29.2411, Calls: Discipline of Ling, Gen Ling/Brazil
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LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2411. Tue Jun 05 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2411, Calls: Discipline of Ling, Gen Ling/Brazil
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
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Editor for this issue: Sarah Robinson <srobinson at linguistlist.org>
Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2018 12:11:13
From: Miguel Oliveira Jr [miguel.oliveira.jr at gmail.com]
Subject: ABRALIN50
Full Title: ABRALIN50
Date: 02-May-2019 - 09-May-2019
Location: Maceió. Alagoas, Brazil
Contact Person: Associação Brasileira de Linguística
Meeting Email: abralin50 at abralin.org
Web Site: https://www.abralin.org/abralin50/
Linguistic Field(s): Discipline of Linguistics; General Linguistics
Subject Language(s): English (eng)
Portuguese (por)
Spanish (spa)
Call Deadline: 15-Jul-2018
Meeting Description:
The Brazilian Linguistics Association (ABRALIN) is celebrating its 50th
anniversary in 2019 with a special event: ABRALIN50. The event, which will
host the 11th International Congress of ABRALIN, the 24th ABRALIN’s Institute
and two satellite events (to be announced shortly) will take place beautiful
Maceió, Alagoas, Brazil, from May 02 to May 09, 2019.
The main objective of the 11th International Congress of ABRALIN is to address
fundamental issues for Linguistics today, instigating debates that facilitate
courses of actions in the area in face of the transformations in the
contemporary world. Moreover, the event also aims to promote propositional
dialogues between Linguistics and other areas of knowledge.
The ABRALIN Institute, with a long tradition in the history of our
Association, aims to contribute to the international colaboration and to the
qualification in the area of Linguistics. The Institute will offer a
selection of courses taught by renowned foreign and Brazilian specialists,
promoting the discussion, the dissemination and the sharing of the most recent
theoretical and methodological trends in the area of Linguistics.
ABRALIN invites the academic community in the area of Linguistics –
professionals, elementary and high school teachers, postgraduate and
undergraduate students, and any member of the community to celebrate its 50th
anniversary, with important discussions for the future of the area of
Linguistics in one of the the most beautiful regions of Brazil: Maceió,
Call for Proposals:
Special Sessions:
The organisers of ABRALIN50 invite proposals for special sessions covering
emerging topics, challenges, interdisciplinary research, or subjects that
could foster useful debate in linguistics. The theme of ABRALIN50 is
“Linguistics in Contemporaneity: debates, challenges and proposals”. Thus,
special sessions proposals related to the theme will be especially welcome.
Proposals that are related to the different theoretical areas represented by
ABRALIN will also be accepted, though. It is important to note that the
purpose of the special sessions is to promote advanced discussions on the
proposed topics; for this reason, the participation of experienced researchers
in these sessions is encouraged.
Special sessions will be 3 hours long. It is anticipated that these will
consist of 10 papers, each 15 minutes long, plus 30 minutes total at the end
of the session for discussion; however, organisers can also propose a
different format within this time slot. Proponents of special sessions should
organize and coordinate them.
Each proposed special session should contain the following information:
- The title of the proposed special session
- The name(s) and affiliations of the proposer(s), including contact
information and a brief biography of each organizer. The coordination of the
symposium should be composed of at most two specialists affiliated to
different national or international institutions.
- A summary (up to 800 words) of the session topic that describes its
importance, details the objective of the special session, and sets out the
session’s format. The summary should clearly explain why the topic is better
covered in a special session rather than a regular conference session.
- A list, if needed, of any extra or non-standard resources required to run
the session (for example, equipment, data, poster stands, etc.).
- The area of the special session, among those of the scientific committees.
The process of submitting special session proposals and details about their
evaluation and implementation are described below:
Special session proposers are invited to submit a proposal via email to:
abralin50 at abralin.org no later than 15 July 2018. Please put “Special Session
Proposal” in the subject line.
Proposals will be evaluated by the ABRALIN Scientific Committee for relevance
and significance. A very restricted number of special sessions will be
Notification of acceptance of special session is expected July 30, 2018.
Papers submitted to special sessions will go through the same anonymous review
process as regular papers, with session organizers assisting in reviewer
recruitment and assignment, and in the final paper decisions.
Special sessions which do not receive enough accepted papers will be
Organizers of special sessions should register for the event.
If you have any questions about ABRALIN50’s special sessions, please contact
abralin50 at abralin.org.
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