29.167, Calls: Cog Sci, Gen Ling, Philosophy of Lang, Psycholing, Semantics/Croatia

The LINGUIST List linguist at listserv.linguistlist.org
Tue Jan 9 22:51:39 UTC 2018

LINGUIST List: Vol-29-167. Tue Jan 09 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.

Subject: 29.167, Calls: Cog Sci, Gen Ling, Philosophy of Lang, Psycholing, Semantics/Croatia

Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
                                   Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org

Please support the LL editors and operation with a donation at:

Editor for this issue: Kenneth Steimel <ken at linguistlist.org>

Date: Tue, 09 Jan 2018 17:51:31
From: Richard Breheny [r.breheny at ucl.ac.uk]
Subject: European Society for Philosophy & Psychology

Full Title: European Society for Philosophy & Psychology 
Short Title: ESPP 

Date: 10-Sep-2018 - 13-Sep-2018
Location: Rijeka,, Croatia 
Contact Person: Richard Breheny
Meeting Email: conference at eurospp.org
Web Site: http://espp18.ffri.hr/ 

Linguistic Field(s): Cognitive Science; General Linguistics; Philosophy of Language; Psycholinguistics; Semantics 

Call Deadline: 08-Apr-2018 

Meeting Description:

26th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Philosophy and Psychology
University of Rijeka, Croatia 10-13 September 2018.

Keynote Speakers:

Robyn Carston (Linguistics, UCL and President of the ESPP)
José Luis Bermúdez (Philosophy, Texas A&M)
Michael Graziano (Psychology, Princeton)
L. A. Paul (Philosophy, UNC Chapel Hill/St Andrews)

Invited Symposia:

Polysemy (Organizer: Ingrid Lossius Falkum; CSMN, Oslo)
Speakers: Ekaterina Klepousniotou (Leeds); Louise McNally (Universitat Pompeu
Fabra); Francois Recanati (IJN, Paris)

Normative and descriptive approaches to human reasoning (Organizer: Shira
Elqayam; Psychology, De Montfort)
Speakers: Niels Skovgaard Olsen, (University of Göttingen); Gerhard Schurz,
(Düsseldorf University); Michaela Wänke, (Manheim University)

The evolution of consciousness (Organizer: Liz Irvine; Philosophy, Cardiff)
Speakers: Jonathan Birch (LSE); Janicke Nordgreen (Norwegian University of
Life Sciences); Clint Perry (Queen Mary, London)

Experience, decisions, and the self (Organizer: Christina Starmans;
Psychology, Toronto)
Speakers: TBA

If you have any questions, contact us by writing an email to:
conference at eurospp.org 

General Aim:


The aim of the European Society for Philosophy & Psychology is ‘to promote
interaction between philosophers and psychologists on issues of common
concern’. Psychologists, neuroscientists, linguists, computer scientists and
biologists are encouraged to report experimental, theoretical and clinical
work that they judge to have philosophical significance; and philosophers are
encouraged to engage with the fundamental issues addressed by and arising out
of such work. In recent years ESPP sessions have covered such topics as theory
of mind, attention, reference, problems of consciousness, introspection and
self-report, emotion, perception, early numerical cognition, spatial concepts,
infants’ understanding of intentionality, memory and time, motor imagery,
counterfactuals, the semantics/pragmatics distinction, comparative cognition,
minimalism in linguistic theory, reasoning, vagueness, mental causation,
action and agency, thought without language, externalism, hypnosis, and the
interpretation of neuropsychological results.

Programme chairs:

Richard Breheny
Olivier Mascaro
Hannes Rakoczy
Louise Richardson

Main local organiser:

Luca Malatesti

Call for Papers:

The Society invites submitted symposia, papers and posters for this meeting.
Submissions are refereed and selected on the basis of quality and relevance to
psychologists, philosophers and linguists.

Symposia are allocated a two-hour slot and consist of a set of linked papers
on a common theme. Symposia should typically include perspectives from at
least two different disciplines (e.g., philosophy and linguistics). Symposia
organizers should submit an outline of the symposium along with a list of
speakers and abstracts as a single document. Please do not submit more than
one PDF file per symposium. Please do not submit more than one PDF-file per

Papers should not exceed a length of 20 minutes (about 8 double-spaced pages)
for a total 30 minutes session. Submissions may consist of a 500-word
abstract, though in the case of philosophical submissions a full paper is

A submission for a poster presentation should consist of a 500-word abstract.

When submitting your paper or poster online, please first indicate the primary
discipline of your paper (philosophy, psychology, or linguistics) and whether
your submission is intended as a paper or a poster.

Submitted papers may also be considered for presentation as a poster if space
constraints prevent acceptance as a paper or if the submission is thought more
suitable for presentation as a poster. If you would like us to consider your
paper also as a poster in this way, please select the relevant 'paper or
poster' option.

All paper and poster submissions (whether abstracts or full papers) should be
in .doc or PDF-format and should be properly anonymized in order to allow for
blind refereeing.

The deadline for all submissions is April 8 (midnight, GMT), 2018. 

Submissions should be made online via Easychair:
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=espp2018 .

If you have any questions, contact us by writing an email to:
conference at eurospp.org


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