29.2751, Calls: Sociolinguistics/Netherlands
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LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2751. Mon Jul 02 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2751, Calls: Sociolinguistics/Netherlands
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
Homepage: https://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2018 15:27:50
From: Inge Heslinga [iheslinga at fryske-akademy.nl]
Subject: 17th International Conference on Minority Languages
Full Title: 17th International Conference on Minority Languages
Short Title: ICML XVII
Date: 22-May-2019 - 24-May-2019
Location: Leeuwarden, Friesland, Netherlands
Contact Person: Cor Van der Meer
Meeting Email: icml at fryske-akademy.nl
Web Site: http://www.icml.eu
Linguistic Field(s): Sociolinguistics
Call Deadline: 01-Oct-2018
Meeting Description:
Minority Languages in a Globalized Society
Globalization has affected our world in countless ways. For example, it
changed (and still changes) how people do business, communicate with each
other and it impacts education and language learning. This is also the case
for minority or minoritized languages. But while the world is increasingly
globalizing, minority languages may face severe challenges to survive or
withhold their position within a dynamic society.
The few dominant languages strongly influence smaller languages in language
use and number of speakers, education and language learning, language policy
and the development of language technologies for these under-resourced
languages. Some languages are even threatened with extinction. According to
the Endangered Language Project, 40% of the languages of the world will
disappear due to globalization.
ICML XVII will address the challenges and opportunities of smaller languages
such as minority languages in a globalized society. It aims to bring together
scholars and students across the multidisciplinary field of minority
We are proud to introduce our plenary speakers:
- Dr. Bernat Joan i Marí (Associate Lecturer, Universitat de les Illes
Balears, Catalunya/Spain)
- Dr. Lorna Carson (Associate Professor in Applied Linguistics, Trinity
College Dublin, Ireland)
- Dr. Delyth Prys (Head of the Language Technology Unit Bangor University,
Wales/United Kingdom)
- Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur (Director Endangered Languages Documentation
Programme SOAS/University of London, United Kingdom).
Call for Papers:
We welcome proposals focussing on minority languages and...
- digital technologies
- language use in social media
- new speakers
- migration
- methodologies in minority language research
- language policies and revitalization
- education and language learning
- language documentation and archiving.
Proposals regarding original, previously unpublished research on minority
languages are invited in three formats: colloquia, individual papers, and
posters. Proposals should relate to one (or more) of the conference themes
listed above.
Proposals for Colloquia:
Colloquia are collections of paper presentations which relate to a narrowly
defined topic of interest and are offered in a three-hour time block.
Proposals for colloquia are limited to 700 words and should include brief
summaries of each of the papers to be included, along with paper titles and
individual authors’ names. Sufficient detail should be provided to allow peer
reviewers to judge the scientific merit of the proposal. A chair/discussant
for the session must also be identified. The person submitting a proposal for
a colloquium is responsible for securing the permission and co-operation of
all participants before the proposal is submitted.
Proposals for Individual Papers or Posters:
Please submit an abstract (450-words including references) of your paper or
poster, with your name, affiliation, address, phone and email address at the
end of your abstract. The abstract should include enough detail to allow
reviewers to judge the scientific merits of the proposal.
The official language of the conference is English. If a presentation is based
on data in any other language, use of multilingual material (e.g. in Power
Point slides, handouts) is recommended.
Oral papers will be allotted 30 minutes, allowing 20 minutes for presentation
and 10 minutes for questions.
The abstracts for colloquia should be submitted HERE
The abstracts for papers and posters should be submitted HERE
Important Dates:
Submission for proposals for colloquia: 1 October, 2018.
Submission for individual papers or posters: 1 October, 2018.
Notification of acceptance of colloquia: 15 November, 2018.
Notification of acceptance of individual papers or posters: 15 November, 2018.
Reviewing of the abstracts
All abstracts will be peer-reviewed anonymously by the members of the
Scientific Committee of ICML XVII. They will be evaluated for their
contribution to the field, quality of the content, thematic relevance and
quality of the abstract (organization, clarity of expression).
We will accept for presentation by each author:
(a) a maximum of 1 first authored paper/poster, and (b) a maximum of 2
papers/posters in any authorship status.
Questions or Remarks:
Please visit the website http://www.icml.eu for regular updates on the ICML
conference. If you have any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to
contact the organizing committee: ICML at fryske-akademy.nl.
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