29.799, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Entrepalavras (Jrnl)

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Mon Feb 19 18:48:49 UTC 2018

LINGUIST List: Vol-29-799. Mon Feb 19 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 29.799, Calls: Applied Linguistics / Entrepalavras (Jrnl)

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>

Date: Mon, 19 Feb 2018 13:48:44
From: Claudete Lima [editor at entrepalavras.ufc.br]
Subject: Applied Linguistics / Entrepalavras (Jrnl)

Full Title: Entrepalavras 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics 

Call Deadline: 30-May-2018 

Entrepalavras (Qualis B1), journal of Linguistics, invite researchers to
submit a paper to 16ª edition, dedicated to theme: ''An overview of the
internship in language teachers education''

Guest editors: Eulália Leurquin (UFC), Luzia Bueno (USF), Vera Menezes (UFMG)

The teacher training is a requirement for the graduation in the Course of
Letters, which is the core of articulation between university and school, an
essential space for the initial formation of the language teacher, where
professional classroom experiences articulate theory and practice. The context
of docent training is plural: in some universities, the training subjects
belong to the Course of Letters, as, in other ones, belong to the Course of
Education. Each context has its own profile of teacher formation, according to
both the subjects available and the objectives pursued. Even in the same
course, there is very peculiar plurality in the development of docent
training, according to the teacher. This cluster of factors suggests that we
have both to invest much more in the initial formation of the teacher; and to
take advantage of the results of the applied linguistic researches. Aware of
this reality and of the important roll of the Applied Linguistics, we invite
researchers and teachers, interested in contributing to the discussion about
this issue, in order to build up a corpus on the initial formation of the
language teacher and to describe the context of teacher training. The papers
must present the results of the researches or describe the context of teacher

Submission deadline: 30 May 2018
Publication: December, 2018
Submissions: http://www.entrepalavras.ufc.br/revista/


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