29.732, Summer Schools: 2018 Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous California Languages/USA
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Thu Feb 15 16:29:32 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-732. Thu Feb 15 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.732, Summer Schools: 2018 Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous California Languages/USA
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2018 11:29:21
From: Julia Nee [scoil-ling at berkeley.edu]
Subject: 2018 Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous California Languages
2018 Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous California Languages
Host Institution: University of California, Berkeley
Website: http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/~survey/aicls-breath-of-life/
Dates: 03-Jun-2018 - 09-Jun-2018
Location: Berkeley, California, USA
Focus: We invite California Indians who are learning and revitalizing their language, and graduate students, faculty, and other scholars who specialize in Linguistics (preferably in California Indian languages) to apply to participate in 2018 Breath of Life Archival Institute for Indigenous California Languages.
Minimum Education Level: No Minimum
Breath of Life is a response to California Indian communities and families who
want to revive and strengthen their languages, particularly those for which
there are no living first language speakers. By working with the linguistic
field notes and other documents and recordings, participants in the workshop
can learn how to understand and use these materials for the purposes of
language revitalization.
University of California, Berkeley has three major archives which,
collectively, house the largest collection of unpublished material on
California Indian languages. We give thanks to the foresight of those who
shared their knowledge with the linguists, making sure that much was recorded
for posterity. Their families can find their language, take it off the dusty
shelves of the archives, and turn it back into living speech – giving it the
Breath of Life.
The Breath of Life Institute invites California Indians to apply. As community
researchers, you will find archival materials on your languages, and learn how
to use them for increasing your knowledge of your language and for purposes of
language revitalization in your community. You will also be able to network
with like-minded people who are trying to save their languages.
Linguistics professors, researchers, and graduate students are invited to
apply to be linguistic partners for the community researchers. You will help
them find materials in the campus archives, and assist them in developing the
linguistic knowledge they need to make best use of them.
Registration: 14-Feb-2018 to 31-Mar-2018
Contact Person: Deborah Morillo
Email: debbie at aicls.org
Apply on the web: http://linguistics.berkeley.edu/~survey/aicls-breath-of-life/
Registration Instructions:
Apply as either a community researcher or a linguistic partner through the
form on our website.
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