB, The Ethiopie Text of the Book of Ezekiel: A Critical Edition
James C Vanderkam
Pages 293-294
Ruth Ebach
Pages 294-295
MARK SNEED (ed.), Was There a Wisdom Tradition? New Prospects in Israelite
Wisdom Studies
Alastair G Hunter
Pages 295-296
MUḤAMMAD B. ‘ABD AL-RAḤMĀN RĀŠID AL-ṮANYĀN, Nuqüš al-qarn al-hijrï al-’awwal
(al-qarn al-säbi‘ al-mïlâdï) al-mu’arraḫa fī al-mamlaka al-‘arabiyya
al-sa‘üdiyya: diräsa taḥlïla jadïda
Rex Smith
Page 296
Browse the full issue at http://bit.ly/2qaaH67
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics
Historical Linguistics
Ling & Literature
Subject Language(s): Arabic, Standard (arb)
Hebrew (heb)
Hebrew, Ancient (hbo)
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