29.3353, Calls: Anthropological Linguistics/Germany

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Fri Aug 31 05:23:56 UTC 2018

LINGUIST List: Vol-29-3353. Fri Aug 31 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 29.3353, Calls: Anthropological Linguistics/Germany

Moderator: linguist at linguistlist.org (Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
Homepage: https://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>

Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2018 01:21:38
From: Professor Stoffers [secretariat at comela.me]
Subject: Conference on Mediterranean Linguistic Anthropology

 Full Title: Conference on Mediterranean Linguistic Anthropology 
Short Title: COMELA 2019 

Date: 18-Sep-2019 - 21-Sep-2019
Location: Munich, Germany 
Contact Person: Professor Stoffers
Meeting Email: secretariat at comela.me
Web Site: https://comela.me/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Anthropological Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 15-Dec-2018 

Meeting Description:

The Inaugural Conference on Mediterranean Linguistic Anthropology, The COMELA
1 (2019), in Germany, symbolizes a significant movement forward for Linguistic
Anthropology, and in problematizing current perspectives and praxis in the

Conceptualized several years prior to the upcoming conference, the COMELA
seeks to respond to concerns by those within respective fields, Linguistics,
Anthropology, Sociolinguistics, Sociology, Cultural studies, and of course
Linguistic Anthropology. These concerns include the reduced (opportunity for)
focus on Mediterranean regions and work by Mediterranean academics, largely
contributable to issues of funding and expertise. These concerns also include
that academics globally seek to both work on Mediterranean regions and with
Mediterranean regions, but impeded by the absence of appropriate networks. 

The COMELA 1, thus aims to begin an era within which to opportune these
academics to transfer knowledge, expertise, and valuable Linguistic and
Anthropological Data across the world, through the interpersonal and
inter-institutional networks the COMELA conferences seek to build. 

To ground these efforts, the Conference, at The SDI Munich at the centre,
seeks to network a growing number of Institutions globally, to support this
much needed project. 

The theme for the inaugural COMELA is Bounded languages, unbounded,
encapsulates the longitudinal yet ongoing struggle of Mediterranean regions.
The continuous tension between demarcation, and legitimization of languages,
language ideologies, and language identifies, has now entered an era where new
modes of interactivity require the language community to enact a roles
superordinate to the past, where flexible citizenship now becomes one within
and specific to linguistic communities. 

Multifarious factors mediate language change, not least of which is
legitimization and articulation of the politics of identity. Here, boundaries
appear and disappear, rise and fall, where language identities follow, thus
motivating the ephemeral nature of these separations. The Mediterranean region
is one replete with tumultuous histories, and highly aspirant futures power
struggles, clearly demarcating nation, community, and ethnicity. As such,
identities, language ideologies, and the languages themselves, have sought
boundedness, the dynamics which have indeed needed change over eons, and
through geographical movements, geopolitics, and technological innovation. In
the current era of online technologies, transnational fluidity, intellectual
power, capitalism, and altering sexualities, our legitimized identities
motivate us to question, once again, the boundedness of language and its
identities, and ways in which we need to unbound these languages, through
renewed ideologies. However, unlike in the past, these ideologies are
decreasingly handed down, and increasingly require anthropological toil. We
need now to locate these ideologies, and their fluid demarcations, actively,
rather than through a passive acceptance of transnational, national and ethnic
flows. We now need to unbound these languages, and their ideologies, so to
arrive at progressive realizations, and to rectify past diversions to

Though The SDI Munich will host the Inaugural conference in 2019, in Munich,
Germany, the conference will be hosted by a different Institution globally,
annually, while The SDI Munich remains at the helm of the Conference so to
collaborate with all institutions wishing to involve themselves with and in
the COMELA network. 

We thus welcome you to the COMELA 1, in 2019, the Inaugural Conference on
Mediterranean Linguistic Anthropology, and to the COMELA in general.

Call for Papers:


Bounded languages, unbounded


The SDI Munich - Munich, Germany

Presentation lengths: 

– Colloquia – 1.5 hours with 3-5 contributors (Part A and B is possible, thus
6-10 contributors) 
– Papers – 25 minutes, includes 5 minutes for questions/responses 
– Posters – to be displayed at designated times throughout the COMELA

Abstract Submission Guidelines:

– Submission of proposals for papers, posters, and colloquia should be
completed via the online submission website: https://comela.me/submit/
– 18-word maximum presentation title 
– 400-word maximum abstract, including references 
– Colloquia: Upload the abstract for the colloquium, in the submissions box.
The abstract must contain both the main description of the colloquium, as well
as a summarized description of each individual paper to be presented within
the colloquium. This information must include the names and affiliations of
each authors and presenter, and the title of each respective
session/presentation, as well as any other information believed to be
– For individual papers submitted for review and acceptance into the general
sessions, the first author will be the nominated ‘Corresponding Author’, but
can also be a ‘Presenting author’ when completing the profile. 
– Each author must also confirm their role: Presenting author, non-presenting
author, chair or discussant.

Conditions of Submissions: 

– A participant may be first author/presenter in a maximum of two
presentations, be it individual papers, posters, or papers within colloquia.
– In addition, a participant may act as chair, discussant, or co-author in one
further presentation.
– Alternatively, participants may act as first author/presenter in one
presentation, and chair, discussant, or co-author in a maximum of two other
– All proposals must present or interpret original work otherwise yet
– The language of the COMELA is English. However, abstracts may be submitted
in any language, but together with an English translation.
– Presenters can present in any language, but must prepare an English
translation for the presentation.
– The COMELA Committee will assign all relevant schedules to accepted
individuals and groups.
– Presenters must register and pay prior to April 25, 2019, to confirm their
place at the COMELA 2019, and hence for their presentations to be confirmed in
the program.
– Presenters are required to organize their own travel and accommodation
arrangements. The COMELA Organizers have secured accommodation at various
locations around the city (see link for accommodation), details of which will
be available for booking when registering for the COMELA.


Abstract and poster proposal submission: 

Opens: August 13, 2018 at midnight (CET Time)
Closes: January 25, 2019 at midnight (CET Time)

Notification of acceptance: 

No later than February 30, 2019 at midnight (CET Time)

For complete CFP, see https://comela.me/cfp-2019/


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