29.2413, Confs: Discourse Analysis, History of Ling, Ling & Lit, Pragmatics/Switzerland
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Tue Jun 5 16:13:00 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2413. Tue Jun 05 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2413, Confs: Discourse Analysis, History of Ling, Ling & Lit, Pragmatics/Switzerland
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Date: Tue, 05 Jun 2018 12:12:41
From: Federica Iurescia [federica.iurescia at sglp.uzh.ch]
Subject: Doing things with words on stage. Pragmatics and its use in ancient drama
Doing things with words on stage. Pragmatics and its use in ancient drama
Date: 04-Jul-2018 - 07-Jul-2018
Location: Zürich, Switzerland
Contact: Federica Iurescia Severin Hof
Contact Email: pragmaticsandancientdrama at gmail.com
Meeting URL: http://www.sglp.uzh.ch/de/aboutus/personen/martin/tragoedie.html
Linguistic Field(s): Discourse Analysis; History of Linguistics; Ling & Literature; Pragmatics
Subject Language(s): Greek, Ancient (grc)
Latin (lat)
Meeting Description:
The Greek word hypokritês and its English counterpart actor, taken together,
describe well the active nature of speech in language generally and drama in
particular: the characters on stage (and the actors for them) fight and strike
deals, they humiliate and elevate--both each other and themselves--, they
conceive plans and implement their intrigues, often through words alone.
Moreover, by speaking they convey to the audience an idea of their characters,
their concerns, and their relations. The study of language in its
context-specific use and the analysis of conversation grant access to this
dimension of the dramatic text; they permit going beyond the level of what is
said and giving relevance of the ways in which it is said.
This conference will explore the pragmatic dimension of Greek and Latin
dramatic texts, its use for literary interpretation, and the way it is
reflected upon. Its aim is to define the current state of the field, identify
future directions of research, and measure the potential of the contribution
that pragmatic analysis can bring to the study of ancient drama. We also
welcome papers that offer a comparative perspective with modern drama.
Organisers: Federica Iurescia, Severin Hof, Gunther Martin, Giada Sorrentino
Keynote address: Luigi Battezzato (Vercelli/Pisa)
Confirmed speakers include: P. Barrios-Lech (Boston), E. van Emde Boas
(Oxford), M. Lloyd (Dublin), L. Ricottilli (Verona), R. Raccanelli (Verona),
J. Rutger Allan (Amsterdam), L. Unceta Gómez (Madrid)
Wednesday 4 July
Room RAA-E-30, Rämistrasse 59
Welcome Address
Dr. Evert van Emde Boas (Oxford) “Mind style in Greek tragedy: pragmatics as
the key to characterisation”
Dr. Giada Sorrentino (Freiburg i. B.) “Kommunikation und Charakterisierung in
der Iphigenie in Aulis”
Dr. Laura Gianvittorio (Wien) “Performative narratives in early tragedy”
Room RAA-G-001, Rämistrasse 59
Keynote Speaker Lecture
Prof. Dr. Luigi Battezzato (Vercelli/Pisa) “The Politeness of Oedipus”
Thursday 5 July
Room RAA-E-30, Rämistrasse 59
PD Dr. Carlo Scardino (Düsseldorf) “Euripides: Von der Rhetorik zur Pragmatik”
Prof. Dr. Renata Raccanelli (Verona) “Appunti per una pragmatica della
comunicazione comica in Plauto”
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
Dr. Annemieke Drummen (Heidelberg) “Turn-taking in Ancient Greek drama:
linguistic forms and pragmatic goals”
Severin Hof (Zürich) “Dialogische Syntax im Prolog des sophokleischen Ajax”
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break
Sandra Piedrabuena (Sevilla) “Terms of address on right periphery in Greek
Prof. Dr. Ulrich Eigler (Zürich) “ A-parte-Szenen in der römischen Komödie”
15.30-16.00 Coffee Break
Prof. Dr. Licinia Ricottilli (Verona) “Gesto e parola nelle commedie di
Terenzio: alcuni spunti”
Dr. Evita Calabrese (Verona) “La pragmatica della gestualità nella tragedia di
Seneca”/“The pragmatics of gestures in Senecan drama”
Dr. Matteo Capponi (Lausanne) “Doing Things without Words on Stage. Quelques
scènes tragiques où geste et parole ne coïncident pas.”
Friday 6 July
Room RAA-E-30, Rämistrasse 59
Dr. Lavinia Scolari (Palermo) “Pragmatica della fraus. Codifica e decodifica
della simulatio nelle tragedie di Seneca”
Prof. Dr. Luis Unceta Gómez (Madrid) “The Politics of Manipulation. Politeness
and Insincerity in the language of Parasites and Courtesans in Plautus’
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
Marco Catrambone (Pisa) “Manipulating agreement in tragic dialogue”
Dr. Camille Semenzato (Zürich) “Pentheus und Dionysos in den Bakchen: die
Grenzen des klaren Dialogs”
12.30-14.00 Lunch Break
Prof. Dr. Michael Lloyd (Dublin) “Politeness and impoliteness in Aristophanes”
Prof. Dr. Peter Barrios-Lech (Boston) “Developments in Politeness from
Aristophanes to Menander”
Dr. Łukasz Berger (Poznán) “Face-work in the advice discourse in Plautus and
16.15-16.45 Coffee Break
Vanessa Zetzmann (Würzburg) “Failing Speech Acts and Silence in Greek Tragedy”
Dr. Smaro Nikolaidou-Arabatzi (Komotini/Thrace) “Doing things without words on
stage. The technique of silence in Greek tragedy”
Saturday 7 July
Room RAA-E-30, Rämistrasse 59
Dr. Rutger Allan (Amsterdam) “Negotiating common ground in dramatic dialogue.
The role of particles”
Prof. Dr. Anna Bonifazi (Köln) “Appearance, identity, rank, emotion: The
cognitive-pragmatic relevance of using (e)keinos and autos in tragedy”
Dr. Luuk Huitink (Leiden) ''CHORUS: What? for I know not yet what you will
say. ALCMAEON: Nor will you ever, if you interrupt.'' The Limit of Pragmatics
and the Art of Tragedy
Closing Remarks
E-mail: pragmaticsandancientdrama at gmail.com
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