29.2625, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Text/Corpus Linguistics, Translation/Spain
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Wed Jun 20 21:22:49 UTC 2018
LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2625. Wed Jun 20 2018. ISSN: 1069 - 4875.
Subject: 29.2625, Calls: Applied Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Text/Corpus Linguistics, Translation/Spain
Moderators: linguist at linguistlist.org (Damir Cavar, Malgorzata E. Cavar)
Reviews: reviews at linguistlist.org (Helen Aristar-Dry, Robert Coté,
Michael Czerniakowski)
Homepage: http://linguistlist.org
Please support the LL editors and operation with a donation at:
Editor for this issue: Everett Green <everett at linguistlist.org>
Date: Wed, 20 Jun 2018 17:18:14
From: Begoña Bellés-Fortuño [bbelles at uji.es]
Subject: Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses: Research and Profession
Full Title: Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses: Research and Profession
Date: 25-Oct-2018 - 26-Oct-2018
Location: Castellón, Spain
Contact Person: Begoña Bellés-Fortuño
Meeting Email: iulmaentretextos at uji.es
Web Site: http://www.fue.uji.es/entretextos2018
Linguistic Field(s): Applied Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Text/Corpus Linguistics; Translation
Call Deadline: 30-Jun-2018
Meeting Description:
We are pleased to announce the international conference on Multidisciplinary
and Multicultural Discourses: Research and Profession, which will be held by
the Interuniversity Institute for Modern Applied Languages (IULMA) at
Universitat Jaume I, Castellón, Spain (25 -26 October 2018).
The conference aims to bring together scholars, researchers and professionals
from different disciplinary backgrounds, especially language and communication
research and professional domains.
Register before Saturday 30 June to benefit from the Early Bird Registration
Presenting Authors:
All submitting authors have now been contacted via email with the outcome of
the reviewing process.
Presenters of abstracts are NOT automatically registered for the conference
and should register before Early Bird closes on Saturday 30 June 2018 to be
included in the programme.
Register online via the University's online shop at:
During the conference there will be three Plenary Sessions.
The following Keynote speakers have already been confirmed:
- Ruslan Mitkov (University of Wolverhampton. Professor of Computational
Linguistics. Head of the Research Group in Computational Linguistics).
- M. Carmen Valero Garcés (Universidad de Alcalá de Henares). Professor in
Translation and Interpretation. Head of the Research Group FITISPos®)
- Maria Luisa Carrió-Pastor (Universitat Politècnica de València. Professor in
Applied Linguistics. Head of the Applied Linguistics department at UPV)
Coffee breaks, Conference Dinner and guided Tour:
We hope speakers, delegates and guests will join us for Drinks and Dinner at
Voramar restaurant on the evening of Friday 26 October.
Hotel Voramar and Voramar Restaurant places you steps from Voramar Beach. Its
restaurant has superb views of the Mediterranean sea from its beautiful
seafront terraces. Voramar restaurant is an establishment with a remarkable
location where you can taste a variety of fresh, tasty and nourishing
fish.They also specialise in Mediterranean cuisine and national rice dishes
able to delight any passionate dinner.
Voramar restaurant: http://www.voramar.net/restaurante/#
The Coffee breaks are included in the delegate registration fee, the
Conference Dinner is extra (50€) and includes a visiting tour along the
beautiful colonial houses in Benicàssim, a nice walk along the sea promenade
from Hotel Voramar to El Torreón, the views of the sea on the one side and the
beautiful Villas on the other, a relaxing and pleasant walk that takes you
back to the end of the 19th century beginning of the 20th. A place where
well-known and renowned writers and journalists such as John Dos Passos,
Ernest Hemingway, André Malraux, Miguel Hernández and Josip Broz Tito among
others, spent some of their time here.
The Dinner tickets can be purchased during the registration process.
Las Villas tour:
Please note, the conference dinner is limited to 50 places.
2nd Call for Papers:
We are pleased to announce the Call for papers for the International
conference on Multidisciplinary and Multicultural Discourses: Research and
Profession, which will be hosted by the Interuniversity Institute for Modern
Applied Languages (IULMA) at Universitat Jaume I, Spain (25 – 26 October
At least two publications are intended after conference. A volume including
selected papers and a IULMA Monograph issue
You can find all the information below or on the conference website.
Conference website: http://www.fue.uji.es/entretextos2018
Contact: iulmaentretextos at uji.es
Instructions for Submissions:
Submissions should present either complete research or research in progress
where, at least, some relevant results have been obtained. Proposals can be
submitted to be delivered as:
- Individual papers (20m + 10m discussion)
- Poster
Submissions should be written according to the following guidelines:
Abstracts should include 250-300 words, excluding the word count for
The abstract will be submitted for review and should be formatted as follows:
- Surname, given name, affiliation, e-mail.
- Title, centred, bold, font Times New Roman 14 pts.
- Main text, justified, font Times New Roman 12 pts, linear interspacing 1.
- Keywords (max. 5), italics, font Times New Roman 12 pts.
- References.
The author(s) should assign the paper to one of the 5 specific panels
mentioned above and choose individual paper or poster presentation. Proposals
indicating IULMAENTRETEXTOS International Conference should be sent to:
iulmaentretextos at uji.es
Presentations are accepted in English, Spanish or Catalan. The deadline for
submissions is 20 April 2018.
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LINGUIST List: Vol-29-2625
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