29.40, Calls: Applied Ling, Disc Analysis, Gen Ling, Ling & Lit, Semantics/Italy

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Wed Jan 3 20:00:20 UTC 2018

LINGUIST List: Vol-29-40. Wed Jan 03 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 29.40, Calls: Applied Ling, Disc Analysis, Gen Ling, Ling & Lit, Semantics/Italy

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

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Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Wed, 03 Jan 2018 14:59:16
From: Maria Freddi [maria.freddi at unipv.it]
Subject: 28th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference 2018

Full Title: 28th European Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference 2018 
Short Title: 28 ESFLC 2108 

Date: 05-Jul-2018 - 07-Jul-2018
Location: Pavia, Italy 
Contact Person: Maria Freddi
Meeting Email: 28esflc2018 at unipv.it
Web Site: http://www-7.unipv.it/28esflc/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; General Linguistics; Ling & Literature; Semantics 

Call Deadline: 05-Jan-2018 

Meeting Description:

Systemic Functional Linguistics on Language, Specialised Knowledge and

The strong interrelation between knowledge and language in the global latitude
of what has been dubbed the ''knowledge society'' calls for a renewed
discussion on how systemic functional linguistics has contributed to exploring
the relation between language and specialised knowledge and how it can
continue to contribute to literacy development.

The language-knowledge-literacy triad has been the concern of SFL from the
beginning, the relationship between wording and meaning, the notion of
language as a resource and an interest in ''co-variation between linguistic
and social phenomena'' being its very essence (e.g. Halliday 1961, 1966).

However, it has taken many directions and different foci, among which, the
language of science and technology, specialised knowledge and genre
communication, school literacy and advanced academic literacies, language and
specialised knowledge in diachrony, literacy and the literary text, and
multimodal literacies, including the cultural revolution brought about by the
internet and the new media.

Call for Papers:

28ESFLC2018 aims to attract contributions variously concerned with the
conference theme, create a venue for discussion and scientific exchange around
SFL educational vocation, help develop culturally literate citizens that can
participate fully in today's knowledge society.

Contributions addressing the following conference sub-themes and strands are
especially welcome (in alphabetical order):

- Advanced academic literacies
- The congruent and incongruent mapping of grammar and semantics and the
challenges of academic and scientific discourse
- Cultural literacy and the literature text
- Disciplinary knowledge, language and metalanguage
- Literacy practices and literacy development
- The mastery of communication in different registers / genres

Conference strands (in alphabetical order):

- SFL and academic literacies
- SFL and education
- SFL and genre theory
- SFL and language awareness
- SFL and Legitimation Code Theory
- SFL and multimodal literacies
- SFL and register theory
- SFL and specialised knowledge, LSP, ESP/EAP/EOP
- SFL and verbal art, ELLT (English Language and Literature Teaching)

Abstract submissions for individual papers should be 250 words maximum plus a
short indicative bibliography. Abstracts ought to clearly state the aim of the
contribution and explain how it relates to previous or current work within SFL
or other research frameworks, especially within educational linguistics.
Abstracts should also describe the main part of the presentation and give key
references. The exclusive working language of the conference is English; time
slots allocated will be 20 minutes for presentations followed by 5 minutes for
Q&A. Abstracts must be submitted in English via EasyChair. 

Separate call for papers with instructions on how to submit your abstract will
be issued for the two Colloquia.

To submit your abstracts, please go to
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=esflc2018 .


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