29.2860, Calls: Linguistic Theories, Semantics, Syntax, Typology/China
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Tue Jul 10 19:41:02 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2860. Tue Jul 10 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2860, Calls: Linguistic Theories, Semantics, Syntax, Typology/China
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté)
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Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 15:40:09
From: Éva Kardos [kardoseva at unideb.hu]
Subject: Beijing Argument Structure and Event Structure Workshop
Full Title: Beijing Argument Structure and Event Structure Workshop
Short Title: BASES
Date: 27-Oct-2018 - 27-Oct-2018
Location: Beijing, China
Contact Person: Éva Dékány
Meeting Email: dekany.eva at nytud.mta.hu
Web Site: http://seas3.elte.hu/bases/index.html
Linguistic Field(s): Linguistic Theories; Semantics; Syntax; Typology
Call Deadline: 22-Jul-2018
Meeting Description:
Argument structure and event structure are well known to be intimately
related: for instance, the projection of an incremental theme argument goes
hand in hand with event delimitation; and a dynamic event is a precondition
for the projection of an agent. Yet the relationship between argument
structure and event structure continues to be the subject of lively debate.
Several detailed proposals are on the market regarding the syntactic
representation of argument and event structure, typically informed by
neo-Davidsonian event semantics and often concentrated on the verbal system.
Less is known about argument structure and event structure in nominals,
although here, too, significant strides have been made in recent years. This
workshop aims to bring together a variety of perspectives on the relationship
between argument structure and event structure, looking at both verbal and
nominal constructs, and showcasing syntactic, semantic and interface
approaches. Its mission is to stimulate an integrated perspective on the
syntax and semantics of argument structure and event structure, and the syntax
and semantics of nominal and verbal constructs. The workshop welcomes
contributions on argument-structure alternations (incl. (anti)passivization,
middle formation, applicativization, (anti)causativization, the conative
alternation) and on nominalization.
Invited speakers:
Éva Kardos, University of Debrecen (Hungary)
Thomas Hun-tak Lee, Tianjin Normal University/The Chinese University of Hong
Haihua Pan, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Wei-Tien Dylan Tsai, National Tsinghua University (Taiwan)
This workshop will be taking place in the context of the 17th China
International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, spearheaded by the
journal Contemporary Linguistics, and organized by the Institute of
Linguistics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. CICCL17's sponsors are
the School of Foreign Languages of the Beijing Institute of Technology and the
Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages of the Chinese University of
Hong Kong. The BASES workshop is made possible in part by a bilateral research
mobility grant between the Institute of Linguistics of CASS and the Research
Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (co-PIs: Marcel
den Dikken & Jianhua Hu).
The conference is scheduled to be held at the Beijing Institute of Technology
(http://english.bit.edu.cn/), in Beijing, China, from 26 to 28 October 2018.
The BASES workshop itself will be a one-day event taking place on 27 October.
2nd Call for Papers:
Questions under discussion during the workshop include (but are not limited
- What are possible and impossible argument structures and event structures?
How rich can a single lexical head's argument structure be? Are the
restrictions on the number of arguments per head a direct function of the
restrictions on phrase structures?
- How much argument structure and event structure is there inside
nominal(ization)s? What is the nature and range of argument-structure
operations that can be performed in nominal constructs?
- If event nominals and gerunds have relatively large verbal substructures,
what is the identity of the nominal functional head that establishes the
'switch' between verbal and nominal structure?
What does the syntax of nominal(ization)s tell us about the functional
sequence and about categorization?
- Should syntax employ both 'little v' and Voice heads? If so, what is the
division of labor between the two? How do 'little v' and Voice play their part
in argument-structure alternations?
- Does 'little v' introduce an event-maximalization operator, and if so, what
are the constraints associated with this operator with regard to the various
participants in the eventuality? Where is the operator syntactically
represented, and what determines the distribution of overt exponence
of the operator? Is there evidence for different types of event
maximality/terminativity in language, and if so, does this have
argument-structural consequences?
- Are 'light verbs' (as in take a walk, give a sigh) exponents of the 'little
v' head in the functional sequence of verbal constructs? How large is the
internal structure of the nominal portion of 'light
verb constructions'? Are their event-structural properties contributed by the
nominal portion of the structure, its verbal part, or both (take five-minute
walks around the block for two hours)?
- Can 'little v' be realized by non-verbal aspectual particles such as up in
he ate the apple up, or se in Spanish se comio la manzana 'SE ate the apple'?
How does this se relate to the se in middles and reflexives, which is a
candidate for exponence of the Voice head?
- What is the relationship between 'take serial verb constructions' and
applicative constructions? Are these constructions in complementary
distribution cross-linguistically? If so, is there a (macro-/micro-)parameter
that can be held responsible for their distribution?
Abstracts are solicited for a limited number of 20-minute talks (followed by a
10-minute question period) and posters related to any aspect of the topic of
the workshop. Submissions from any theoretical framework are welcome as long
as they shed light on the relationship between argument structure and event
structure in the syntax and semantics of verbal and nominal constructs.
Contributions addressing typologically diverse languages are particularly
Abstracts should not exceed 2 pages in length, written in a font no smaller
than 12pt Times Roman, with 1-inch margins on all sides. All in-text
references to the literature should be included in a bibliography, for which a
third page may be used. Abstracts should be submitted electronically via
EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bases2018); for details,
please consult the workshop's website, at
http://seas3.elte.hu/bases/index.html .
The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to 22 July 2018.
Notifications of acceptance will be sent out no later than 15 September 2018.
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